Post updated Earthdawn characters here
Moderator: B4UTRUST
- frigidmagi
- Dragon Death-Marine General
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#1 Post updated Earthdawn characters here
I want to take a look at them before we stick them on OP.
I'm aiming to start on the 20th, if you do not have an updated character sheet by then, you can't play until you do.
1: Read and Write Languages. You make one test, to learn the language and then you're done.
2: We are dropping Seduction and letting Flirting do the heavy lifting
3: Lip reading and other such feats will be done through the Awareness talent.
I'm aiming to start on the 20th, if you do not have an updated character sheet by then, you can't play until you do.
1: Read and Write Languages. You make one test, to learn the language and then you're done.
2: We are dropping Seduction and letting Flirting do the heavy lifting
3: Lip reading and other such feats will be done through the Awareness talent.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
- Cynical Cat
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#2 Re: Post updated Earthdawn characters here
How do you want to do it? Rebuild characters from the ground up with the same number of legend points?
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
- frigidmagi
- Dragon Death-Marine General
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#3 Re: Post updated Earthdawn characters here
I should have mentioned that. Yes. If you want to switch things up about your character this is the time to do it.Cynical Cat wrote:How do you want to do it? Rebuild characters from the ground up with the same number of legend points?
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
- frigidmagi
- Dragon Death-Marine General
- Posts: 14757
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#4 Re: Post updated Earthdawn characters here
Edited the first post with some rules.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
#5 Re: Post updated Earthdawn characters here
Name: Kirara Buranbazi Ilahem Min-Ruatha
(Lightray Stormbreaker High-Noble of House-Ruatha)
Race: Ashuran Human
Discipline: Swordmistress, 5th Circle
Bonuses: +1 Social Defense, +1 Physical Defence, Karma on Interaction and Melee Damage
Dexterity (16) 7, Strength (11) 5, Toughness (11) 5
Perception (13) 6, Willpower (13) 6, Charisma (16) 7
Attack & Defence
Melee Weapons 12, Second Weapon 11, Avoid/Riposte 12
Darkgleam 13, Brightslayer 12, Evervictorious 11, Polearm 17
Physical Defence: 10 Mystic Defence: 8 Social Defence: 10
Physical Armour: 10 Mystic Armour: 6
Karma, Health, Speed
Karma: 18/25 Recovery Tests: 2/2
Total Damage: 13 - Stun 0 - Wounds 0
Unconsciousness: 49 Death: 59 Wound: 8
Initiative: (7) 5 Movement Rate: 12 yards
Discipline Abilities
Durability 7/8 (5) | Permanent | Add to Uncon/Death ratings Rank times.
Size Up (5) 11 | Simple | 2 Strain | If successful against MD, ask a single question about one of the target’s traits. Like Creature Analysis, but only against Namegivers.
Discipline Talents
Melee Weapons (5) 12 | Standard | Stick them with the pointy end!
Avoid Blow (5) 12 | Simple | 1 Strain | Can’t touch this, Rank times per round.
Taunt (5) 12 | Simple | 1 Strain | For each result level vs target SD, target suffers -1 to Actions and Social Defence lasting Rank rounds.
Manoeuvre 5 (12) | Simple | 1 Strain | Per success vs target PD add +2 to PD and first close attack.
Weapon Weaving 5 (11) | Standard | Threads woven as sharp as blades.
First Impression (5) 12 | Standard | When meeting a character roll vs their SD to increase their attitude by one per success. Attitude bonus fades one rank per day. Hostile acts immediately erase the impression.
Riposte (5) 12 | Free | 2 Strain | Parry melee attack that you are aware of, up to Rank times per turn. On a successful parry, the same result counter-attacks vs enemy PD, but loses the first success scored.
Second Weapon (4) 11 | Simple | 1 Strain | Stick them with the other pointy end!
Talent Options
Anticipate Blow (3) 9 | Simple | 1 Strain | If higher init, per success vs target MD add +2 to PD and first close attack.
Danger Sense (3) 9 | Free | 1 Strain | Against surprise, traps, hazards, roll vs opposing Init, success avoids harm. Detects threats within Rank x10 yards.
Speak Language (1) 7 | Orkish (Cara Fahd)
Tiger Spring (3) | Free | Strain 1 | Add Rank to Initiative.
Unarmed Combat (3) 10 | Standard | Punch them in the face!
Winning Smile (3) 10 | Standard | Each success vs target SD adds +2 to Interaction for Rank hours. Higher success may be required against members of other races, unless they have a preference for your race.
Wound Balance (3) 8 | Free | Resist Knockdown when supporting own weight.
Etiquette (4) 11 | Sustained | Roll vs DN 5+, one success for manners, two for good manners, three for excellent manners and improved attitude by one.
Lion Heart (2) 8 | Free | 1 Strain | Substitutes Willpower when resisting effects of spells, talents, or abilities.
Versatility Talents
Versatility 0 | Learn non-Discipline talents.
Diplomacy (4) 11 | Sustained | Improves attitude one degree per success, for Rank hours.
Dancing (3) 10 | Sustained | Impress people with the art of rhythmically moving your body.
Politics (3) 9
Speak Language (3) 9 | Elyan (Imperial Tongue, Ashuran Human, Ashuran Trollish), Dwarven (Throalic), Sperethiel (Ashuran)
Write Language (2) 8 | Elyan (Imperial Script), Dwarven (Throalic)
Name: Ruffian, Species: Stajian, Sex: Female
Dexterity 5, Strength 10, Toughness 10
Perception 5, Willpower 6, Charisma 4
Actions: 1 Horns: 11 (16), Trample: 11 (14)
Physical Defense: 9 Mystic Defense: 9 Social Defense: 10
Physical Armor: 12 Mystic Armor: 7
Initiative: (7) 6 Movement Rate: 20 yards
Recovery Tests: 3/3
Total Damage: 0 - Stun 0 - Wounds 0
Unconsciousness Rating: 41 Death Rating: 51
Wound Threshold: 15 Knockdown: 14
Charge (5), Enhanced Sense [Hearing] (2), Enhanced Sense [Smell] (2), Resist Pain (2)
Blood Charm
Living Hair Barding 7|5|1 (+3|+1), 4 Blood Magic Damage
Arms and Armour
Shashka "Darkgleam", Dmg 8, Sz 3, Wgt 3#, Special: With Dex 15, successfully using manoeuvre harries the opponent. (flowing blade +3)
-Gently curving single-edged blade of dark watered steel, with gentle curve, narrow grooves near flat edge of blade, wide central fuller, and inscribed gold cartouche on blade ricasso. Nielloed hilt decorated with etched silver and split pommel. Leather-covered wood scabbard with nielloed chape, lock and two suspension mounts with rings. Made specifically for Stormbreaker’s grip and fighting style by the greatest Weaponsmith in Ashura.
Bladechain “Brightslayer”, Dmg 7, Sz 3, Wgt 3#, Special: Entangling 11, Range 2 yards (dragon-tongue +3)
-Sturdy chain of bright watered steel with a short triangular blade at the head and a small mace at the tail. Both end weapons are decorated with enamelled gold and blackened steel. The chain is is usually worn wrapped around the hips or arm. It is so light and agile that it extends and retracts with the smallest of gestures. Crafted by Qaynan the Weaponsmith for Stormbreaker, with a design based on the legendary bladechain Bindenpiercer at her request.
Jambiya "Evervictorious", Dmg 6, Sz 1, Wgt 1# (dagger +3)
-Curved double-edged blade of grey finely-watered steel with shallow medial rib and gold inlay. Hilt of carved pale-green jade. Sheath of polychrome lacquered wood, with silver side panels, translucent blue enamel, and carved jade mounts. The blade bears the inscription: "The hilt of this dagger conquers the world, even though it is a handful of stone." The third weapon made by Qaynan for Stormbreaker.
Orkish Naginata, Dmg 12, Sz 5, Wgt 8#, Special: Size 3 while mounted. (polearm +5) | A sword-like blade mounted on a pole for used on foot or horseback.
Orkish Dagger, Dmg 3, Sz 1, Wgt 1# | Fine Cara Fahdian dagger Stormbreaker picked up in Dun’s Hold as a souvenir.
Lamellar of the Winterjaws, Amr 10|3|2, Everclean, Wgt 30# (thundra skin +3|+2)
-A harness of lacquered hide plates bound together with oilcloth silk thread. The pelt of Winterjaws, a monstrous white wolf slewn by Stormbreaker, decorates the sides, shoulders, and back of the cuirass. Smaller strips of wolf fur adorn the helmet and inner layers of the armour's skirt. Constructed by the legendary Weaponsmith Quaynan for Stormbreaker.
