I'll probably change the title, but it's working well enough for now.
Okay, so here's the deal. Once Eclipse Phase is done, I'll be wanting to run Star Wars, using the Fantasy Flight Games edition of the game. So Edge of Empire, Age of Rebellion, and the Force and Destiny Beta are in. Of course, by the time the game starts, F&D may actually be in print, so there's that.
The game will be set roughly 1 year after the events of Episode IV: A New Hope. Force users are allowed, but I will point out that being a force user in this system is not horrifically broken like it is in so many others, and that normal people aren't exactly left in the dust here. Make whatever characters you want with the following considerations:
1. You get 100 post-character creation XP for now. I may choose to increase this, I may not, I want to see how the characters look before making a decision either way.
2. You get +10,000 credits OR a basic lightsaber in addition to normal starting credits.
3. Morality, Obligation, and Duty for character creation will all follow the same rule with regards to static benefits. No dumping Obligation or Duty to shitty levels for extra XP and credits. You get the following options: Start with a standard* amount and get either 10XP, 2500 credits, or 5xp and 1000 credits, or get a beneficial value for whatever your character will be using. (*Standard, in this case, is a lower Duty, higher obligation, or 50 morality.)
If you want your character to have character ties to another character before game start, hey great. If you all decide you want to be a crew from the jump, that's great. If not, I'll come up with something that should reasonably bring the group together.
With regards to Canon, my stance is as it's always been. If I don't like it, it's out. If I like it, it's in. Difficult to predict? Perhaps, but I'm okay with that. Here's how it will work. Original Trilogy? It's in. Prequels? Basic events are in, details are out. There was a clone war, Anakin became Darth Vader, etc. etc. Clone Wars show? Mostly in. Why only mostly? Because Arcs like THIS existed. Beyond that, it's going to be scattershot. Here's a good guideline though: If it was written after the year 2000, it's probably not going to make it in. Does this cut out a lot of the EU? Yeah, it does. Does it cut good parts while still allowing bad parts? Yes. This is why it's not a hard and fast rule. If you come to me with something from the EU, present the source material and I will decide if I like it or not. If I like it, it's in. If I'm neutral or on the fence about it, we can work something out. If it's something I just flat-out don't like, forget it.
There are some forty odd years of Star Wars canon of various levels of quality. I do not have an encyclopedic knowledge of it, and much of it is contradictory. Thus, a large section of it is going out the gorram fracking airlock just on principle. If I haven't stated that it explicitly exists, do not assume it does.
Just so I'm clear, that goes for the RPG books too. If the game books reference something that was also mentioned or even created by something I'm not fond of, I reserve the right to keep it, but excise the parts of the source I don't like.
But don't feel utterly limited and constrained by canon. This is Star Wars, it's a big galaxy. There are plenty of planets and stories to go around. Feel free to make one up and run it by me.
#2 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 1:14 pm
by Lys
For the record, starting at Knight level is officially +150 xp and +9000 credits (errata'd down from 10k) or basic lightsaber. There don't seem to be equivalent rules in EotE or AoR for advanced play.
#3 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 1:34 pm
by Hotfoot
I am aware of the rules as written, however...
#4 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 1:43 pm
by White Haven
*hands Hotfoot a ten*
Woulda been a twenty if she'd been the first catch.
#5 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 1:43 pm
by LadyTevar
Does that mean the Han Solo novels and the Lando Novels are in? They had some good planets and interesting races in there
#6 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 1:53 pm
by Hotfoot
Generally speaking, yes. It's been a long time since I've read them, but they were pretty solid all told.
#7 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 2:05 pm
by Lys
Why not just give players a blanket +10kc? Basic Lightsabers cost 9.3kc, so there would be 1200 credits left over for some basic stuff.
#8 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 2:11 pm
by Hotfoot
Well, in part, it's so that if certain players want to get their hands on a certain artifact that lets them use a concept for a force-using brawler without being horribly torn to shreds in close combat by the other maniacs with lightsabers, they can.
Also, it means it hurts a little more to start with a full-on lightsaber, which I'm fine with, because they start pretty powerful and get even more powerful as you go. The net loss for Jedi is not much in the grand scheme of things.
#9 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 3:51 pm
by Lys
The artefact costs 8kc, so I'm well covered under either scheme. The question is if I go with the other character concept. You said you would model a Lightfoil as a Shoto with a lower quality crystal, albeit fluffed as having the same length of blade as a normal saber. So does that count as starting with a lightsaber or are you going to let me buy it with credits?
