Notable Personnel:
Commanding Officer: khre'Riov Ishtar i-Nalim Charvanek (Rihannsu)
Poised, well bred, and soft spoken, she is a remarkably attractive woman with long auburn hair, deep blue eyes, medium height, and an athlete's build. Many men and women have found themselves enthralled by her glittering gaze and seductive smile. Ishtar is the daughter of Head of Rihannsu Security Liviana Charvanek and Praetor Devoras Narviat, grand-niece of both Imperatrix Ael and Imperator Shiarkiek through her mother, cousin to Shiarkiek's successor by her marriage, and to the Cretaks by her younger brother's.
Born and raised as part of the Rihannsu ruling elite, Ishtar was taught and trained by some of the best minds of the Empire. She proved herself an intelligent and quick witted girl, with a talent for manipulating people and bending them to her will. Her parents and tutors would help refine, hone, and sharpen this talent until Ishtar grew to use it with tremendous skill, guile, and ruthlessness. Yet it is not ambition that drove the young woman to join the Grand Fleet, but a powerful and overriding sense of duty. A duty to protect the Star Road of the People against both its enemies, and the petty machinations of her peers. To that end, by the time she earned her first commission, Ishtar had already cultivated a network of social and political contacts that she would effectively leverage to advance her own career.
Due to her internal political focus, Ishtar was little known outside the Empire. Within it her considerable skill at seduction in all its forms - social, sexual, emotional, intellectual - quickly earned her influence and renown, as well as a reputation as something of a vamp. She was a woman in the know, and this lead her to develop contacts with the Tal Shiar, Tal Diann, and Rihannsu Security. Perhaps most impressively, Ishtar Charvanek successfully created a myth of being estranged from her own family, attracting both friends and enemies of the regime.
Consequently, Ishtar and her small power base survived the Six Year's Crisis (2374-2380) that started with the assassination of Imperator Shiarkiek and Praetor Narviat, the internal exile Liviana Charvanek, and similar fates for many other members of her family. She had by then attained a command of her own, the ChR
Triumphus, carefully crewed with skilled individuals loyal to her. She fought well in the Dominion War, garnering valuable combat experience and battle merits.
After the Dominion War, Ishtar kept close to home, rooting out and turning foreign agents, whose foul influence she believed responsible for the political instability plaguing her people. It was perhaps on account of this shadow war, waged and won by many like her, that Starfleet was completely blind sided by Shinzon's coup. Ishtar successfully weathered the Mad Praetor's short reign, and once his co-conspirator and successor Ta'Aura had been assassinated, the Crisis ended. The Charvanek family returned to prominence, with Liviana coming back from exile and elevated to the new Continuing Committee.
After being given command of the Valdore-class Warbird
Imperatrix Ael t'Rllaillieu, Ishtar went on to witnessed a golden era. Over the next decade, the Latasam Stelai Rom'lnz expanded its frontiers, absorbing new worlds and new civilizations, boldly scheming where no Rihannsu had schemed before. With it steadily advanced Ishtar Charvanek's clout and ambition, slowly growing with all the care and ruthlessness that had long served her well. Then the Borg came, and it all crashed down around her, burnt to ash and crushed to nothing under the weight of their drones.
Two actions stand out during those early days of apocalyptic war. The first was the evacuation of the industrial world Hephaestus, one of the largest Havrannsu colonies. As a large Borg task force approached the planet, its evacuation focused primarily on the planet's small Rihannsu population. Despite her personal distaste for her race's twisted offshoots, Charvanek personally redirected evacuation efforts towards the Havrannssu population, even drawing ships away from small Rihannsu colonies, and forcing compliance with her directives at gunpoint. Thanks to her efforts a great many Havrannsu were saved who would have otherwise been left to perish. This act of
noblesse oblige was not well regarded among her peers, but word of it yet spreads among the surviving Havrannssu. The second was her gallant and daring rescue of a retreating
Artefactor-class fleet tender by taking an ad-hoc warbird squadron and charging it back into the teeth of the Borg.