Espagra-Scale Cloak, Arm 6|1|1, Everclean, Wgt 10# (+3|0) | Looted off a dead Crimson King Cultist in Southern Cara Fahd.
Serpent Pearl Brooch: +1 Mystic Armour, 1#
Huntsman’s Boots: Keep feet warm and dry, can walk five more miles per day, 2#
Light Quartz: Illuminates a 10 yard radius around character, 2#
Ashuran Noble’s Garb (colourful robe and dress, trousers, pointed boots, veil, jewelry), Everclean, 2#
Light Bag 3#
-Artisan Kit: Bells and Castanets
-Adventuring Kit (knife, bedroll of comfort, fire starter, traveller’s mug, waterskin), 8#
-Imitation Ashuran Noble's Garb x2, (colourful robe and dress, trousers, pointed boots, veil, jewelry), Everclean, 4#
-Potions (3 Booster, 5 Healing, 2 Antidote, 6 Shinyblade), 4#
-Leather-bound journal and fountain pen, 2#
-Quiet Pouch (408 gold), 5#
Blood Magic
Damage: 8
Death Cheat: On death make Recovery Test at +8, if no tests are left roll Step 8/2d6. Becomes inert after use. (3 Blood)
Twin Shaped Bone Charms: +2 bonus to Recovery Tests. Made from the bones of Winterjaws. (2 Blood)
Enthralling Features: Stormbreaker presents a vision of such heartbreaking ethereal loveliness it’s hard to keep from looking upon her. Her eyes are particularly beguiling, like deep pools of molten amber that swirl and draw the gaze to sink into them. 1 Strain grants +2 bonus to Interaction Tests where the charm may prove beneficial. (1 Blood)
Group Oath of Blood Peace: “I will take no action with intent to bring harm upon any who call ourselves The Unbroken, nor knowingly allow harm to befall any of our number.” (2 Blood)
Legend Points
20,400 / 20,450
Discipline Talents
Initiate: Melee Weapons 5 (1300), Avoid Blow 5 (1300), Taunt 5 (1600), Manoeuvre 5 (1900) Thread Weaving 5 (1900)
Novice: First Impression 5 (1900), Riposte 5 (1900), Heartening Laugh 5 (1900)
Journeyman: Second Weapon 4 (1800)
Talent Options
Novice: Acrobatic Defense 0 (0), Anticipate Blow 3 (600), Danger Sense 3 (600), Distract 0 (0), Impressive Display 0 (0), Speak Language 1 (100), Tiger Spring 3 (600), Unarmed Combat 3 (600), Winning Smile 3 (600), Wound Balance 3 (600)
Journeyman: Cobra Strike 0 (0), Engaging Banter 0 (0), Etiquette 4 (200), Gliding Stride 0 (0), Graceful Exit 0 (0), Lasting Impression 0 (0), Lion Heart 2 (500), Spot Armor Flaw 0 (0), Sprint (0), Swift Kick (0)
Novice: Versatility 0 (0)
Diplomacy 4 (800), Dancing 3 (800), Write Language 2 (300)
(Lightray Stormbreaker High-Noble of House-Ruatha)
Race: Ashuran Human
Discipline: Swordmistress, 5th Circle
Bonuses: +1 Social Defense, +1 Physical Defence, Karma on Interaction and Melee Damage
Dexterity (16) 7, Strength (11) 5, Toughness (11) 5
Perception (13) 6, Willpower (13) 6, Charisma (16) 7
Attack & Defence
Melee Weapons 12, Second Weapon 11, Avoid/Riposte 12
Darkgleam 13, Brightslayer 12, Evervictorious 11, Polearm 17
Physical Defence: 10 Mystic Defence: 8 Social Defence: 10
Physical Armour: 10 Mystic Armour: 6
Karma, Health, Speed
Karma: 18/25 Recovery Tests: 2/2
Total Damage: 13 - Stun 0 - Wounds 0
Unconsciousness: 49 Death: 59 Wound: 8
Initiative: (7) 5 Movement Rate: 12 yards
Discipline Abilities
Durability 7/8 (5) | Permanent | Add to Uncon/Death ratings Rank times.
Size Up (5) 11 | Simple | 2 Strain | If successful against MD, ask a single question about one of the target’s traits. Like Creature Analysis, but only against Namegivers.
Discipline Talents
Melee Weapons (5) 12 | Standard | Stick them with the pointy end!
Avoid Blow (5) 12 | Simple | 1 Strain | Can’t touch this, Rank times per round.
Taunt (5) 12 | Simple | 1 Strain | For each result level vs target SD, target suffers -1 to Actions and Social Defence lasting Rank rounds.
Manoeuvre 5 (12) | Simple | 1 Strain | Per success vs target PD add +2 to PD and first close attack.
Weapon Weaving 5 (11) | Standard | Threads woven as sharp as blades.
First Impression (5) 12 | Standard | When meeting a character roll vs their SD to increase their attitude by one per success. Attitude bonus fades one rank per day. Hostile acts immediately erase the impression.
Riposte (5) 12 | Free | 2 Strain | Parry melee attack that you are aware of, up to Rank times per turn. On a successful parry, the same result counter-attacks vs enemy PD, but loses the first success scored.
Second Weapon (4) 11 | Simple | 1 Strain | Stick them with the other pointy end!
Talent Options
Anticipate Blow (3) 9 | Simple | 1 Strain | If higher init, per success vs target MD add +2 to PD and first close attack.
Danger Sense (3) 9 | Free | 1 Strain | Against surprise, traps, hazards, roll vs opposing Init, success avoids harm. Detects threats within Rank x10 yards.
Speak Language (1) 7 | Orkish (Cara Fahd)
Tiger Spring (3) | Free | Strain 1 | Add Rank to Initiative.
Unarmed Combat (3) 10 | Standard | Punch them in the face!
Winning Smile (3) 10 | Standard | Each success vs target SD adds +2 to Interaction for Rank hours. Higher success may be required against members of other races, unless they have a preference for your race.
Wound Balance (3) 8 | Free | Resist Knockdown when supporting own weight.
Etiquette (4) 11 | Sustained | Roll vs DN 5+, one success for manners, two for good manners, three for excellent manners and improved attitude by one.
Lion Heart (2) 8 | Free | 1 Strain | Substitutes Willpower when resisting effects of spells, talents, or abilities.
Versatility Talents
Versatility 0 | Learn non-Discipline talents.
Diplomacy (4) 11 | Sustained | Improves attitude one degree per success, for Rank hours.
Dancing (3) 10 | Sustained | Impress people with the art of rhythmically moving your body.
Politics (3) 9
Speak Language (3) 9 | Elyan (Imperial Tongue, Ashuran Human, Ashuran Trollish), Dwarven (Throalic), Sperethiel (Ashuran)
Write Language (2) 8 | Elyan (Imperial Script), Dwarven (Throalic)
Name: Ruffian, Species: Stajian, Sex: Female
Dexterity 5, Strength 10, Toughness 10
Perception 5, Willpower 6, Charisma 4
Actions: 1 Horns: 11 (16), Trample: 11 (14)
Physical Defense: 9 Mystic Defense: 9 Social Defense: 10
Physical Armor: 12 Mystic Armor: 7
Initiative: (7) 6 Movement Rate: 20 yards
Recovery Tests: 3/3
Total Damage: 0 - Stun 0 - Wounds 0
Unconsciousness Rating: 41 Death Rating: 51
Wound Threshold: 15 Knockdown: 14
Charge (5), Enhanced Sense [Hearing] (2), Enhanced Sense [Smell] (2), Resist Pain (2)
Blood Charm
Living Hair Barding 7|5|1 (+3|+1), 4 Blood Magic Damage
Arms and Armour
Shashka "Darkgleam", Dmg 8, Sz 3, Wgt 3#, Special: With Dex 15, successfully using manoeuvre harries the opponent. (flowing blade +3)
-Gently curving single-edged blade of dark watered steel, with gentle curve, narrow grooves near flat edge of blade, wide central fuller, and inscribed gold cartouche on blade ricasso. Nielloed hilt decorated with etched silver and split pommel. Leather-covered wood scabbard with nielloed chape, lock and two suspension mounts with rings. Made specifically for Stormbreaker’s grip and fighting style by the greatest Weaponsmith in Ashura.
Bladechain “Brightslayer”, Dmg 7, Sz 3, Wgt 3#, Special: Entangling 11, Range 2 yards (dragon-tongue +3)
-Sturdy chain of bright watered steel with a short triangular blade at the head and a small mace at the tail. Both end weapons are decorated with enamelled gold and blackened steel. The chain is is usually worn wrapped around the hips or arm. It is so light and agile that it extends and retracts with the smallest of gestures. Crafted by Qaynan the Weaponsmith for Stormbreaker, with a design based on the legendary bladechain Bindenpiercer at her request.