#10 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 4:19 pm
by Hotfoot
If you're making a Jedi character, it will count as a basic Lightsaber Shoto.
#11 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:02 pm
by LadyTevar
Is Frigid gonna post in Wookiee again?
#12 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:21 pm
by Hotfoot
Given that the game is over Skype, probably not.
#13 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 7:29 pm
by LadyTevar
I don't have the books, but I'm interested in making a pilot. Mostly above-board shipping, leaves the Kessel Runs to those with more bravado than sense. Has very little to prove, just does her business and moves on. Speaks multiple languages, understands more. Smart enough to know when a cargo just ain't worth it, skilled enough to negotiate a better price. Doesn't seek out a fight, but will end what someone else starts (unless it's Imps, you never want to piss off an Imp.)
If GM decides we're all on one ship, I volunteer to be Captain (or Head Pilot aka Walsh)
#14 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 1:03 am
by Cynical Cat
White Haven wrote:*hands Hotfoot a ten*
Woulda been a twenty if she'd been the first catch.
*Fist bumps White Haven and Hotfoot because the outcome was never in doubt*
The Solo novels are good (and material is included all over Edge of the Empire) but the Calrissian novels weren't so hot (different author).
#15 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 6:23 am
by Hotfoot
As to the pecking order of the group, I'll leave that to the group to hash out amongst yourselves, and that may come at game time. It will do to remember that at least one person in the game has a history of killing captains that wouldn't let them finish a sentence, so keep that in mind when considering one's style of command.
That said, here's a list of the characters for which I have received solid indications behind:
CynCat - Force Mystic
Marcao - Engineer
ComradeTortoise - Consular
Rhoenix - Seeker/Starfighter Ace
Karrick - Assassin/+++
While Frigid, Havoc, White Haven, and Lys have all come up with a few concepts, none have really settled on one of them yet to the point where I can have an idea about where they are going to be coming from. Which is fair, as this is likely still a month or two out.
As far as a ship, well, suffice to say that I have something planned for that, but that plan could go to the wayside depending on how the group comes together before the game.
#16 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 6:52 pm
by rhoenix
If it helps for people's conceptualization, think of my character as a Scout with some talent behind the controls of a ship.
If someone makes a dedicated pilot character, you can likely make one better than mine - and as I probably won't be dipping much into other starfighter-ish specs in future, that gap will only widen in the game sessions to come.
#17 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:43 pm
by rhoenix
Name: Terek Magnus
Species: Human
Class: Seeker
Specializations: Hunter (Seeker), Starfighter Ace (Warrior)
Morality: 0
Terek never remembered where he was born or what planet he was from, but he does remember being taken from his parents, and taken by a kindly woman who taught him to be aware of and cautiously play with the Force while she gathered a few other young ones. He celebrated his fourth life-day a week after he arrived at the temple, spending time in the creche with the other younglings.
Two years later, he was on a field trip to the old temple on Dantooine with his teacher and the rest of their class when Order 66 was declared. One of the two clone soldiers accompanying them was killed as he attempted to kill the old Jedi, and the other was mortally wounded before he managed to kill her with his blaster. Several of the children had been killed or mortally wounded during the fight, leaving only Terek alive when the dust settled. He managed to get the ship online and into orbit over Dantooine, but lost consciousness before he could plot a course.
A scavenger ship found the now derelict ship a week later, a young poor couple attempting to scavenge a few items to sell when they found Terek. Treating his wounds, they took him with them after helping him properly bury the other younglings and their teacher. They went back to their settlement on an out of way star near the Unknown Regions named Oura, in a small village in a large, planet-wide wilderness. There, he learned to hunt and stalk, and he quietly exercised the few things he had learned as a four-year-old child from the short time he was with the Jedi.
Once he came of age, Terek sought his fortune as a pilot, taking small jobs in the Outer Rim for the last year, as the story begins.
