STGOD rules thread

OOC: For the creation and management of board RPG's.

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Post by frigidmagi »

Alright, at some point it is necessary to shot the engineers and actually build the damn thing. Hotfoot, Hadri, Steve, Zeke, Cat, Havoc and so on, consider yourselves metaphorically shot. We've been for over a month. That's enough, time to actually play the game. I do thank you for your efforts though, you all did your level best to hash out this rule system and it's because of your efforts we have one as good as we have. This is certainly better then anything I would have made up. So please do not regard the above as a criticism in any way shape or form.

As such I am making a decision. I will announce the rule set we are using and that will be that. The rules will likely be imperfect. Some of you will not like them. Tough. That's life. This thread will be locked and I will open a OOB/Rules thread as well as a OOC thread. The game itself will begin Monday, however I will allow until Friday to get the OOBs up.

Creating a nation:

You get 20 points. You may not start with a stat higher then 5.


0. 1 million
1. 30 millions
2. 60 millions
3. 90 millions
4. 120 millions
5. 150 millions

Colonial Territory

0: Nothing
1: Colonial Land Area of <200,000 sq. kms
2: Colonial Land Area of >200,000 sq. kms
3: Colonial Land Area of >600,000 sq. kms
4: Colonial Land Area of >1,000,000 sq. kms
5: Colonial Land Area of >2,000,000 sq. kms


0 You don't have one. Everyone farms or hunts. You cannot mobilize your reserves for longer then 4 months before you take penalties
1 You have an idea of what money is, you like shiny stuff. Your reserves can be mobilized for a year
2 You have a basic idea of credit and banks. Your reserves can be mobilized for a year and a half.
3 Standard. Reserves can be mobilized for 2 years.
4 You have ultra banks and stock exchanges people dream of. 3 years reserve mobilization.
5 You have the kind of economic structure the world envies, avoid dark alleys, the other nations are waiting with knives. 5 years mobilization.


Level 1: 200 points (yearly, 50 points per season)
Level 2: 300 points (yearly, 75 points per season)
Level 3: 400 points (yearly, 100 points per season)
Level 4: 500 points (yearly, 125 points per season)
Level 5: 600 points (yearly, 150 points per season)


0: Your army is little faster than a walking pace because it continually has to stop and forage for food. Your airforce can barely keep a squadron in the air for lack of spare parts, and your navy is rusting in drydock because you aren't providing it any fuel. It takes a full year to mobilize your reserves.
1: Your supply and transport system is at the lowest functional level. Takes 8 months to mobilize your reserves.
2: Your supply and transport system is at the below-average functional level. Takes 6 months to mobilize your reserves.
3: Your supply and transport system is at the average functional level. Your response time is the baseline speed. Takes 4 months to mobilize your reserves.
4: Your supply and transport system is at the above-average functional level. Takes 2 months to mobilize your reserves.
5: Your supply and transport system is at the above-average functional level. Takes a month.

Standing Military (points you use to buy your starting units)

Level 1: 400
Level 2: 600
Level 3: 800
Level 4: 1000
Level 5: 1200

Reserves Section:

Reserves are forces made up of men who are military trained but not part of your active forces, this can be a pretty large section of your population. As such you must mobilize them. This is a very public and open action, the mobilization of reserves cannot be hidden. How fast your reserves can mobilize is determined by your infrastructure. How long you can keep them in the field before taking hits to your Eco, Infra and Industry stats is determined by your Economy. The clock does not start ticking until mobilization is complete. Once you pass your time for Reserve use, you take -10% hit to your IPs every 2 months game time. When you have lost 30% of your IPs you will drop a level in Eco and Infra. You will drop another level every 10% of IPs you lose. When both your Eco, Infra and Industry have hit 0 your society has hit a screaming halt.

Army reserves is determined by your population. Look at your population score and refer to the chart below. You may only spend these points on ground units. You may not buy armor, motorized, elite or cav divisions. You may buy regiments of permitted troops.

Level 0: 100
Level 1: 400
Level 2: 600
Level 3: 800
Level 4: 1000
Level 5: 1200

Air reserves are determined by your infrastructure stat. Look at your score and refer to the chart below.