Jambiya "Evervictorious", Dmg 6, Sz 1, Wgt 1# (dagger +3)
-Curved double-edged blade of grey finely-watered steel with shallow medial rib and gold inlay. Hilt of carved pale-green jade. Sheath of polychrome lacquered wood, with silver side panels, translucent blue enamel, and carved jade mounts. The blade bears the inscription: "The hilt of this dagger conquers the world, even though it is a handful of stone." The third weapon made by Qaynan for Stormbreaker.
Orkish Naginata, Dmg 12, Sz 5, Wgt 8#, Special: Size 3 while mounted. (polearm +5) | A sword-like blade mounted on a pole for used on foot or horseback.
Orkish Dagger, Dmg 3, Sz 1, Wgt 1# | Fine Cara Fahdian dagger Stormbreaker picked up in Dun’s Hold as a souvenir.
Lamellar of the Winterjaws, Amr 10|3|2, Everclean, Wgt 30# (thundra skin +3|+2)
-A harness of lacquered hide plates bound together with oilcloth silk thread. The pelt of Winterjaws, a monstrous white wolf slewn by Stormbreaker, decorates the sides, shoulders, and back of the cuirass. Smaller strips of wolf fur adorn the helmet and inner layers of the armour's skirt. Constructed by the legendary Weaponsmith Quaynan for Stormbreaker.
Espagra-Scale Cloak, Arm 6|1|1, Everclean, Wgt 10# (+3|0) | Looted off a dead Crimson King Cultist in Southern Cara Fahd.
Serpent Pearl Brooch: +1 Mystic Armour, 1#
Huntsman’s Boots: Keep feet warm and dry, can walk five more miles per day, 2#
Light Quartz: Illuminates a 10 yard radius around character, 2#
Ashuran Noble’s Garb (colourful robe and dress, trousers, pointed boots, veil, jewelry), Everclean, 2#
Light Bag 3#
-Artisan Kit: Bells and Castanets
-Adventuring Kit (knife, bedroll of comfort, fire starter, traveller’s mug, waterskin), 8#
-Imitation Ashuran Noble's Garb x2, (colourful robe and dress, trousers, pointed boots, veil, jewelry), Everclean, 4#
-Potions (3 Booster, 5 Healing, 2 Antidote, 6 Shinyblade), 4#
-Leather-bound journal and fountain pen, 2#
-Quiet Pouch (408 gold), 5#
Blood Magic
Damage: 8
Death Cheat: On death make Recovery Test at +8, if no tests are left roll Step 8/2d6. Becomes inert after use. (3 Blood)
Twin Shaped Bone Charms: +2 bonus to Recovery Tests. Made from the bones of Winterjaws. (2 Blood)
Enthralling Features: Stormbreaker presents a vision of such heartbreaking ethereal loveliness it’s hard to keep from looking upon her. Her eyes are particularly beguiling, like deep pools of molten amber that swirl and draw the gaze to sink into them. 1 Strain grants +2 bonus to Interaction Tests where the charm may prove beneficial. (1 Blood)
Group Oath of Blood Peace: “I will take no action with intent to bring harm upon any who call ourselves The Unbroken, nor knowingly allow harm to befall any of our number.” (2 Blood)
Legend Points
20,400 / 20,450
Discipline Talents
Initiate: Melee Weapons 5 (1300), Avoid Blow 5 (1300), Taunt 5 (1600), Manoeuvre 5 (1900) Thread Weaving 5 (1900)
Novice: First Impression 5 (1900), Riposte 5 (1900), Heartening Laugh 5 (1900)
Journeyman: Second Weapon 4 (1800)
Talent Options
Novice: Acrobatic Defense 0 (0), Anticipate Blow 3 (600), Danger Sense 3 (600), Distract 0 (0), Impressive Display 0 (0), Speak Language 1 (100), Tiger Spring 3 (600), Unarmed Combat 3 (600), Winning Smile 3 (600), Wound Balance 3 (600)
Journeyman: Cobra Strike 0 (0), Engaging Banter 0 (0), Etiquette 4 (200), Gliding Stride 0 (0), Graceful Exit 0 (0), Lasting Impression 0 (0), Lion Heart 2 (500), Spot Armor Flaw 0 (0), Sprint (0), Swift Kick (0)
Novice: Versatility 0 (0)
Diplomacy 4 (800), Dancing 3 (800), Write Language 2 (300)
Lys is lily, or lilium.
The pretty flowers remind me of a song of elves.
The pretty flowers remind me of a song of elves.
#6 Re: Post updated Earthdawn characters here
Description and Background
Stormbreaker is an adolescent woman with a fencer's build: tall and dark haired, olive skinned and amber eyed, with attractive features and a winsome smile. She is not from Barsaive, having only recently come from across the Aras Sea, instead hailing from Ashura, a Kingdom extending across southern coasts of the sea, and into the eastern part of the Land of Four Rivers. A stranger in a strange land, nearly everything about her stands out. Her exotic clothes, armour, weapons, foreign manner of speech, and unusual ways are all largely unknown beyond the shores of the Aras, where the enigmatic Ashurans come in their sea and air ships to trade.
Of her appearance, perhaps most striking is her veiled face, normally kept so in the custom of the noble women of Ashura. To Stormbreaker the veil is an expression of privilege and power, as well as a link to her distant home. Yet though her face is veiled, her emotions are not, for Stormbreaker's eyes are wide and expressive, her voice clear and rich in tone, and her body language distinct and flamboyant. Even her smile shines and sparkles on her eyes as clearly as it would on her lips.
Stormbreaker’s unusual Name comes from the circumstances surrounding her birth. Just as her mother entered labour pains, a fiercely violent storm suddenly rose up and roared through the region. The storm continued to rage all through the birth, working great havoc upon the surroundings. Then as the baby girl’s birth cries pierced through the night, the storm suddenly abated and broke. Another family may have feared such portents, but her parents were former adventurers and worried not. Instead they were inspired to name the child Kirara Buranbazi, Lightray Stormbreaker, or more poetically Ray of Light that Breaks the Storm. Though this only after her father vetoed Piercing Cry that Brings the Storm, which her mother to this day insists is the more accurate Name.
Perhaps her mother was right, as the girl grew up an rambunctious troublemaker and inveterate neophile. While still a young child, she met an aged troll Swordmistress who was a comrade in arms of her parents. The old woman was impressed with Stormbreaker’s spirit and promised to train her in the Discipline when she came of age. She did not live to fulfill her promise, leaving it to her daughter Yuenu to do so in her stead. The younger troll had doubts about Stormbreaker’s suitability for the Discipline, due to the girl’s lack of focus and self-control, but took her in anyway. Honour demanded of Yuenu that she not break her word to her mother, nor her mother’s word to Stormbreaker.
The relationship between the two of them quickly proved tempestuous, as the personality of the impatient teacher clashed with that of her faithless student. No amount of amount of berating and beating from the former ever seemed to cow or wipe the defiant smile off the latter's face. The line between lessons and fights rapidly blurred, and Yuenu found herself struggling through sweat and blood to instruct her troublesome charge. For her part Stormbreaker was having the time of her life, feeding on the pain and strife to grow into an impressively talented Swordmistress.
Yuenu would have no doubt come around to notion that her student was worthy of the Discipline, but was disappointed again during the Deed of Initiation. Rather than defeating an opponent in an honourable duel, Stormbreaker instead ambushed and murdered him while he was out hunting, in order to avenge the death in a duel of her sister’s fiancee. While he did die with his sword in hand, an outraged Yuenu deemed act this dishonourable and unacceptable. She demanded another deed: Kill the legendary Winterjaws in single combat, a monstrous white wolf that terrorized the nearby countryside. A beast well beyond Stormbreaker’s prowess, by all rights it should have killed her, yet by the barest of margins she slew it. The victor would have no doubt subsequently bled to death had she not brought along a friend to track the beast. With two deeds accomplished, Yuenu grudgingly finished Stormbreaker’s Initiation.
The new Swordmaster had long been captivated by the tales of Barsaive told by her body slave, a Scavian woman named Celina. It sounded like an ideal place to have adventures and make a name for herself out of the shadow of her extensive and highly storied family. And so Stormbreaker arrived in Barsaive at the port of Urupa with her slave, personal arms, some light baggage, and a considerable purse. Ashura keeps a small permanent presence in the city, and has built an imposing fortress-like embassy within its walls, making it a good place for an adolescent Ashuran to get used to the people and customs of Barsaive.