Motivation: To become a Jedi
Morality Strength: Bravery
Morality Weakness: Recklessness
Force Powers:
*Enhance: (can roll an enhance power check as part of pool on athletics check, p201)
- control ^: enhance can be used with coordination checks
- control ^: enhance can be used with piloting: planetary checks
- control ^: enhance can be used with piloting: space checks
- ^: can commit one force point to increase agility by 1 (to a maximum of 6)
*Seek: (can spend a Force Point to gain insight into the direction of a previously encountered person or object, regardless of distance; can also spend a Force Point and succeed at an average Vigilance check (or opposed Vigilance vs. Discipline check) to see through illusions. p.212)
110 XP to start (base character creation XP)
-30 - agility from 2 to 3
-40 - agility from 3 to 4
-30 - presence from 2 to 3
-10 - buy out of class skill Cool at 1
100xp (character advancement XP, pre-game)
-10 - force power: enhance 10xp
-25 - force power: enhance (upgrades to give bonuses to piloting and agility) 25xp
-30 - out-of-class additional spec: starfighter ace
-5 - talent: Skilled Jockey (from Starfighter Ace)
-10 - increase Piloting: Space from 1 to 2 (in-class skill)
-10 - purchase Force power Seek (10xp)
-10 - purchase Mechanics and Astrogation at 1 each (both in-class skills)
money spent: 10500 (to start)
astromech - 8250
wing commander armored flightsuit 1500
heavy blaster pistol 700
reload for heavy blaster pistol 25
utility belt 25
#18 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:57 pm
by Karrick
To clarify Hotfoot's post, I'm looking at a character who is primarily a sneaky sniper/infiltrator but has a strong side of mechanical aptitude. The better for customizing gear... and airspeeders that explode when you turn them on. Or ram them into AT-STs.
I'd be open to starting off knowing one or more other PCs or otherwise being the (less oafish) Jayne to our pre-established crew.
#19 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 9:34 pm
by LadyTevar
HOTFOOT! You left me out!
Of course, I need to grab CT and get help building my Pilot
#20 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 9:41 pm
by Lys
Incidentally, if anyone wants to play a race that's not available FFG Star Wars uses a pretty straightforward formula for building races. As far as I can tell, they all add up 300 xp (+/- 5). Take a human for example: All abilities at 2 is 180 xp (6x10 + 6x20), using 10+Ability for Wound/Strain Thresholds is free, then two skills is 5 xp each is 10 xp, and 180 + 10 + 110 starting xp = 300 xp. Now wookies: One ability at 3 is 60 xp, four abilities at 2 is 120 xp, and one ability at 1 is 10 xp, adding up to 190 xp. +4 to WT is 20 xp, while -2 to ST refunds 10 xp, for a total cost of 10 xp on thresholds. One rank in brawl is 5 xp, the wookie rage is another 5 xp, and they get 90 free xp for a total of 190 + 10 + 10 + 90 = 300 xp. I could go on, but they're all like that. If you measure up a race builds starting out at 0 in all Abilities, and 10+Brn/Wil for thresholds, then count 5xp for all ranks in skills, racial abilities, and increases or decreases in thresholds, you'll always get 300 xp (+/- 5). Pretty neat, no?
#21 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:23 pm
by Hotfoot
Lys wrote:Incidentally, if anyone wants to play a race that's not available FFG Star Wars uses a pretty straightforward formula for building races. As far as I can tell, they all add up 300 xp (+/- 5). Take a human for example: All abilities at 2 is 180 xp (6x10 + 6x20), using 10+Ability for Wound/Strain Thresholds is free, then two skills is 5 xp each is 10 xp, and 180 + 10 + 110 starting xp = 300 xp. Now wookies: One ability at 3 is 60 xp, four abilities at 2 is 120 xp, and one ability at 1 is 10 xp, adding up to 190 xp. +4 to WT is 20 xp, while -2 to ST refunds 10 xp, for a total cost of 10 xp on thresholds. One rank in brawl is 5 xp, the wookie rage is another 5 xp, and they get 90 free xp for a total of 190 + 10 + 10 + 90 = 300 xp. I could go on, but they're all like that. If you measure up a race builds starting out at 0 in all Abilities, and 10+Brn/Wil for thresholds, then count 5xp for all ranks in skills, racial abilities, and increases or decreases in thresholds, you'll always get 300 xp (+/- 5). Pretty neat, no?
Assuming the GM approves, of course.
#22 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:24 pm
by Hotfoot
LadyTevar wrote:HOTFOOT! You left me out!
Of course, I need to grab CT and get help building my Pilot
You mentioned your character concept in the thread. I was filling in the rest.
#23 Re: Star Wars: Cost of Hope
Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:39 am
by Hotfoot
Here is a sample character made under the current rules.