BSG is what got me thinking along these lines, but there are other boardgames out there. Some of these would probably be simple, straightforward battle games, something like BSG would probably have a certain RP element attached. After all, we'd have to figure out who the dastardly cylon is.
Doing it PBP would probably require a moderator over the game. I'm up for that for a BSG game, for example. I figure I'd set the board and so on and post screencaps of results. I'm no VASSAL expert, so y'all would have to bear with my learning curve.
Do we have an interest?
#2 Re: VASSAL forum games
Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 7:30 pm
by frigidmagi
I'm not sure how this would work, but yeah sure why not?
#3 Re: VASSAL forum games
Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 7:34 pm
by Josh
Basically, you'd have one of the characters from the show. I'd have the master game on my system and inform you of what you have in terms of resources as well as keep the thread in general up to date with screencaps of the board.
The tricky part is because it's a sequential game so we'd be relying on people to play out sequentially, which could lead to some protracted waits.
There's also a network version where we could just skype it. That might be more interesting to folks.
Also, the BSG module is fucking cool. I was just tinkering with the board, dropped a basestar in front of Galactica and it suddenly starts playing a sound file of Gaeta calling action stations and setting condition one throughout the ship.
#4 Re: VASSAL forum games
Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 6:07 pm
by Hotfoot
The BSG board game is great fun, but it may lose something from not having people right there to gauge people in person. If everyone has webcams, that may help, but it means another piece of hardware that not everyone has.
I'd love to get some X-Wing action going via VASSAL, because damn that game is fun. Of course VASSAL is a very obtuse system and I've yet to figure it out.
#5 Re: VASSAL forum games
Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 8:51 pm
by Josh
X Wing could be cool. I've never played it, but I'm wide open if we can figure it out.
#6 Re: VASSAL forum games
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 9:03 am
by Josh
Okay, after last night's discussion I'm going to see what we can throw together on this. I'll study up on Vassal so we can figure out how to use it properly.
The one night I'm generally free on is Wednesday night. BSG was the first game that came up, but there are others I'll see if we can do. X Wing was a possibility, and then there are other games I'm looking at like FFG's Space Hulk card game. One that I've had sitting on my desk here for a while is called Chrononauts, it's a card game where the players are essentially time agents trying to rearrange history to their preferred timeline.
I'll start digging in on all that over the next few days. As a general thing, are Wednesdays good for most folks?
#7 Re: VASSAL forum games
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 2:44 pm
by Josh
Looks fairly doable, though I'm curious as to how to properly do the crisis checks to keep somebody from counting the cards and prematurely revealing our Cylons. Will research a bit more.
Also of potential interest to the assembled: there's a VASSAL module for Battlefleet Gothic.
#9 Re: VASSAL forum games
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 2:59 pm
by Josh
Star Trek Tactical Combat Simulator...
#10 Re: VASSAL forum games
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 3:01 pm
by Josh
Ooooh, the original Starship Troopers boardgame from Avalon Hill. I played the living shit out of that game back in the day. It was so cool, you actually mapped out your underground hives out of sight of the other player and then while the clueless MIs were ambling about looking for shit to kill you popped out of the ground and ate the fuck out of them.
#11 Re: VASSAL forum games
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 3:07 pm
by Josh
Also it supports PBEM.
Totally gonna be looking for some dance partners for Chaos in the Old World.
#12 Re: VASSAL forum games
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 5:39 pm
by Cynical Cat
Josh wrote:Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuulian
Star Trek Tactical Combat Simulator...
I have fond memories of that, but it's not a great game. Battlefleet Gothic is better.
Does it have Lords of Waterdeep?
#13 Re: VASSAL forum games
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 9:02 pm
by Josh
Nope. There's an IOS port and an Android port on the way, though.
#14 Re: VASSAL forum games
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 12:18 pm
by Josh
I'll be finishing out around 8-ish CST tonight then bouncing on the Skype from my office to see who's up.
#15 Re: VASSAL forum games
Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 6:15 pm
by Hotfoot
Slightly diversionary, but Humble Bundle has a board game bundle right now including Small World and Talisman.