Once there, Stormbreaker formally granted Selina her freedom, along with several times more coin than needed to get her home. After that she proceeded to act as one might expect from bold and adventurous teenager, in an exotic foreign city, with considerable money and inconsiderable supervision, which is to say without anything resembling temperance or responsibility. In only a short amount of time Stormbreaker proceeded to cheerfully drink, smoke, party, and gamble away all the rest of her funds. This did not dampen her spirits in the slightest; neither did being cast in chains after losing at high-stakes gambling with the local smuggler's boss. Now that she’s free, the young aristocrat looks forward to fun and excitement in these foreign lands.
Picture of Stormbreaker

Stormbreaker is an adolescent woman with a fencer's build: tall and dark haired, olive skinned and amber eyed, with attractive features and a winsome smile. She is not from Barsaive, having only recently come from across the Aras Sea, instead hailing from Ashura, a Kingdom extending across southern coasts of the sea, and into the eastern part of the Land of Four Rivers. A stranger in a strange land, nearly everything about her stands out. Her exotic clothes, armour, weapons, foreign manner of speech, and unusual ways are all largely unknown beyond the shores of the Aras, where the enigmatic Ashurans come in their sea and air ships to trade.
Of her appearance, perhaps most striking is her veiled face, normally kept so in the custom of the noble women of Ashura. To Stormbreaker the veil is an expression of privilege and power, as well as a link to her distant home. Yet though her face is veiled, her emotions are not, for Stormbreaker's eyes are wide and expressive, her voice clear and rich in tone, and her body language distinct and flamboyant. Even her smile shines and sparkles on her eyes as clearly as it would on her lips.
Stormbreaker’s unusual Name comes from the circumstances surrounding her birth. Just as her mother entered labour pains, a fiercely violent storm suddenly rose up and roared through the region. The storm continued to rage all through the birth, working great havoc upon the surroundings. Then as the baby girl’s birth cries pierced through the night, the storm suddenly abated and broke. Another family may have feared such portents, but her parents were former adventurers and worried not. Instead they were inspired to name the child Kirara Buranbazi, Lightray Stormbreaker, or more poetically Ray of Light that Breaks the Storm. Though this only after her father vetoed Piercing Cry that Brings the Storm, which her mother to this day insists is the more accurate Name.
Perhaps her mother was right, as the girl grew up an rambunctious troublemaker and inveterate neophile. While still a young child, she met an aged troll Swordmistress who was a comrade in arms of her parents. The old woman was impressed with Stormbreaker’s spirit and promised to train her in the Discipline when she came of age. She did not live to fulfill her promise, leaving it to her daughter Yuenu to do so in her stead. The younger troll had doubts about Stormbreaker’s suitability for the Discipline, due to the girl’s lack of focus and self-control, but took her in anyway. Honour demanded of Yuenu that she not break her word to her mother, nor her mother’s word to Stormbreaker.
The relationship between the two of them quickly proved tempestuous, as the personality of the impatient teacher clashed with that of her faithless student. No amount of amount of berating and beating from the former ever seemed to cow or wipe the defiant smile off the latter's face. The line between lessons and fights rapidly blurred, and Yuenu found herself struggling through sweat and blood to instruct her troublesome charge. For her part Stormbreaker was having the time of her life, feeding on the pain and strife to grow into an impressively talented Swordmistress.
Yuenu would have no doubt come around to notion that her student was worthy of the Discipline, but was disappointed again during the Deed of Initiation. Rather than defeating an opponent in an honourable duel, Stormbreaker instead ambushed and murdered him while he was out hunting, in order to avenge the death in a duel of her sister’s fiancee. While he did die with his sword in hand, an outraged Yuenu deemed act this dishonourable and unacceptable. She demanded another deed: Kill the legendary Winterjaws in single combat, a monstrous white wolf that terrorized the nearby countryside. A beast well beyond Stormbreaker’s prowess, by all rights it should have killed her, yet by the barest of margins she slew it. The victor would have no doubt subsequently bled to death had she not brought along a friend to track the beast. With two deeds accomplished, Yuenu grudgingly finished Stormbreaker’s Initiation.
The new Swordmaster had long been captivated by the tales of Barsaive told by her body slave, a Scavian woman named Celina. It sounded like an ideal place to have adventures and make a name for herself out of the shadow of her extensive and highly storied family. And so Stormbreaker arrived in Barsaive at the port of Urupa with her slave, personal arms, some light baggage, and a considerable purse. Ashura keeps a small permanent presence in the city, and has built an imposing fortress-like embassy within its walls, making it a good place for an adolescent Ashuran to get used to the people and customs of Barsaive.
Once there, Stormbreaker formally granted Selina her freedom, along with several times more coin than needed to get her home. After that she proceeded to act as one might expect from bold and adventurous teenager, in an exotic foreign city, with considerable money and inconsiderable supervision, which is to say without anything resembling temperance or responsibility. In only a short amount of time Stormbreaker proceeded to cheerfully drink, smoke, party, and gamble away all the rest of her funds. This did not dampen her spirits in the slightest; neither did being cast in chains after losing at high-stakes gambling with the local smuggler's boss. Now that she’s free, the young aristocrat looks forward to fun and excitement in these foreign lands.
Picture of Stormbreaker

Lys is lily, or lilium.
The pretty flowers remind me of a song of elves.
The pretty flowers remind me of a song of elves.
- Cynical Cat
- Arch-Magician
- Posts: 11930
- Joined: Thu Jun 09, 2005 8:53 pm
- 19
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#7 Re: Post updated Earthdawn characters here
Appearance:Sereph is a slim, golden skinned male elf of slightly better than average height (6’5’’) with black hair just short of shoulder length. He frequently paints a black starburst around his left eye/cheek. Nominally a Free Follower of the Wheel, he walks the Path of the Traveller. He displays this by frequently wearing a red robe embroidered with yellow cranes.
Race: Elf
Discipline: 5th Circle Nethermancer
STR 10 5
DEX 13 6
TOU 10 5
PER 20 8
WIL 17 7
CHA 11 5
Physical Defence: 8 (9)
Social Defence: 8
Mystic Defence: 12 (13)
Wound Threshold: 7
Current Damage: 5 Bloodmagic
Unconciousness: 35
Deathrating: 45
Physical Armor: 4
Mystic Armor: 4
Astral Sight 5
Avoid Blow 4
Awareness 4
Command Nightflyer 1
Frighten 5
Lion Heart 1
Patterncraft 5
Spellcasting 5
Spirit Hold 5
Spirit Talk 5
Stealthy Stride 3
Steely Stare 1
Threadweaving 5
Enhanced Matrix 5*
Enhanced Matrix 1
Standard Matrix 5*
Standard Matrix 1
Astral Spear
Dark Messenger
Experience Death
Shadow Meld
Spirit Dart
Spirit Grip
Shield Mist
Shadow`s Whisper
Last Chance
Alchemy 1
Bone Carving 1
Climbing 1
Creatures of Barsaive 1
History of Barsaive 1
Horrors 2
Read Language (Sperethiel) 1
Research 1
Robe Embroidery 1
Seduction 1
Speak Language (Sperethiel, Throalic) 2
Swimming 1
Artisan Tools
Dagger (bone handles, a gift from his father)
Dry Boots
Traveler’s Garb (soft boots, shirt, belt, breeches, traveler’s cloak)
Padded Leather Armor (actually a brigandine jack,
Embroidered Robe
Esparaga Cloak
Crystal Buckler
Absorb Blow Blood Charm
Desperate Spell Blood Charm
Healing Potion
4 Booster Potions
Salve of Closure
Adventurer’s Kit
Light Sack
Bedroll of Comfort
Flint and Steel
Writing Kit
Climbing Kit
Small Light Quartz
Traveler’s Mug
Upandal’s Blessings
3 Weeks trail ration
3 sticks Firefly chalk
Grimoire and Lab Notes
War Trained, high quality Troajin with saddle and tack.
20 Days of Feed
100 sp
Build Data
450 Unspend Legend Points
20,550 Total Legend Points
Appearance:Sereph is a slim, golden skinned male elf of slightly better than average height (6’5’’) with black hair just short of shoulder length. He frequently paints a black starburst around his left eye/cheek. Nominally a Free Follower of the Wheel, he walks the Path of the Traveller. He displays this by frequently wearing a red robe embroidered with yellow cranes.
Race: Elf
Discipline: 5th Circle Nethermancer
STR 10 5
DEX 13 6
TOU 10 5
PER 20 8
WIL 17 7
CHA 11 5
Physical Defence: 8 (9)
Social Defence: 8
Mystic Defence: 12 (13)
Wound Threshold: 7
Current Damage: 5 Bloodmagic
Unconciousness: 35
Deathrating: 45
Physical Armor: 4
Mystic Armor: 4
Astral Sight 5
Avoid Blow 4
Awareness 4
Command Nightflyer 1
Frighten 5
Lion Heart 1
Patterncraft 5
Spellcasting 5
Spirit Hold 5
Spirit Talk 5
Stealthy Stride 3
Steely Stare 1
Threadweaving 5
Enhanced Matrix 5*
Enhanced Matrix 1
Standard Matrix 5*
Standard Matrix 1
Astral Spear
Dark Messenger
Experience Death
Shadow Meld
Spirit Dart
Spirit Grip
Shield Mist
Shadow`s Whisper
Last Chance
Alchemy 1
Bone Carving 1
Climbing 1
Creatures of Barsaive 1
History of Barsaive 1
Horrors 2
Read Language (Sperethiel) 1
Research 1
Robe Embroidery 1
Seduction 1
Speak Language (Sperethiel, Throalic) 2
Swimming 1
Artisan Tools
Dagger (bone handles, a gift from his father)
Dry Boots
Traveler’s Garb (soft boots, shirt, belt, breeches, traveler’s cloak)
Padded Leather Armor (actually a brigandine jack,
Embroidered Robe
Esparaga Cloak
Crystal Buckler
Absorb Blow Blood Charm
Desperate Spell Blood Charm
Healing Potion
4 Booster Potions
Salve of Closure
Adventurer’s Kit
Light Sack
Bedroll of Comfort
Flint and Steel
Writing Kit
Climbing Kit
Small Light Quartz
Traveler’s Mug
Upandal’s Blessings
3 Weeks trail ration
3 sticks Firefly chalk
Grimoire and Lab Notes
War Trained, high quality Troajin with saddle and tack.
20 Days of Feed
100 sp
Build Data
Spoiler: show
20,550 Total Legend Points
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
- frigidmagi
- Dragon Death-Marine General
- Posts: 14757
- Joined: Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:03 am
- 19
- Location: Alone and unafraid
#8 Re: Post updated Earthdawn characters here
Thanks Lys and Cat. A reminder guys, if you post the day of game, I'm not taking the character.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
- rhoenix
- The Artist formerly known as Rhoenix
- Posts: 7998
- Joined: Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:01 pm
- 18
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- Contact:
#9 Re: Post updated Earthdawn characters here
The Basics:
Name: Fehl Pangolin
Species: Human
Discipline(s): Elementalist (6th)
The Biography of Fehl, the Speaker of Elements
Born in a very small farming village much removed from most of the outside world of Barsaive, Fehl was very sure that fires, streams, hills, and the breezes spoke to him - even to the point of being his playmates as a child. This led to him having few friends as a child, since even other children saw this as a little strange - but nonetheless, he had a happy childhood, untroubled by most afflictions that plague Barsaive. A chance encounter of a passing Elementalist saw Fehl becoming his apprentice in short order, beginning to travel the world around him under the tutelage of the older Elementalist.
Soon enough, Fehl became an Adept of the Elements, and his teacher sent him on his way, saying that experience now would be his best teacher. With that, Fehl drew upon the language skills and talents he'd nurtured into focused abilities to venture forth on his own.
Naturally, on his first outing, he was knocked out and thrown in with a bunch of other malcontents. The good news, however, was that the other malcontents were all Adepts, and seemed keen on venturing forth into Barsaive, getting justice, revenge, knowledge, riches, and comedy along the way.
At this point, Fehl is pretty certain that he's like one of the characters in stories he read about as a child - the brave Elementalist, supported by his powerful (and mischievous) friends, having adventures, saving people in trouble, and setting people on fire for justice.
Discipline Specialties:
Half-Magic: Fehl may make a Perception-based Half-Magic test to detect the presence of Elemental spirits within 30 yards. The Difficulty Number to detect elemental spirits is the spirit's Mystic Defense. If successful, Fehl can sense the spirit's presence and may use spells and talents to communicate or interact with it.
Dexterity (DEX): 10 (s5, init s5, phys def s5)
Strength (STR): 10 (s5, carry cap 80)
Toughness (TOU): 11 (s5, unc 22, death 27, wound threshold 8, recovery 2)
Perception (PER): 19 (s8, mystic def s8)
Willpower (WIL): 19 (s8 base plus Willforce s12 = s20 base WIL)
Charisma (CHA): 10 (s5, soc def s5)
Combat & Conflict:
Movement Rate: 12
Physical Defense: 8 (+7 (Dex 10), +1 (4th Circle Elementalist bonus))
Mystic Defense: 13 (+11 (Perception 19), +2 (6th Circle Elementalist bonus))
Social Defense: 6 (+6 (Charisma 10))
Wound Threshold: 8 (Toughness 12)
Unconsciousness: 37 (+22 (Toughness 11), +15 (Durability 5))
Death Rating: 47 (+27 (Toughness 11), +20 (Durability 5))
Physical Armor: 7 (+7 (Improved Fernweave Armor))
Mystic Armor: 6 (+3 (Willpower 19), +3 (Improved Fernweave Armor))
:: Talents: ::
:: Discipline Talents (Elementalist) ::
(Free) Standard Matrix 6
(Free) Enhanced Matrix 6
(Free) Karma Ritual 5
(Free) Durability 6 (6th Circle, as per Garvin for being awesome)
(Per) Awareness 7
(Per) Patterncraft 7
(Per) Spellcasting 8 (7 base + 1 from ring of unbroken)
(Per) Threadweaving (Elementalism) 8 (7 base + 1 from ring of unbroken)
(Tou) Wood Skin 7
(Wil) Fire Heal 7
(Per) Elemental Tongues 7
(Wil) Elemental Hold 7
(Per) Summon (Elemental Spirits) 6
(Wil) Willforce 8 (7 base + 1 from ring of unbroken)
:: Talent Options: ::
Versatility (received from being human; still unused)
Standard Matrix 3
Enhanced Matrix 6
Steel Thought 6
(DEX) Avoid Blow 6
(WIL) Dispel Magic 4
(PER) Astral Sight 3
:: Elemental Spellcasting: ::
Spellcasting: s16 (s8 Perception + s7 Spellcasting base talent + s1 Spellcasting thread from ring of unbroken)
Threadweaving: s16 (s8 Perception + s7 Spellcasting base talent + s1 Spellcasting thread from ring of unbroken)
WIL: s16 (s8 Will + s7 Willforce base talent + s1 Willforce thread from ring of unbroken)
:: Spells: ::
Air Armor
Earth Darts
Heat Food
Resist Element (air/earth/fire/water/wood)
Purify Earth
Purify Water
Icy Surface
Shield Willow
Plant Feast
Winds of Deflection
Lightning Bolt
Air Blast
Blizzard Sphere
Elemental Spear (Water)
Lightning Step
Heat Armor
Ride the Lightning
Shattering Stone
Metal Wings
:: Skills: ::
Artisan Skill: Mapmaking 1
Knowledge: Horror Lore 3
Knowledge: Creature Lore 1
Speak Language: Dwarf, Elf, Orc, T'skrang, Troll
Read/Write Language: Dwarf, Elf, Orc, T'skrang, Troll
:: Armor: ::
[td]Armor Name[/td]
[td]Phys. Armor[/td]
[td]Mystic Armor[/td]
[td]Init. Penalty[/td]
[td]Improved Fernweave Armor[/td]
[td]Improved by 5 steps, +5 to phys. defense[/td]
:: Thread Items: ::
[td]Hyperion Ring[/td][td] infused with swamp mage power [/td][td]0[/td][td] - [/td]
[td]Ring of Steel[/td][td] made of a steel circle [/td][td]0[/td][td] - [/td]
[td]Ring of the Unbroken[/td][td] made in honor of group pattern [/td][td]3[/td][td] Spellcasting 1, Threadweaving 1, Willforce 1 [/td]
Gear & Money: (total capacity: 80)
- Adventurer’s Kit (backpack, bedroll, flint & steel, torch, waterskin, large sack) (cap 14)
- Artisan Kit (mapmaking tools) (cap 2)
- Dagger (cap 1)
- Grimoire
- Traveler’s Garb (soft boots, shirt, belt, breeches, traveler’s cloak)
- Fernweave Armor (cap 15)
- Fire Starter (cap 2)
- Map and Scroll Case (cap 1)
- 25 sheets Extra Paper
- 3 vials Extra Writing Ink (cap 1)
- Huntsman’s Boots (cap 2)
- 2 pieces of firefly chalk
- 4 booster potions (cap 8)
- 2 healing potions (cap 4)
- salve of closure (cap 1)
Total Capacity: 51/80
Stored for Travel:
- Bedroll of Comfort (cap 2)
- Tent (cap 20)
