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#1 Eclipse Phase: Olitus Memorias OOC and Chars

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 7:54 am
by Dark Silver
The OOC and Character Reference for Eclipse Phase PbP game

#2 Re: Eclipse Phase: Olitus Memorias OOC and Chars

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 8:16 am
by Dark Silver
Malakith "Mal" Edwardo
Background: Neanderthal Uplift

Gender: Male
Actual Age: 37

Career: Private Invstigator
Interest: Rogue

Faction: Titanian

Motivations: Personal Career, Neurodiversity, Wealth

--- o --- o --- o ---

Know Skills:
Uplift Culture - 75
Sociology - 45
Investigation - 60
Cartels - 30
Security Ops - 40
Faction: Titanian - 30

Active Skills
Atheltics (Swim) - 55
Deceive (Fast Talk) - 20
Exotic Skill - 0

Fray (Guns) - 50
Free Fall (Vacsuits) - 15
Guns (plasma weapons) - 70
Hardware (electronics) - 20

Infiltrate (hide) - 50
Infosec (VR hack) - 80
Interface (Sensors) - 70
Kinesics (Detect Deception) - 70
Medicine (Paramedic) - 20

Melee (Grapple) - 15
Perceive (Investigate) - 80
Persuade (Negotiate) - 60
Pilot (Land) - 15

Program (Malware) - 30
Provoke (Interrogate) - 40
Psi (Sense) - 15
Research (Deep Mesh) - 80
Survival (Track) - 45

--- o --- o --- o ---
@-Rep - 15English
C-Rep - 0Belter Creole
F-Rep - 0French
G-Rep - 20
I-Rep - 10
R-Rep - 10
X-Rep - 0

--- o --- o --- o ---


Mal was born on Titan, the Jovian moon prior to the Fall. His parents were what could have been considered middle class, and while he did not have a hard life, he was filled with curiosity. In schooling, he excelled at the computer sciences, and upon passing his academics, he chose to open his own Private Investigation firm. He made a small name for himself on Titan, as a man to go see when something was needed that might be less than legal - a reputation he fostered as it helped to drive him business, though he maintained his own lawfulness in that he used his reputation to solve the cases.

#3 Re: Eclipse Phase: Olitus Memorias OOC and Chars

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2020 6:58 pm
NPC 'cortical stack tac team'

Ruby Hoffman
Moshe Parks
Lawrence McDonald
Thomas Cisceros

#4 Re: Eclipse Phase: Olitus Memorias OOC and Chars

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 7:18 pm
B4UTRUST rolled 1d100 and got a total of 34:

#5 Re: Eclipse Phase: Olitus Memorias OOC and Chars

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 7:39 pm
B4UTRUST rolled 1d100 and got a total of 42:

#6 Re: Eclipse Phase: Olitus Memorias OOC and Chars

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2021 3:57 pm
by raulpascal
Jameson Sukarto
Background: Re-instated

Gender: Male
Actual Age: 28
Morph: Flat
Career: military

Faction: Hypercorp (rogue)

Motivations: Personal freedom, wealth, knowledge

COG 20, COO 15, INT 20, REF 10, SAV 20, SOM 10, WIL 10
--- o --- o --- o ---

Know Skills:
Academics: Economics 40
Academics: Mathematics 30
Academics: Psychology 40
Art: Cooking 30
Art: Drama 30
Interest: Wine 60
Interest: Pre-fall History 40
Interest: Inner System Rumors 50
Native English 90
French 60
Japanese 60
Mandarin 60
Tagalog 40
Profession: Social Engineering 60

Active Skills
Beam Weapons 20
Blades 60
Deception 60
Disguise 60
Free Fall 20
Impersonation 60
Infiltration 45
Kinetic Weapons 50
Palming 60
Protocol 60
Scrounging 50
Unarmed Combat 30
Hardware: electronics 30
Medicine (Paramedic) - 60
Autonomists 40
Criminals 40
Hypercorps 50
Media 40
Groundcar 30
Spacecraft 30

--- o --- o --- o ---
Positive Ego Traits:
Adaptability (lv 2)
Fast learner

--- o --- o --- o ---


Born on Earth prior to the Fall, Jameson was born to a family just barely above the poverty line. His father, a head waiter at a fancy restaurant catering to hypercorp execs, taught him what he could about food and wine, which allowed him to get a job serving the rich. His life on the street taught him the art of the con, as well as how to use a knife.

The last memories Jameson have before being re-inserted are banal ones from prior to the Fall. When he woke up in a new body, he found himself in possession of some skills as a paramedic and a fairly mediocre ability to shoot, indicating some military training during those lost years. It's possible those memories are backed up somewhere, and maybe he can recover them. But for now, he just wants to survive--and maybe get rich, if possible.

#7 Re: Eclipse Phase: Olitus Memorias OOC and Chars

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 10:02 pm
Muninn upper deck

Muninn Mid Deck

Muninn Cargo Deck