Level 0: 100
Level 1: 400
Level 2: 600
Level 3: 800
Level 4: 1000
Level 5: 1200

Navy reserves are determined by your industry stat. Do what I've told you to do twice now.

Level 0: 100
Level 1: 400
Level 2: 600
Level 3: 800
Level 4: 1000
Level 5: 1200

Home Territory = Pop+Industry+Infrastructure+Economy.

Army Force Structure: There are two kinds of units you may buy for your army. Divisions and Regiments. Regiments are usually attached to Divisions but you may field them separately. Note: I don't really care if you deploy your divisions all in one piece or split them up or whatever, however you must buy an entire division or regiment. No exceptions.

Ground Units:

Divisions may have two regiments attached.

Infantry Division [5pt] (10 000 fighting men)
Elite Infantry Division [15pt] (10 000 fighting men)
Cavalry Division [10pt] (5000 fighting men)
Motorized Infantry Division [15pt] (5000 fighting men)
Mechanized Division [##pt] (5000 fighting men) Is Not Yet Available.
Light Armored Division 20pts (200 light tanks with 2000 infantry)
Heavy Armored Divisions 40pts (200 heavy tanks with 2000 infantry)


Artillery [3pt] (200 howitzers)
Siege Artillery [3pt] (100 heavy howitzers or 25 rail guns)
Anti-Aircraft Artillery [3pt] (200 guns) (can be deployed independently)
Field/Anti-Tank Guns [3pt] (200 guns)
Engineer Regiment [3pt] (2000 combat engineers)
Elite Infantry Regiment [3pt] (2000 fighting men)
Light Tank Brigade [5pt] (50 tanks)
Heavy Tank Brigade [10pt] (50 tanks)

Air Units: You may purchase upgrades for your units. Each unit may only have one upgrade.


Fighter Group [5pt] (96 fighters) Air Attack: High, Ground Attack: Low, Range: Low
Bomber Group [10pt] (72 bombers) Air Attack: Medium, Ground Attack: Medium, Range: Medium
Airship Group [15pt] (36 airships) Air Attack: Low, Ground Attack: High, Range: High

Upgrades (one per group):

Long Range 2pt (+ Range)
Ground Attack 5pt (+Ground Attack)
Airlift 2pt (+Airdroppable Unit, -All Attack, Bomber/Zeppelin only)
Air Defense 5pt (+Air Attack)

Naval Units: Escorts may have one upgrade, cruisers two, battleships three, and submarines none. A positive upgrade makes the effective increase one step better, and a negative attribute makes it one step worse. No single attribute can be lowered more than twice through upgrades. Battleships can opt to have no penalties for their upgrades, but pay double cost


Escort [10pt] (Speed: High, Armor: Low, Attack: Low, +sub attack standard)
Cruiser [60pt] (Speed: Medium, Armor: Medium, Attack: Medium)
Battleship [180pt] (Speed: Low, Armor: High, Attack: High)
Submarines [5pt] (Speed: Low/Lowest {Surface/Submerged}, Armor: Low, Attack: Medium, Can only be attacked with +sub attack options and other submarines when submerged)

Escorts can lay and clear minefields. Submarines can lay minefields covertly. Neither type of ship will be effective at anything else while engaged in mining or demining.

Carrier versions of cruisers and battleships can be opted for instead, with carriers able to carry 48, and 96 fighters depending on size, respectively. Carriers have only weak AA defence and low armour. Wings are purchased separately.


Scout 5pt (+speed, -armor or weapons)
Anti-Air 5pt (+AA function, -Attack vs. Surface or sub)
Anti-Sub 10pt (+Sonar, -Attack vs. surface or air, +attack vs. submerged vessels)
Anti-Capital 15pt (+weapons, -speed or armor)
Reinforced Bulkheads 10pt (+armor, -speed or weapons)
Previous Generation (-40% cost, -40% effectiveness) You may use this only once per ship.