- 20 booster potions
- 3 cure disease potions
- 5 halt illness potions
- 10 healing potions
- 5 kelia's antidote
- 5 last chance salves
GP: 89
SP: 36
(Re)Build Math:
The Further Legends of Fehl:
250 LP remaining from previous
+500 LP (game 1)
+2000 LP (game 2)
Total: 2750 LP
-800 lp (+1 to WIL, first attribute increase)
-1300 lp (+1 to WIL, second attribute increase)
Total: 650 LP
+6000 LP (game 3)
Total: 6650 LP
-1300 (increase Discipline talent Awareness from 5 to 6)
-1300 (increase Discipline talent Threadweaving: Elementalism from 5 to 6)
-1300 (increase Discipline talent Spellcasting from 5 to 6)
-1300 (increase Discipline talent Woodskin from 5 to 6)
-1300 (increase Discipline talent Patterncraft from 5 to 6)
Total: 150 LP
+4000 LP (game 4)
Total: 4150 LP
+5000 LP (game 5)
Total: 9150 LP
-1300 (increase Discipline talent Fire Heal from 5 to 6)
-1300 (increase Discipline talent Elemental Tongues from 5 to 6)
-1300 (increase Discipline talent Elemental Hold from 5 to 6)
-2100 (increase Discipline talent Summon (Elemental Spirit) from 5 to 6)
Total: 3150 LP
-1300 (increase Discipline talent Standard Matrix from 5 to 6)
Total: 1850 LP
+7000 LP (game 5)
Total: 8850 LP
+7000 LP (game 6)
Total: 15850 LP
+15000 LP (game 7-10)
Total: 30850 LP
-2100 LP (increase attribute PER by +2)
Total: 28750 LP
-2600 LP (increase talent Avoid Blow from 3 to 6)
Total: 26150 LP
-100 (purchase talent option Enhanced Matrix)
-1800 (increase talent Enhanced Matrix from 1 to 5)
Total: 24250 LP
-100 (purchase talent option Steel Thought)
-3200 (increase talent Steel Thought from 1 to 6)
Total: 20950 LP
-1000 increase from c5 to c6
-300 purchase talent Willforce
-2600 increase Willforce from 1 to 4
-5500 increase Willforce from 4 to 6
-5500 increase Willforce 6 to 7
-2100 increase Spellcasting from 6 to 7
-2100 increase Threadweaving from 6 to 7
-1300 increase Enhanced Matrix from 5 to 6
-1300 increase Enhanced Matrix from 5 to 6
Total: 150 LP
+3000 lp (game 11 lp)
Total: 3150 LP
-200 purchase Journeyman Talent Option Dispel Magic
-1600 increase talent option Dispel Magic from 1 to 4
Total: 1350 LP
-800 increase skill Horror Lore from 1 to 3
-500 increase talent option Astral Sight from 2 to 3
Total: 50 LP
+26,050 lp (game 12,13, and 14 lp)
Total: 26100 LP
+4000 lp (game 15 lp)
Total: 30100 LP
-300 (1st circle thread for threadweaving on ring of unbroken)
-300 (1st circle thread for spellcasting on ring of unbroken)
-300 (1st circle thread for willforce on ring of unbroken)
-14,100 (increase threadweaving, spellcasting, and willforce on ring to 5)
-2100 (increase talent Awareness from 6 to 7)
-2100 (increase talent Patterncrafting from 6 to 7)
-2100 (increase talent Wood Skin from 6 to 7)
-2100 (increase talent Fire Heal from 6 to 7)
-2100 (increase talent Elemental Tongues from 6 to 7)
-2100 (increase talent Elemental Hold from 6 to 7)
Total: 2500 LP
+4000 lp (game 15 lp)
Total: 6500 LP
+5000 lp (game 15 lp)
Total: 11500 LP
+6000 lp (game 16 lp)
Total: 17500 LP
v.1.0 - finished character sheet
Name: Fehl Pangolin
Species: Human
Discipline(s): Elementalist (6th)
The Biography of Fehl, the Speaker of Elements
Born in a very small farming village much removed from most of the outside world of Barsaive, Fehl was very sure that fires, streams, hills, and the breezes spoke to him - even to the point of being his playmates as a child. This led to him having few friends as a child, since even other children saw this as a little strange - but nonetheless, he had a happy childhood, untroubled by most afflictions that plague Barsaive. A chance encounter of a passing Elementalist saw Fehl becoming his apprentice in short order, beginning to travel the world around him under the tutelage of the older Elementalist.
Soon enough, Fehl became an Adept of the Elements, and his teacher sent him on his way, saying that experience now would be his best teacher. With that, Fehl drew upon the language skills and talents he'd nurtured into focused abilities to venture forth on his own.
Naturally, on his first outing, he was knocked out and thrown in with a bunch of other malcontents. The good news, however, was that the other malcontents were all Adepts, and seemed keen on venturing forth into Barsaive, getting justice, revenge, knowledge, riches, and comedy along the way.
At this point, Fehl is pretty certain that he's like one of the characters in stories he read about as a child - the brave Elementalist, supported by his powerful (and mischievous) friends, having adventures, saving people in trouble, and setting people on fire for justice.
Discipline Specialties:
Half-Magic: Fehl may make a Perception-based Half-Magic test to detect the presence of Elemental spirits within 30 yards. The Difficulty Number to detect elemental spirits is the spirit's Mystic Defense. If successful, Fehl can sense the spirit's presence and may use spells and talents to communicate or interact with it.
Dexterity (DEX): 10 (s5, init s5, phys def s5)
Strength (STR): 10 (s5, carry cap 80)
Toughness (TOU): 11 (s5, unc 22, death 27, wound threshold 8, recovery 2)
Perception (PER): 19 (s8, mystic def s8)
Willpower (WIL): 19 (s8 base plus Willforce s12 = s20 base WIL)
Charisma (CHA): 10 (s5, soc def s5)
Combat & Conflict:
Movement Rate: 12
Physical Defense: 8 (+7 (Dex 10), +1 (4th Circle Elementalist bonus))
Mystic Defense: 13 (+11 (Perception 19), +2 (6th Circle Elementalist bonus))
Social Defense: 6 (+6 (Charisma 10))
Wound Threshold: 8 (Toughness 12)
Unconsciousness: 37 (+22 (Toughness 11), +15 (Durability 5))
Death Rating: 47 (+27 (Toughness 11), +20 (Durability 5))
Physical Armor: 7 (+7 (Improved Fernweave Armor))
Mystic Armor: 6 (+3 (Willpower 19), +3 (Improved Fernweave Armor))
:: Talents: ::
:: Discipline Talents (Elementalist) ::
(Free) Standard Matrix 6
(Free) Enhanced Matrix 6
(Free) Karma Ritual 5
(Free) Durability 6 (6th Circle, as per Garvin for being awesome)
(Per) Awareness 7
(Per) Patterncraft 7
(Per) Spellcasting 8 (7 base + 1 from ring of unbroken)
(Per) Threadweaving (Elementalism) 8 (7 base + 1 from ring of unbroken)
(Tou) Wood Skin 7
(Wil) Fire Heal 7
(Per) Elemental Tongues 7
(Wil) Elemental Hold 7
(Per) Summon (Elemental Spirits) 6
(Wil) Willforce 8 (7 base + 1 from ring of unbroken)
:: Talent Options: ::
Versatility (received from being human; still unused)
Standard Matrix 3
Enhanced Matrix 6
Steel Thought 6
(DEX) Avoid Blow 6
(WIL) Dispel Magic 4
(PER) Astral Sight 3
:: Elemental Spellcasting: ::
Spellcasting: s16 (s8 Perception + s7 Spellcasting base talent + s1 Spellcasting thread from ring of unbroken)
Threadweaving: s16 (s8 Perception + s7 Spellcasting base talent + s1 Spellcasting thread from ring of unbroken)
WIL: s16 (s8 Will + s7 Willforce base talent + s1 Willforce thread from ring of unbroken)
:: Spells: ::
Air Armor
Earth Darts
Heat Food
Resist Element (air/earth/fire/water/wood)
Purify Earth
Purify Water
Icy Surface
Shield Willow
Plant Feast
Winds of Deflection
Lightning Bolt
Air Blast
Blizzard Sphere
Elemental Spear (Water)
Lightning Step
Heat Armor
Ride the Lightning
Shattering Stone
Metal Wings
:: Skills: ::
Artisan Skill: Mapmaking 1
Knowledge: Horror Lore 3
Knowledge: Creature Lore 1
Speak Language: Dwarf, Elf, Orc, T'skrang, Troll
Read/Write Language: Dwarf, Elf, Orc, T'skrang, Troll
:: Armor: ::
[td]Armor Name[/td]
[td]Phys. Armor[/td]
[td]Mystic Armor[/td]
[td]Init. Penalty[/td]
[td]Improved Fernweave Armor[/td]
[td]Improved by 5 steps, +5 to phys. defense[/td]
:: Thread Items: ::
[td]Hyperion Ring[/td][td] infused with swamp mage power [/td][td]0[/td][td] - [/td]
[td]Ring of Steel[/td][td] made of a steel circle [/td][td]0[/td][td] - [/td]
[td]Ring of the Unbroken[/td][td] made in honor of group pattern [/td][td]3[/td][td] Spellcasting 1, Threadweaving 1, Willforce 1 [/td]
Gear & Money: (total capacity: 80)
- Adventurer’s Kit (backpack, bedroll, flint & steel, torch, waterskin, large sack) (cap 14)
- Artisan Kit (mapmaking tools) (cap 2)
- Dagger (cap 1)
- Grimoire
- Traveler’s Garb (soft boots, shirt, belt, breeches, traveler’s cloak)
- Fernweave Armor (cap 15)
- Fire Starter (cap 2)
- Map and Scroll Case (cap 1)
- 25 sheets Extra Paper
- 3 vials Extra Writing Ink (cap 1)
- Huntsman’s Boots (cap 2)
- 2 pieces of firefly chalk
- 4 booster potions (cap 8)
- 2 healing potions (cap 4)
- salve of closure (cap 1)
Total Capacity: 51/80
Stored for Travel:
- Bedroll of Comfort (cap 2)
- Tent (cap 20)
- 20 booster potions
- 3 cure disease potions
- 5 halt illness potions
- 10 healing potions
- 5 kelia's antidote
- 5 last chance salves
GP: 89
SP: 36
(Re)Build Math:
Spoiler: show
250 LP remaining from previous
+500 LP (game 1)
+2000 LP (game 2)
Total: 2750 LP
-800 lp (+1 to WIL, first attribute increase)
-1300 lp (+1 to WIL, second attribute increase)
Total: 650 LP
+6000 LP (game 3)
Total: 6650 LP
-1300 (increase Discipline talent Awareness from 5 to 6)
-1300 (increase Discipline talent Threadweaving: Elementalism from 5 to 6)
-1300 (increase Discipline talent Spellcasting from 5 to 6)
-1300 (increase Discipline talent Woodskin from 5 to 6)
-1300 (increase Discipline talent Patterncraft from 5 to 6)
Total: 150 LP
+4000 LP (game 4)
Total: 4150 LP
+5000 LP (game 5)
Total: 9150 LP
-1300 (increase Discipline talent Fire Heal from 5 to 6)
-1300 (increase Discipline talent Elemental Tongues from 5 to 6)
-1300 (increase Discipline talent Elemental Hold from 5 to 6)
-2100 (increase Discipline talent Summon (Elemental Spirit) from 5 to 6)
Total: 3150 LP
-1300 (increase Discipline talent Standard Matrix from 5 to 6)
Total: 1850 LP
+7000 LP (game 5)
Total: 8850 LP
+7000 LP (game 6)
Total: 15850 LP
+15000 LP (game 7-10)
Total: 30850 LP
-2100 LP (increase attribute PER by +2)
Total: 28750 LP
-2600 LP (increase talent Avoid Blow from 3 to 6)
Total: 26150 LP
-100 (purchase talent option Enhanced Matrix)
-1800 (increase talent Enhanced Matrix from 1 to 5)
Total: 24250 LP
-100 (purchase talent option Steel Thought)
-3200 (increase talent Steel Thought from 1 to 6)
Total: 20950 LP
-1000 increase from c5 to c6
-300 purchase talent Willforce
-2600 increase Willforce from 1 to 4
-5500 increase Willforce from 4 to 6
-5500 increase Willforce 6 to 7
-2100 increase Spellcasting from 6 to 7
-2100 increase Threadweaving from 6 to 7
-1300 increase Enhanced Matrix from 5 to 6
-1300 increase Enhanced Matrix from 5 to 6
Total: 150 LP
+3000 lp (game 11 lp)
Total: 3150 LP
-200 purchase Journeyman Talent Option Dispel Magic
-1600 increase talent option Dispel Magic from 1 to 4
Total: 1350 LP
-800 increase skill Horror Lore from 1 to 3
-500 increase talent option Astral Sight from 2 to 3
Total: 50 LP
+26,050 lp (game 12,13, and 14 lp)
Total: 26100 LP
+4000 lp (game 15 lp)
Total: 30100 LP
-300 (1st circle thread for threadweaving on ring of unbroken)
-300 (1st circle thread for spellcasting on ring of unbroken)
-300 (1st circle thread for willforce on ring of unbroken)
-14,100 (increase threadweaving, spellcasting, and willforce on ring to 5)
-2100 (increase talent Awareness from 6 to 7)
-2100 (increase talent Patterncrafting from 6 to 7)
-2100 (increase talent Wood Skin from 6 to 7)
-2100 (increase talent Fire Heal from 6 to 7)
-2100 (increase talent Elemental Tongues from 6 to 7)
-2100 (increase talent Elemental Hold from 6 to 7)
Total: 2500 LP
+4000 lp (game 15 lp)
Total: 6500 LP
+5000 lp (game 15 lp)
Total: 11500 LP
+6000 lp (game 16 lp)
Total: 17500 LP
v.1.0 - finished character sheet
Last edited by rhoenix on Sun May 06, 2018 8:45 pm, edited 51 times in total.
"Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes."
- William Gibson
- William Gibson
Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
#10 Re: Post updated Earthdawn characters here
Name: Nethan Monteri
-Old Irongut (Cara Fahd) [1]
Human Thief (Spy) Circle 5
|Dex 16|Strength 13|Toughness 10|Perception 16|Willpower 11|Charisma 13|
|Step 7|Step 6|Step 5|Step 7|Step 5|Step 6|
*Combat Grid:*
|Physical Armor: 7|Mystic Armor: 6|Initiative Step: 7|Movement Rate: 12|
|Physical Defense: 11|Magic Defense: 10|Social Defense: 9|
|Unconsciousness: 43 (45)|Death: 53 (55)|Wound Threshold: 7|Recovery Tests/Day: 2|
|Melee Step: 11|Avoid Blow Step: 11|Damage Step: 14(17)|Recovery Step: 5|
Karma**: 17/30
May Spend Karma On:
All social tests involved in deceiving the target
Initiative Tests
Attack Tests on Surprised or Blindsided targets
*Discipline Talents:*
|*Danger Sense: 5/12*|Spy dire senses tingling! Strain: 1, Action: Free|
|*Awareness: 5/12*|Used when intentionally trying to spot someone or something Strain: 0, Action: Simple|
|*Lock Picking: 5/12*|Conjures telekinetic lockpicks, may retry up to Lock Picking Rank, Strain: 0, Action: Standard|
|*First Impression: 5/11*|I have heard that there is a technique called “The Smoulder”. Strain: 0 Action: Standard|
|*Stealthy Stride: 5/12*|Half Speed movement, but silent. Strain: 0, Action: Simple|
|*Thread Weaving: 5/12*|So that’s what it’s like to steal a spell....interesting. Strain: 0, Action: Standard|
|*Disarm Trap: 5/12* |It’s like picking locks, for Traps! Strain: 1, Action: Standard|
|*Speak Language: 5/12* |Strain: 1, Action: Standard.|
|*Conceal Object: 5/12*|Strain: 1, Action: Standard|
|*Engaging Banter: 1/7*|Strain: 0, Action: Standard|
*Talent Options:*
|*Melee: 3/10*|Sharp end goes in other guy, got it. Strain: 0, Action: Standard|
|*Avoid Blow: 3/10*| Strain: 1, Action: Free|
|*Great Leap: 2/9*|Walls? Not to worry, these walls aren’t to code. Strain: 1, Action: Free|
|*Read/Write Language: 3/10*|Strain: 1, Action: Standard|
|*Suprise Strike: 2/9*|Strain: 1, Action: Free|
|*Disguise Self: 1/8*|Nethan? Who's that? My name's Gurthag. Strain: 0, Action: Standard|
*Versatility: 3*
|*Astral Sight: 2/9*|Can see into Astral Sight x20 yards (x10 Hexes). Strain: 1, Action: Simple|
|*Wind Catcher: 2/7*|It’s not flying, it’s falling with style! Strain: 1, Action: Standard|
|*Empathic Sense: 1/7*|Strain: 1, Action: Standard|
|Build or bypass security measures, recognize different locking mechanisms|
*Knowledge:* 6
|Barsaive History: 1/8|Trade Routes: 1/8|Military Organizations: 1/8|
*Artisan:* 2
Acting: 1
*Language:* 2/1
Speak: 3
|Throalic|Human|Orkish (+1 for understanding Horror Assassin Orkish)|
*Read/Write:* 3
*General Skills:*
|Conversation: 1|Forgery: 2 |Flirting: 1|Physician: 1|Streetwise: 2|
Carried (110 lb. limit):
|Adventurer’s Kit (backpack, flint & steel,
torch, waterskin, large sack)|10|Traveler’s Garb (soft boots, shirt, belt,
breeches, traveler’s cloak)|2|
|Bedroll of Comfort|2|Dry Boots|2|
|Dagger (Step 2)|2|Fernweave Armor 7P/4M (+6)|15|
|||Crystal Buckler 1PD/1MD|5|
|Quiet Pouch|2|Broadsword (Step 5)(+3)|4|
|Firefly Chalk x5|-|Ork-Carved Amber Bracelet (Left Wrist)|-|
|Heat Stone|3|Light Quartz (Small)|2|
|Traveller's Mug x2|2|Healing Kit Refills x12|-|
|Anti-Sporific x 1|1|Booster Potion x 8|16|
|Cleanse Poison Potion x 2|2|Disease Remedy x 2|2|
|Kelix’s Poultice x 4|4|Last Chance Salve x 1|1|
|Salve of Closure x 1|1|Physician's Kit XXO|3|
|Physician's Kit Refills x12|12|Whistles x1|1|
|Dwarf Mining Rations (1 week)|5|Centuries-Old Torn Playing Card|-|
|Banishment (Broadsword)|4|Group Journal|1|
|Everclean Clothes|1|Cloaksense Brooch|2|
|Scarless Pitons x4|4|Healing Potion x4|8|
|Light Bag x2|6|Dry Bag x2|6|
Total Weight: 90? lbs.