Beyond that there is little else to say. Time and time again Ishtar proved herself a survivor, emerging from doomed battle after doomed battle practically unscathed. She fights tenaciously but carefully, wearing down her prey like a wolf wears down a moose, and retreating as soon as the odds turn too far against her. While competent in her own right, Ishtar's success lies in her knack for finding talented officers and making them work well together. She can thus avail herself of the her retainers' skills to make up for any shortcomings in her own.
In the seventh year of the war, khre'Riov Ishtar i-Nalim Charvanek finds herself a relatively obscure officer, bereft of the society that gave her renown, power, and influence. She is more notable for the famous starship she commands than for her own deeds. Nevertheless, she commands a powerful ship, a solid and competent crew, and the drive to fight the Borg to the bitter end. The seed of greatness is still there, and in time perhaps, her name shall once more shine like the stars.
Executive Officer: Captain Mirai of House Makok (Klingon)
Originally the captain of General Denkara's flagship
Khanjar, she became first officer after the General lost her task force at the Battle of Earth. Though Mirai opposed Denkara's suicidal final orders, she did nothing to stop her, and feels guilty for failing her duty as second in command in not removing an unstable commanding officer. It is on account of this that Mirai refused to take charge of
Khanjar, and threw her full support behind Charvanek as soon as it was honourable to do so. In Mirai's mind only the khre'Riov is worthy of leading them. Charvanek, in turn, refused to allow Mirai to resign as first officer, finding her administrative acumen and command skills too valuable to lose. Mirai is a workaholic, and the reports of her having any hobbies besides the ship appear to be greatly exaggerated.
Chief Engineer: erei'Riov
Velentr ir-Närke tr'Vitege (Rihannsu)
Older Rihannsu man, tall and lanky, who is more machine than man, with cybernetic eyes, limbs, and seemingly everything else. tr'Vitege accumulated his many implants through a multitude of injuries arising from an enthusiastically hands on approach to solving engineering problems, as well as a tendency to attack any enemy who dare come close to
his reactor. Despite the man's eccentric behaviour, and a sense of humour that tends toward irreverent and disturbing, he is a brilliant engineer and a wizard at systems integration. The crew would probably appreciate him more if only he'd stop joking that he's the only one aboard who requires no assimilation. A small mercy then that tr'Vitege's implants look nothing like the Borg's, eschewing matte black for gold-trimmed shiny and chrome.
His second in command, khre'Arrain Herva t'Alvitr is the one who actually manages most of the day-to-day administration of the engineering department. tr'Vitege lauds her as the best engineer he's ever met, and openly admits that his department would be a disorganized mess without her. If not for the war, it's likely he would be retired to a research post, and she Chief Engineer in his stead. She doesn't seem bothered by this, and there are hints t'Alvitr may have feelings for her boss.
Weapons Officer: Riov Menhit il-Aeron t'Keres (Rihannsu)
A physically unremarkable exemplar of her race, seemingly average in all respects, but sharp and dexterous of mind and limb. A childhood friend of Charvanek's and her former executive, she came up the ranks as a gunnery officer and is a gifted and exemplary tactician. Her particular skill at directing weapons fire at just the right place and moment makes her well suited for her commanding officer's hit and fade tactics. t'Keres had beforehand been on the fast track to get her own command, and is not happy about her demotion to weapons officer, but understands that under the present exigences that's where she is needed. On the plus side, Ishtar continues to enjoy Menhit's company, and they share much of their off-duty time.
Operations Officer: Commander Fulla Sigrun (Klingon)
Commoner Klingon elevated into the officer ranks via battlefield commission during the brief Klingon-Federation War of 2372-73. She's a taciturn no-nonsense officer on duty, and a jovial raconteur off duty. Efficient and easy to get along with, her service record is practically spotless and full of consistent, if mild, praise. Somehow pretty by both Klingon and Rihannsu standards, she has gently rebuffed the advances of multiple other members of the crew. The Commander was the second most strident voice for executing Charvanek, but has warmed up to her in the intervening time period. Fulla has a beautiful singing voice that compliments Ishtar's well, and they make a charming duet.