Carrier Wings (Cannot use upgrade options from Air Force):

Multi-role Fighters [1pt] (16 Fighters) Air Attack: High, Ground Attack: Low, Range: Low
Fighter-Bombers [2pt] (16 Bombers) Air Attack: Medium-High, Ground Attack: Medium-Low, Range: Low

In game rules:

Buying more Units: You want more troops. That's okay, so does everyone else. You will get Industrial points with which to build things every 2 weeks (4 months in game time). Every unit has a IP cost and build time. Below is a handy chart to help you keep track!

Unit.......................Real Time.....Game Time..........Cost
Infantry.................4 weeks..........8 months..........10pts
Elite Infantry..........4 weeks..........8 months..........30pts
Cavalry.................4 weeks..........8 months..........15pts
Motorized Infantry..4 weeks..........8 months..........30pts
Light Armor...........6 weeks...........1 year..............40pts
Heavy Armor.........6 weeks...........1 year..............80pts

Artillery.................4 weeks..........8 months............5pts
Siege Artillery........4 weeks..........8 months...........10pts
Engineers...............4 weeks.........8 months.............5pts
Elite Infantry..........4 weeks..........8 months............10pts
Light Tank..............4 weeks..........8 months............10pts
Heavy Tank............4 weeks..........8 months............10pts

Fighter Group..........4 weeks.........8 months.............10pts
Bomber Group........6 weeks..........1 year.................20pts
Zeppelin Group.......6 weeks..........1 year.................30pts

escorts...................4 weeks.........8 months..............20pts
cruisers..................6 weeks.........1 year.................120pts
Battleship................8 weeks.......16 months.............360pts
subs.......................4 weeks.........8 months................10pts

Upgrades for air and naval units add to cost but not time. Simply add the upgrade cost to the unit.

Now you may be feeling overwhelmed at the cost of the units. Good News! You do not have to pay the whole cost at once. You may pay a part of your cost each build session and even extend the build time to pay less per session. However you cannot deploy a unit until it is fully paid off.

How do I raise my Economy, Infrastructure and Industry?

To raise your industry take the IPs of the level you wish to reach and times by 1.5. You must move up one level at a time For example player B is at Industry 2, he can only move up to level 3. To do so he must spend 400x1.5= 600pts. The good news is he can take as long as he likes, but must spend pts every session until the upgrade is paid for.

To raise Economy, take the next level of economy (that is the level you wish to upgrade to) and times 100. That is the required cost. For example Player B, being ambitious with his new industry level wants to rise his economy to. He has economy 3 and wants to jump to 4. 4x100=400. He needs to spend 400 points. Luckily he has as long as he needs to do so, as long as he keeps spending.

To raise infrastructure is pretty much the same. See what you did in economy? Do that. However you must spend at least a year before the new level takes effect. Railroads and roads take time.


In order to advance scientifically and technically you must invest part of your IPs into R&D. Inform the Mod what you are researching and how much you are researching. Due to the abstract nature of the game this is unrealistically divided into categories.

Large guns

Ensure you inform the mod of what your goal is. He will do his level best to work with you.

What should be in your OOB:

1: National Write Scores, the point creation above must be listed.
2: How many units of what you have and general deployment area. One is not required to be specific. Something like "I have 4 divisions of infantry in Oklahoma" is good enough.
3: Forts. Forts (within reason) are free! But must be listed. Units manning (or gunning the forts) must be bought. Any attempts to create NORAD, or the Maginot Line will result in an angry mod deciding to assign a point value to it and ripping it out of your OOB. If you have doubts, ask! There is no penalty for asking!

What is not required but would be nice to have:

1: Your history.
2: How your government works.
3: Important people in your nation.
4: A credit card number with an unlimited balance for Frigid's use (he buys! You pay!).

Every session a mod will roll a six sided dice for each player. If it rolls a 6, a random event will occur in that nation. A mod will inform you what your random event is. You have 1 week from being informed to post this random event. If you do not, a mod will do it for you and you will regret it. The good news is that you have a 50% shot of this event being positive.



Alternate Mods:


Ignoring a mod ruling will result in punishment. Attempting to play mods against each other will result in summery ejection from the game. Whining may result in being eaten by Grue. Consult your doctor and avoid dark places.
Last edited by frigidmagi on Sat Dec 12, 2009 6:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken