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#1 Only War: The 13th Ilyrian Shock Legion

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 3:18 am
by Cynical Cat

Catalog Number: 6743-456-932

Classification: Fortress World

Population: 1 Billion

Tithe Grade: Exactus Secondus Minoris

Primary Exports and Tithe Products: Foodstuffs and Pharmaceuticals

Government: Senate comprised of elected representatives and members of patrician families. The Senior Consul serves as the Imperial Commander of Ilyria.

Planetary Defences: 20 million PDF soldiers, bastion cities, multiple defence laser and torpedo silo sites, orbital weapon platforms, three major space stations, 2 squadrons of system defence ships and monitors.

Notes: Ilyria was settled as part of a deliberate pattern of expansion to retake the lost worlds of the Damocles Gulf. A verdant world that was in most ways promising for colonization, it possessed dangerous local fauna and the jungles that cover most of the southern continent of Stygia are almost as dangerous as those of some Death Worlds.

The bulk of the population is concentrated in the large, heavily populated and extensively industrialized fortress cities and agridistricts on Cimmeria. Several major settlements are located on the coasts of Hy-Brasil and Aquilonia. Stygia is the preserve of the Magi Biologus of the Adeptus Mechanicus who maintain extensive facilities to study and exploit the continent’s biological wealth. Economic and political activity is dominated by various patrician clans who own in whole or part the planet's dominant industrial and agricultural combines.

The planet boasts a small population of Abhumans. Ratlings attached to several commercial ag-combines are present on Hy-Brasil and gene-bred Ogruns are used for brute force labour by the Magus Biologus.

#2 Re: Only War: The 13th Ilyrian Shock Legion

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 4:58 am
by Cynical Cat
13th Ilyrian Shock Legion "Rapax"

Raised for the Spinward Crusade, the 13th Ilyrian Shock Legion is organized around a fighting force of iron willed and extensively trained heavy infantry. Fighting doctrine and equipment is influenced by the military traditions brought by the retirement settlement of the 562nd Cadian Heavy Infantry Regiment that subsequently mixed with the native traditions. The 13th consists of one ten century cohort of motorized infantry stormtroopers, seven cohorts of heavy infantry, one cohort of heavy armour, and one cohort of light armour. Additional support is provided by auxiliaria units of anti-air batteries, artillery, transport, and Abhuman units. Added to this is a reserve cohort of Evocati (hand picked, reenlisted veterans with special authority, equipped as stormtroopers) and one cohort of Extraordinarii (mixed units drawn from the legion's best, used for special assignments, includes Psykanna personnel).

Characteristic Modifiers: +6 Ballistic Skill, +3 Toughness, +3 Willpower, -3 Perception

Starting Aptitudes: Willpower

Starting Skills:
Common Lore (Imperial Guard), Common Lore (Imperium), Common Lore (War), Linguistics (Low Gothic), Tech Use

Starting Talents: Bombadier, Die Hard, Hatred (Tau), Nerves of Steel or Sprint

Hated Enemy:
Members of the unit must make an Ordinary (+10) Willpower test to restrain themselves from attacking without mercy when they see Tau.

Bred for War: Must make a Challenging (+0) Willpower test to go against the rules and regulations of the Imperial Guard.

Starting Wounds: as normal

Standard Regimental Kit:
Field kit (one uniform, one set of poor weather gear, one rucksack, one set of basic tools, one mess kit and water canteen, one blanket and sleeping bag, one rechargeable lamp pack, one grooming kit, one set of cognomen tags, 2 weeks rations, one copy of the Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer)

1 combat knife, 1 suit of sealed light carapace armour, deadspace earpiece, sealed helmet with microbead and photovision visor, 1 M36 lasgun and 2 charge packs or 1 auxiliary grenade launcher, 1 Accattran heavy laspistol and 2 charge packs, 1 frag grenade, 1 krak grenade, monoedged gladius

Favored Weapons: grenade launcher, plasma cannon

Ilyrian Terminology

Legate: Legion commander, roughly equivalent to a senior colonel

Tribune Militum: Legion executive officer and senior command staff, lieutenant colonel

Prefect: Cohort or auxiliary regiment commander, major

Tribune Cohortus: Junior field officer, administrative officers and executives to the prefects (details for field operations usually fall to Pilus Prior).

Primus Pilus: Senior Centurion of the 1st Cohort and the Legion

Pilus Prior: Senior Centurion of the cohort,

Centurion: Century Commander, captain

Optio: Platoon Commander, roughly

Tesserarius: Platoon second, roughly a Sergeant

Decanus: Squad Leader

Duplicanus: Senior soldier, fire team leader

Quaestor: slang for Commissar

#3 Re: Only War: The 13th Ilyrian Shock Legion

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 11:31 am
by Hotfoot


#4 Re: Only War: The 13th Ilyrian Shock Legion

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 1:08 pm
by Karrick
I have but one thing to say...


#5 Re: Only War: The 13th Ilyrian Shock Legion

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 7:52 pm
by SirNitram
Plasma Cannon: For when potentially exploding is all part of the glory of the EMPEROR'S SERVICE.

#6 Re: Only War: The 13th Ilyrian Shock Legion

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 9:42 pm
by Josh
Skype again, right?

#7 Re: Only War: The 13th Ilyrian Shock Legion

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 12:25 am
by Cynical Cat
Josh wrote:Skype again, right?
Probably, whenever we get around to it.