Helm and Navigation: Junior Lieutenant Danica and Senior Lieutenant Vecernja, both of House Zorya (Klingon)
A deceptively small woman, Danica possesses frighteningly fast reflexes and the muscle memory to use them with deadly effectiveness. Even blind drunk, pregnant, and squatting down to piss, she could still disembowel four men before the first hit the floor. None know the
Khanjar's manoeuvring characteristics quite like she does. Danica was too busy piloting the ship to notice Denkara's murder initially, and her professionalism kept her from doing anything until the ship was out of danger. Once the argument over the matter started, she was the strongest voice for executing khre'Riov Charvanek. Danica is still bitter about it, but her pride demands she continue to do her utmost at her post. Her more intellectual and less violent cousin, Senior Lieutenant Vecernja, is the ship's navigator. They like painting astral phenomena together.
Legion Captain: erei'Riov
Erlik Kyzaghan (Havrannssu)
Hardened infantry officer with an intellectual and philosophical side.
Intelligence Officer: khre'Arrain
Moros i-Nyx Erebos (Rihannsu)
A sinister looking man with a scarred face, Moros Erebos is the Tal Diann officer assigned to the
Imperatrix Ael t'Rllaillieu in order to keep an eye on Ishtar Charvanek, the Tal Shiar agent infiltrated into the Tal Diann so as to keep an eye on Ishtar Charvanek, and the House Charvanek retainer hidden inside the Tal Shiar to blind the eyes kept on Ishtar Charvanek.
Ship's Advisor: Dahar Master Murugan the Dour (Klingon)
Considered "first among equals" of the Dahar Masters aboard
Khanjar, Murugan is an old giant of a man who never seems pleased about anything. He rarely drinks, and all his stories are as magnificent as they are tragic. Nevertheless his prowess in battle is well known and respected, as is his wisdom and sound judgement. With no formal posting on the ship, Murugan prefers to fight with the
Khanjar's infantry contingent, but on occasion appears on the bridge to dispense tactical and strategic advice. When Murugan speaks, all listen. He is quite impressed by Charvanek's exceptional discipline and focus, and unhesitatingly provides her with much needed support. Murugan posses an ill-disguised passion for dancing, and rumours of something resembling a smile spread whenever someone catches him in the act.
The Twins: Nerio and Attis (Rihannsu)
A girl and boy picked up by khre'Riov Charvanek from a refugee convoy in the first year of the war. She refuses to discuss the circumstances behind their coming aboard the
Imperatrix. Ishtar simply beamed back aboard with the two of them in tow, brought them to the Havrannsu commanding officer, and left him with the twins and simple instructions, "These two will be bunking here. Make a warrior out of the girl, and let no harm come to the boy."
Two Rihannsu youths left in the care of Havrannsu could normally not expect the kindest of treatments, but the Havrannsu's loyalty to Charvanek ensured that they did not stray too far from the letter and spirit of her instructions. Five years later, Nerio had indeed grown into a fearsome warrior: tall, broad, and heavily muscled, with short bleached-white hair, and dark eyes that burn like coal embers. On the eve of the Battle of Earth, Ishtar made Nerio her personal guard and assistant. The young woman has since only strayed from the Riov's side to train with the Dahar Masters.
The brother, Attis, is his sister's polar opposite. Small and lithe in build, almost fragile, with long dark hair, and light soft eyes. Where Nerio is agressive and assertive, Attis is meek and pliant, where she seems to thrive on conflict, he shies away from it. It is no surprise, then, that his sister is highly protective of him. Charvanek, in contrast, holds him in undisguised contempt, only acknowledging his exitence to express her belief that he'll never amount to anything. He still bunks with the Havrannsu, serving as an orderly to their officers.
Ship History:
Khanjar, the curved blade that tears the heavens, is a venerable old name in the Komerex Klingon, with a storied history stretching back three thousand years. It's modern renown, however, is inextricably linked with that of its most famous commanding officer: Denkara of the House of Kazbek. The seeds of this fame lie with the Klingon Civil War, at which time the name was worn by a relatively modern Bird-of-Prey, on which Denkara was a junior officer. The
Khanjar's captain was among the first to throw his support behind Chancellor Gowron, and Denkara served him with distinction. After the end of the war, Gowron cleared the government and military of Duras supporters, and rewarded his own supporters by promoting them to the now vacant positions. With the officers above her promoted off the ship, young Denkara was left in command.
