Basically, this is a streamlined gear selection system for my homebrew Stargate conversion kit. Currently the gear is designed for DP9's SilCORE system, but I'll be branching it out to GURPS, WEG D6, and Fuzion systems, plus others if suggested.
Here's the grid:

I'm looking at setting standardized levels for certain missions, like free levels of X, Y, and Z for stuff the team absolutely needs for the mission. For example, a standard recon might include basic survival gear, consumables, weaponry, ammo, and so on.
What I'm looking for help on is pricing details on various aspects (obviously, level 5 gear should be prohibitively expensive to prevent teams from taking a Prometheus on each trip to provide Ortillery Support. Of course, any suggestions for better ideas for various gear sections would be nice as well.
Concerning ammo and upgrades, and most other sections with [blank]/[blank], it's an exclusive "or", with the option of splitting up the totals. So with Rank 5 Upgrades, you could have 2 scopes and +3 armor, for example. With ammo, you can swap out ammo for one weapon (pistol) for ammo of another weapon (SMG/Grenades/etc.). AP or other specialty ammo is double cost, however, meaning instead of getting 2 spare mags at level 1, you'd get 1, and 2 for level 2, and so on.
So yes, thoughts, suggestions, critiques, and chastisements are all welcome.