#1 Earthdawn: A Crash Course
Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:10 am
Okay, I am running an Earthdawn game on Skype, only most of y'all never played. So this a quicky crash course to get you into the groove.
Let's get started on crunchy.
Namegivers: Namegivers are the player races of Earthdawn. They are called this because what they have in common is giving things names and names are magic. Knowing the true name of something or someone is the gateway to power over them/it. The races are:
Dwarf, short, bearded, loyal, gifted organizers with a gift for building large scale groups. Dwarves have has a group alot of political power in Barsaive based on their administrative abilities and their economic juice. The Dwarf Kingdom of Thoral is the most powerful native kingdom and the center of resistance to Thera (more on that later). Dwarves also have heat vision which comes in handy in the dark or underground.
Elves, before the Scourge elvenkind was bound together in a vast cultural Empire ruled by the Queen of Wyrm Wood (think kinda like the Japanese Emperor/Pope) that Empire was shattered by the pride of that Queen. Elves are tall, pretty and quick and prefer to live in open spaces. Most Elves follow a spirital tradition called the Wheel of Life that has 5 paths, allowing for self growth and perfection. Elves are big on perfection the snooty bastards. Elves have low light vision.
Humans, known for being flexible but otherwise kinda... average. You find them living in mixed communities with other races more often then not. Humans can learn a talent from other classes (called Disciplines)
Obsidimen, Rockpeople born from magic rocks called Life Rocks. Their clans are all Obsidimen born from the same Life Rock, they are called Brotherhoods. Despite the mascline names for their race and organization, Obsidimen have no gender. They are even tempered, somewhat slow and inflexible but powerful. If they get angry... Be somewhere else. Obsidimen have natural armor.
Orks, long ago Orks were used as a slave race by other Namegivers. Never again. Orks value freedom and are passionate and quick tempered. As a result of their passions (which can dominate them sometimes) and their lust for freedoms, they don't organize very often but that doesn't mean they can't. Recently the Orks reclaimed Cara Fahd, their ancestor homeland and they are gonna keep it even if it means over your dead body. Ork passions are represented by something called Gahad, which can be a trigger to some impressive rages. Orks also have low light vision.
Trolls, tall, strong, horned and fanged and giving no fucks about your shit. They are the tallest namegiver race and only an Obsidiman can really outmuscle them. They live in Clans organized into alliances called Moots. Long ago the majority of the Troll race was driven upon the mountain peaks. Their response was to build airships and go aviking on everyone. Today you can find Trolls in all sorts of communities but the mountain Troll Clans of the Twilight peaks remain. Trolls tend to place a great store in their personal honor and go to lengths to defend it. Trolls also have heat vision.
T'skrang, lizardpeople with a great love for the water. They are flamboyant, colorful and sometimes boastful. They live in tightly knit communities called Nialls which are a combination of corporation and large extended families. Know for their love of drama, sharp trading abilities, brightly colored skins and large tails. They also tend to be matriarchal and are only known Namegiver race to lay eggs. Fun Fact, the gender of a T'skang is not actually revealed until puberty. T'skrang can use their tails in combat, striking people with it as if it was a 3rd leg. T'skrang martial arts fight are amazing to watch!
Windlings, small, winged people that average about 18 inches in height. They are small and frail but hey... They can fly. They are freewheeling and known for their love of pranks. Their society is somewhat haphazard. They have astral sight (magic vision) and get a bonus for being hard to hit.
Disciplines are character classes. In Earthdawn all the character classes have access to magical abilities called talents. Keep in mind, while not all classes are spellcasters, all players have access to magical power.
Air Sailor, sail the seas? Why limit yourself? Air Sailors are the bold and hardy men of the air fleets. They man the ships that cut through the very air itself above everyone's head living life freely. Mobile, good in a fight and tough, they make good fighters but their main preoccupication is living and working on the great airships that are the backbone of civilization.
Archer, Robin Hood was a wuss. You are the living example of accuracy, precision, perception and speed. A fully realized Archer can pin a fly to the wall at 500 meters... And not kill it. While the bow (or crossbow) is your true love, any ranged weapon is death in your hands.
Beastmaster, you call to the beasts of the wood and the field... And they obey. Totally at home in the wilderness, you bond with and command a number of animal companions to do your bidding. Just remember, these aren't just companions, they're family.
Cavalryman, on foot you are a dangerous man. On your mount (which doesn't have to be a horse) you are a fucking natural disaster made flesh. Fast, brutal and terrifying, you are the nobility of the open battlefield. You are the very ideal that mounted warriors throughout history have striven to reach.
Elementalist, Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Wood! These are your tools and weapons as a spell caster. You seek to understand the power and wisdom of the elements that make up the world around you... And use them to beat the crap out of those who deserve it.
Illusionist, there is no spoon? Ha! You're not really here! There is no reality and I'll prove it. Not everything you do is an illusion, but good luck to everyone else trying to figure out what's real and what isn't. Your very existance means confusion and doubt to your enemies. Soon followed by pain.
Nethermancer, you study the other planes of existence and the spirits that dwell therein. Your studies have granted you powers and secrets that would drive lesser Namegivers MAD!!! Nethermancers are spell casters with access to spells both wonderful and gross, not to mention pants shittingly terrifying.
Scout, someone's got to go first and that's you. You're a tracker, a huntsmen in the dark places of the world. No matter where you go though you are at home. Even in the very living room of your enemies. People have trouble finding you unless you let them, but you can always find who you're looking for.
Sky Raiders, you're a turbo charged magical paratrooper. Using your magical abilities you fly your airships far and wide, taking whatever you want, whenever you want. In short, even inland no one is safe because these Vikings can fly.
Swordmaster, buckle your swash son. Charismatic, fast and awesome, your master of the blade makes you a fighter to be feared. But it's not enough to just bumble into victory, you do it with style and flair. A fight is not just a fight, it's a performance to show off your skill and daring.
Thief, you are sly, skilled and sneaky. You can get in anywhere and bring out anything that strikes your fancy. You're the greatest of freelance treasure hunter specialists and you know it.
Troubadour, let me tell you a story or 3. You know the histories and stories of the world and use them to tell the great truths of the world. You can always hold people's attention and you love every minute.
Warrior, you are a soldier and the front line slugger of the world. You are tougher, badder and more hardcore when it comes to violence. No else gots the heart to come down into the street with you.
Weaponsmith, it's not enough to beat people up with magic weapons (which you can totally do). You know how to make them. You understand weapons inside and out and as such you can get the most of them.
Wizard, you study. You learn. You got magic out of the ass. You can kill people with your huge brain. No one is ever gonna make a bookworm joke to your face twice, you know that much.
Let's get started on crunchy.
Namegivers: Namegivers are the player races of Earthdawn. They are called this because what they have in common is giving things names and names are magic. Knowing the true name of something or someone is the gateway to power over them/it. The races are:
Dwarf, short, bearded, loyal, gifted organizers with a gift for building large scale groups. Dwarves have has a group alot of political power in Barsaive based on their administrative abilities and their economic juice. The Dwarf Kingdom of Thoral is the most powerful native kingdom and the center of resistance to Thera (more on that later). Dwarves also have heat vision which comes in handy in the dark or underground.
Elves, before the Scourge elvenkind was bound together in a vast cultural Empire ruled by the Queen of Wyrm Wood (think kinda like the Japanese Emperor/Pope) that Empire was shattered by the pride of that Queen. Elves are tall, pretty and quick and prefer to live in open spaces. Most Elves follow a spirital tradition called the Wheel of Life that has 5 paths, allowing for self growth and perfection. Elves are big on perfection the snooty bastards. Elves have low light vision.
Humans, known for being flexible but otherwise kinda... average. You find them living in mixed communities with other races more often then not. Humans can learn a talent from other classes (called Disciplines)
Obsidimen, Rockpeople born from magic rocks called Life Rocks. Their clans are all Obsidimen born from the same Life Rock, they are called Brotherhoods. Despite the mascline names for their race and organization, Obsidimen have no gender. They are even tempered, somewhat slow and inflexible but powerful. If they get angry... Be somewhere else. Obsidimen have natural armor.
Orks, long ago Orks were used as a slave race by other Namegivers. Never again. Orks value freedom and are passionate and quick tempered. As a result of their passions (which can dominate them sometimes) and their lust for freedoms, they don't organize very often but that doesn't mean they can't. Recently the Orks reclaimed Cara Fahd, their ancestor homeland and they are gonna keep it even if it means over your dead body. Ork passions are represented by something called Gahad, which can be a trigger to some impressive rages. Orks also have low light vision.
Trolls, tall, strong, horned and fanged and giving no fucks about your shit. They are the tallest namegiver race and only an Obsidiman can really outmuscle them. They live in Clans organized into alliances called Moots. Long ago the majority of the Troll race was driven upon the mountain peaks. Their response was to build airships and go aviking on everyone. Today you can find Trolls in all sorts of communities but the mountain Troll Clans of the Twilight peaks remain. Trolls tend to place a great store in their personal honor and go to lengths to defend it. Trolls also have heat vision.
T'skrang, lizardpeople with a great love for the water. They are flamboyant, colorful and sometimes boastful. They live in tightly knit communities called Nialls which are a combination of corporation and large extended families. Know for their love of drama, sharp trading abilities, brightly colored skins and large tails. They also tend to be matriarchal and are only known Namegiver race to lay eggs. Fun Fact, the gender of a T'skang is not actually revealed until puberty. T'skrang can use their tails in combat, striking people with it as if it was a 3rd leg. T'skrang martial arts fight are amazing to watch!
Windlings, small, winged people that average about 18 inches in height. They are small and frail but hey... They can fly. They are freewheeling and known for their love of pranks. Their society is somewhat haphazard. They have astral sight (magic vision) and get a bonus for being hard to hit.
Disciplines are character classes. In Earthdawn all the character classes have access to magical abilities called talents. Keep in mind, while not all classes are spellcasters, all players have access to magical power.
Air Sailor, sail the seas? Why limit yourself? Air Sailors are the bold and hardy men of the air fleets. They man the ships that cut through the very air itself above everyone's head living life freely. Mobile, good in a fight and tough, they make good fighters but their main preoccupication is living and working on the great airships that are the backbone of civilization.
Archer, Robin Hood was a wuss. You are the living example of accuracy, precision, perception and speed. A fully realized Archer can pin a fly to the wall at 500 meters... And not kill it. While the bow (or crossbow) is your true love, any ranged weapon is death in your hands.
Beastmaster, you call to the beasts of the wood and the field... And they obey. Totally at home in the wilderness, you bond with and command a number of animal companions to do your bidding. Just remember, these aren't just companions, they're family.
Cavalryman, on foot you are a dangerous man. On your mount (which doesn't have to be a horse) you are a fucking natural disaster made flesh. Fast, brutal and terrifying, you are the nobility of the open battlefield. You are the very ideal that mounted warriors throughout history have striven to reach.
Elementalist, Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Wood! These are your tools and weapons as a spell caster. You seek to understand the power and wisdom of the elements that make up the world around you... And use them to beat the crap out of those who deserve it.
Illusionist, there is no spoon? Ha! You're not really here! There is no reality and I'll prove it. Not everything you do is an illusion, but good luck to everyone else trying to figure out what's real and what isn't. Your very existance means confusion and doubt to your enemies. Soon followed by pain.
Nethermancer, you study the other planes of existence and the spirits that dwell therein. Your studies have granted you powers and secrets that would drive lesser Namegivers MAD!!! Nethermancers are spell casters with access to spells both wonderful and gross, not to mention pants shittingly terrifying.
Scout, someone's got to go first and that's you. You're a tracker, a huntsmen in the dark places of the world. No matter where you go though you are at home. Even in the very living room of your enemies. People have trouble finding you unless you let them, but you can always find who you're looking for.
Sky Raiders, you're a turbo charged magical paratrooper. Using your magical abilities you fly your airships far and wide, taking whatever you want, whenever you want. In short, even inland no one is safe because these Vikings can fly.
Swordmaster, buckle your swash son. Charismatic, fast and awesome, your master of the blade makes you a fighter to be feared. But it's not enough to just bumble into victory, you do it with style and flair. A fight is not just a fight, it's a performance to show off your skill and daring.
Thief, you are sly, skilled and sneaky. You can get in anywhere and bring out anything that strikes your fancy. You're the greatest of freelance treasure hunter specialists and you know it.
Troubadour, let me tell you a story or 3. You know the histories and stories of the world and use them to tell the great truths of the world. You can always hold people's attention and you love every minute.
Warrior, you are a soldier and the front line slugger of the world. You are tougher, badder and more hardcore when it comes to violence. No else gots the heart to come down into the street with you.
Weaponsmith, it's not enough to beat people up with magic weapons (which you can totally do). You know how to make them. You understand weapons inside and out and as such you can get the most of them.
Wizard, you study. You learn. You got magic out of the ass. You can kill people with your huge brain. No one is ever gonna make a bookworm joke to your face twice, you know that much.