The next four years were not quiet for the new commanding officer, she showed remarkable courage and cunning, and her name and that of her ship kept coming up associated with bold and daring acts of heroism. A reputation started to build around Denkara and her ship, which only grew during the Klingon-Cardassian War. Her calculated aggressiveness and cool under fire allowed the Bird of Prey to punch well above its weight.
Khanjar became a feared raider among the Cardassians, and its captain a respected warrior amongst the Klingons. Then the Dominion came, and the events of that war would emblazon them both unto the pages of history.
Promoted and given command of a Bird of Prey squadron, Denkara continued patrol behind enemy lines, ruthlessly attacking enemy shipping and infrastructure.
Khanjar and the other Birds of Prey under her command were among the most successful in terms of enemy tonnage destroyed during the war. As they began to face increasingly better protected convoys, Denkara innovated the convoy attack from astern by joining the flank escort line, a tactic that was rapidly emulated by other Bird of Prey commanders. She also acquired a reputation as an escort killer for her habit of boldly attacking at close range the very ships meant to hunt her and her squadron down, when most others simply fled to look for easier prey.
One of Denkara's most notable accomplishments is her solo attack on a munitions and fuel convoy totalling more than 30 ships. In an exceptional feat of brilliant deduction and bold tracking, she located the mother-lode of targets hiding in the atmosphere of a gas giant. Braving minefields, weather hazards, and other conditions that compromised its cloak, the
Khanjar successfully ambushed the convoy, damaging or destroying nearly a dozen ships and causing much mayhem and confusion. Denkara then successfully retreated from the riled enemy escorts, pushing her ship's reactor to 150% overload to escape the gantlet of fire.
The Bird of Prey
Khanjar's last combat patrol occurred in the waning days of the Dominion War. Denkara's unit was set upon by a number of Cardassian, Breen, and Dominion warships, fighting with all the savagery of corned beasts. Outnumbered and outgunned, her squadron accounted well for themselves, but were badly mauled in the encounter, and Denkara lost her ship but not her life. In reward for her valiant and gallant service, a new Vor'cha class attack cruiser nearing completion at the Qo'nos shipyards was renamed
Khanjar, with Denkara appointed commanding officer, and all the survivors from her squadron assigned to her new command.
The new ship commissioned after the end of the war, and in the 15 years of relative peace that followed its fame and that if its Captain only grew. By the time the Borg came,
Khanjar was surpassed only by
Enterprise in renown, and Denkara's name was spoken of in the same tones of reverence and respect as that of Kirk or Picard. Commensurate to that reputation, Commodore Denkara and her squadron were the first Klingon ships to rush to the aid of the Rihanssu, doing so on her own initiative before orders to the effect were even issued.
What followed was the same story that would replay itself over and over across the Alpha Quadrant in the next seven years: hard fought holding actions, desperate last stands, and retreat after bitter retreat. If anything, though, Denkara's heroism shone all the brighter against the bleakness of the unstoppable Borg tide. Her actions became legend at the Battle of Tannhauser Gate, where beams glittered across space for weeks as an entire Borg fleet battered itself to scrap against grimly determined Klingon defenders. Denkara seemed to be everywhere at once, fighting with such ruthless cunning and ferocity that her ship and squadron counted for many times their number.
The attack cruiser
Khanjar was lost at Tannhauser, shortly before the Klingon defences collapsed completely. Denkara once again survived her ship, and once again another nearing completion was renamed and given to her. The new
Khanjar is a Vor'kang class battlecruiser, a fairly new ship Denkara herself helped design, but had yet to command out of loyalty for her old girl. She continued to fight and to lead, a hero among heroes in the war against the inexhaustible might of the Borg.
At the Battle of Earth, now General Denkara took charge of a mixed Klingon-Rihannsu task force. Along with Admiral Picard's own task force, it was one of the corner stones of the defences arrayed throughout the system. Confidence ran high, with
Khanjar and
Enterprise standing shoulder to shoulder, living legends arrayed against the titanic threat, many thought that victory was assured. They were proven dead wrong over the weeks of fierce battle that followed, and Denkara saw the brave and gallant ships under her command crippled and destroyed one by one.
By the time the General finally retreated from the Sol System, all that was left of her command were two heavily damaged ships:
Khanjar and the Valdore class Warbird
Imperatrix Ael t'Rllaillieu under khre'Riov Ishtar Charvanek. Most of the rest were destroyed or assimilated, with but a few managing to retreat on their own. The two starships were joined by three Mirak cruisers in a long flight to the Mirak Star League, far from the front lines.
The damage to all five ships was dire, and by the time they arrived at a Mirak shipyard the
Khanjar's main reactor was losing containment and had to be ejected. The ship was a frightful mess: hull banged and scorched, many secondary weapons destroyed, multiple sensor systems disabled, malfunctioning shield emitters, burnt-out cloaking system, failing computer core, one impulse engine simply gone, and a ragged hole where the forward torpedo tubes should have been. The crew had also taken terrible casualties from battle damage, intensive Borg boarding attempts, and the General's use of nerve agents, reactor coolant, and even warp plasma to clear the infestation.
Imperatrix's crew survived with miraculously lighter casualties, but their ship was in worse shape. She suffered extensive damage, with few external systems escaping devastation of some sort or another: entire hull shot full of holes, one wing nearly blown off when its nacelle failed explosively on dropping out of warp, navigational deflector only working while overloaded and starting to melt from the strain, main armament burnt out, few of the secondary batteries still operational, sensor systems wrecked, all the shield emitters at diminished capacity, and two shield facings damaged beyond repair.
The three Mirak cruisers were not doing much better, and the strain of years of total mobilization had worn down the shipyard's machinery and left it short of spare parts. It took several days for the ship's and yard's engineering teams to fully appraise the damage to the ships. The Borg were projected to take 5-8 months to reach the star system, allowing time for extensive repairs, but in the face of the devastating damage it did not seem like enough.
Over the course of this, General Denkara and khre'Riov Charvanek coordinated their efforts efficiently, and began to work closely together in determining the fates of their ships. In comparing notes and discussing the matter with the senior officers and engineers, it became clear that
Khanjar and
Imperatrix had complementary problems. The battlecruiser had a relatively intact hull, but lacked the main reactor and cloaking device, was short on crew, and had suffered significant internal damage. The warbird was the opposite, with severely damaged hull, but relatively intact reactor, internals, cloak, and crew.
The Mirak engineers had determined
Imperatrix and one of their cruisers to be total write-offs, while
Khanjar would be permanently crippled. Working together, Denkara, Charvanek, and their officers came up with an alternate solution: they would salvage what they could from the Valdore, repair the Vor'kang back to full combat readiness, and take it back into battle with both ship's crews. Under normal circumstances it would have taken a full year to conduct an overhaul of that magnitude, and possibly another to fully integrate the disparate technology bases. They gave themselves six months.
Even working round the clock with the unreserved help of the Mirak shipyard's crews, it took the Rihannsu and Klingons seven months to make the battlecruiser fit for combat. By then, they had installed on
Khanjar the
Imperatrix Ael t'Rllaillieu's forced quantum singularity, damn near the entirety of her engineering section's innards, her computer core, cloaking device, all working disruptor cannons, one of the impulse engines, and innumerable other things large and small. Additionally, rather than attempting to repair and move the warbird's damaged torpedo launchers, it was decided to instead adapt the missile racks and targeting system from the abandoned Mirak cruiser.
General Denkara and khre'Riov Charvanek became very close friends while working together in making
Khanjar battle worthy once more. Their distinct personalities, one bold and aggressive, the other cautious and calculating, seemed to compliment each other well, and before long neither would make a major decision without conferring with the other.. When the crews of both their ships were integrated, Denkara assigned Charvanek as her aide-de-camp, but the khre'Riov functionally became her co-captain.
Surprisingly, the Borg were obliging enough to take nine months to reach the system. This allowed time enough to work out some kinks in the overhaul, patch the armour, apply a new layer of protective coating, and even re-dedicate the ship with the
Imperatrix's motto. By the time the Borg showed up,
Khanjar was a neon and dark blue abomination of a Klingon-Rihannsu-Mirak battlecruiser, crewed by the survivors of its and the
Imperatrix's complements. They worked on her until the last possible moment, and left the dock guns firing.
They had promised the Mirak that they would do their utmost to protect their worlds in exchange for their help.
Khanjar and her crew did their best, but the Borg had let the Star League stand intact too long, and they attacked everywhere at once, in overwhelming numbers. What remained of the Star League's fleets fought with all they had, and
Khanjar with them, but in no time at all the Mirak were all but extinct. All sense of victory and accomplishment that had come from repairing the ship was instantly dashed in the face of such overwhelming destruction.
General Denkara took her ship back into Federation space, trying to find some sort of front line where there was still resistance against the Borg. Running from Borg patrols, she and her crew beheld such devastation as to drive anyone to despair. They got scattered reports, the Breen under heavy assault and falling, small parts of the Federation still holding on despite everything, the Cardassian Union and Tholian Assembly waiting hand to mouth for the Borg to finally turn their attention to them. Somewhere in the blasted ruins of what used to be the United Federation of Planets, Denkara's resolve suddenly and unexpectedly broke. She decided there was no hope left, no sense in prolonging the useless struggle, and the only thing remaining was to seek death in battle. And so, the next time her crew encountered a Borg task force, she ordered them to engage.
None objected, none would raise voice against their beloved captain, none had the courage to stand up to someone whose heroism was legendary even among those who knew her. None, that is, save for khre'Riov Charvanek, by now Denkara's closest friend and lover. She first tried to dissuade the General with logic, then emotional appeals, and in final desperation resorted to pleading, something none still alive had ever witnessed her do before. Denkara wavered for a moment, then she steeled herself, "I'm sorry Ishtar, but this how it must be, even if you deny it. Come my dear, take courage and let us face death together." Charvanek embraced her friend with one hand, and plunged a knife with the other, "I'm sorry too Denka."
The was such shock among the bridge officers that none thought to shoot Charvanek. For a moment all was quiet, then she was yelling at the helmsman to get them the hell out of there.
Khanjar entered warp just as her shields failed, thereby escaping any permanent damage. The Borg chased of course, but hunting down a cloaking ship that doesn't want to fight or be found is an always difficult proposition. It did not take long to lose the chase, and then the recriminations started.
The Klingon half of the bridge crew wanted to arrest Charvanek, a few calling for her summary execution. The Rihannsu stood by their Riov and refused to hand her over. As the argument began to spiral out of control, and the exchange of words threatened to escalate into an exchange of gunfire, the Dahar Master Murugan strode unto the bridge, in answer to Charvanek's summons. Captain Mirai - General Denkara's first officer - seized the chance to calm her compatriots, while Ishtar did much the same for her own.
Tense silence fell on the bridge as Murugan simply took in the scene quietly. Finally, Ishtar said that given Murugan commanded the respect of everyone aboard
Khanjar, if he would pass judgement on the matter, she would stand by it. Captain Mirai quickly agreed on behalf of the Klingons present. Murugan nodded and asked that the two ranking officers tell him what had occurred, even though he had already guessed.
After listening to two mostly congruent accounts, the Dahar Master's judgement was brief: "There is no honour to be had in charging alone against the storm, for the wind does not respect a fool. Khaless himself taught us this, it is a pity that it took a Romulan to remember it. You who call yourself Klingons, know that her klin runs stronger than yours." Murugan said no more and awaited no response, he simply left the bridge, his duty done.
Silence resumed as the tension flowed out of the bridge. Citing the chain of command, Riov Charvanek suggested Captain Mirai take charge of the
Khanjar. Immediately, Mirai refused, declaring that by Murugan's words and the khre'Riov's own actions, she had shown herself the only one worthy of taking General Denkara's place. The chastised Klingons grudgingly agreed, and pledged loyalty to their new commanding officer.
Later, at Denkara's funeral, it was once again Murugan who had the most poignant words: "Of all the souls I've met in my long life, the klin burned brightest in hers. General Denkara had klin enough for a dozen heroes, and she burned so bright for so long, that I thought all would be blinded by her brilliance, even the Borg. Alas the fire the burns fiercest is the first to burn out. So then, let us remember our comrade not for how she died, but for how she lived."