On "Lyda":https://earthdawn-down-the-river.obsidi ... items/lyda (520 lb. Limit):
|Forgery Kit|4|Artisan Tools (Acting Kit)|6|
|Grappling Hook x1|5|Rope 25 yd. x2|50|
|Hot Pot|8|Tent|20|
|Huttawa Feed x30|30|Trail Rations (2 weeks)|16|
|Dwarf Mining Rations (5 days)|5|
Total Weight: 145 lbs.
Gold: 304
Silver: 75
Copper: 2
Total Legend Points: 20450
Spent Legend Points: 20400
Remaining Legend Points: 50
"Expeditures":The Math
fn1. Obtained when he drank Hurlg and managed to not hurl. And then did it again, and again, and again. He actually rather likes it now.
-Old Irongut (Cara Fahd) [1]
Human Thief (Spy) Circle 5
|Dex 16|Strength 13|Toughness 10|Perception 16|Willpower 11|Charisma 13|
|Step 7|Step 6|Step 5|Step 7|Step 5|Step 6|
*Combat Grid:*
|Physical Armor: 7|Mystic Armor: 6|Initiative Step: 7|Movement Rate: 12|
|Physical Defense: 11|Magic Defense: 10|Social Defense: 9|
|Unconsciousness: 43 (45)|Death: 53 (55)|Wound Threshold: 7|Recovery Tests/Day: 2|
|Melee Step: 11|Avoid Blow Step: 11|Damage Step: 14(17)|Recovery Step: 5|
Karma**: 17/30
May Spend Karma On:
All social tests involved in deceiving the target
Initiative Tests
Attack Tests on Surprised or Blindsided targets
*Discipline Talents:*
|*Danger Sense: 5/12*|Spy dire senses tingling! Strain: 1, Action: Free|
|*Awareness: 5/12*|Used when intentionally trying to spot someone or something Strain: 0, Action: Simple|
|*Lock Picking: 5/12*|Conjures telekinetic lockpicks, may retry up to Lock Picking Rank, Strain: 0, Action: Standard|
|*First Impression: 5/11*|I have heard that there is a technique called “The Smoulder”. Strain: 0 Action: Standard|
|*Stealthy Stride: 5/12*|Half Speed movement, but silent. Strain: 0, Action: Simple|
|*Thread Weaving: 5/12*|So that’s what it’s like to steal a spell....interesting. Strain: 0, Action: Standard|
|*Disarm Trap: 5/12* |It’s like picking locks, for Traps! Strain: 1, Action: Standard|
|*Speak Language: 5/12* |Strain: 1, Action: Standard.|
|*Conceal Object: 5/12*|Strain: 1, Action: Standard|
|*Engaging Banter: 1/7*|Strain: 0, Action: Standard|
*Talent Options:*
|*Melee: 3/10*|Sharp end goes in other guy, got it. Strain: 0, Action: Standard|
|*Avoid Blow: 3/10*| Strain: 1, Action: Free|
|*Great Leap: 2/9*|Walls? Not to worry, these walls aren’t to code. Strain: 1, Action: Free|
|*Read/Write Language: 3/10*|Strain: 1, Action: Standard|
|*Suprise Strike: 2/9*|Strain: 1, Action: Free|
|*Disguise Self: 1/8*|Nethan? Who's that? My name's Gurthag. Strain: 0, Action: Standard|
*Versatility: 3*
|*Astral Sight: 2/9*|Can see into Astral Sight x20 yards (x10 Hexes). Strain: 1, Action: Simple|
|*Wind Catcher: 2/7*|It’s not flying, it’s falling with style! Strain: 1, Action: Standard|
|*Empathic Sense: 1/7*|Strain: 1, Action: Standard|
|Build or bypass security measures, recognize different locking mechanisms|
*Knowledge:* 6
|Barsaive History: 1/8|Trade Routes: 1/8|Military Organizations: 1/8|
*Artisan:* 2
Acting: 1
*Language:* 2/1
Speak: 3
|Throalic|Human|Orkish (+1 for understanding Horror Assassin Orkish)|
*Read/Write:* 3
*General Skills:*
|Conversation: 1|Forgery: 2 |Flirting: 1|Physician: 1|Streetwise: 2|
Carried (110 lb. limit):
|Adventurer’s Kit (backpack, flint & steel,
torch, waterskin, large sack)|10|Traveler’s Garb (soft boots, shirt, belt,
breeches, traveler’s cloak)|2|
|Bedroll of Comfort|2|Dry Boots|2|
|Dagger (Step 2)|2|Fernweave Armor 7P/4M (+6)|15|
|||Crystal Buckler 1PD/1MD|5|
|Quiet Pouch|2|Broadsword (Step 5)(+3)|4|
|Firefly Chalk x5|-|Ork-Carved Amber Bracelet (Left Wrist)|-|
|Heat Stone|3|Light Quartz (Small)|2|
|Traveller's Mug x2|2|Healing Kit Refills x12|-|
|Anti-Sporific x 1|1|Booster Potion x 8|16|
|Cleanse Poison Potion x 2|2|Disease Remedy x 2|2|
|Kelix’s Poultice x 4|4|Last Chance Salve x 1|1|
|Salve of Closure x 1|1|Physician's Kit XXO|3|
|Physician's Kit Refills x12|12|Whistles x1|1|
|Dwarf Mining Rations (1 week)|5|Centuries-Old Torn Playing Card|-|
|Banishment (Broadsword)|4|Group Journal|1|
|Everclean Clothes|1|Cloaksense Brooch|2|
|Scarless Pitons x4|4|Healing Potion x4|8|
|Light Bag x2|6|Dry Bag x2|6|
Total Weight: 90? lbs.
On "Lyda":https://earthdawn-down-the-river.obsidi ... items/lyda (520 lb. Limit):
|Forgery Kit|4|Artisan Tools (Acting Kit)|6|
|Grappling Hook x1|5|Rope 25 yd. x2|50|
|Hot Pot|8|Tent|20|
|Huttawa Feed x30|30|Trail Rations (2 weeks)|16|
|Dwarf Mining Rations (5 days)|5|
Total Weight: 145 lbs.
Gold: 304
Silver: 75
Copper: 2
Total Legend Points: 20450
Spent Legend Points: 20400
Remaining Legend Points: 50
"Expeditures":The Math
fn1. Obtained when he drank Hurlg and managed to not hurl. And then did it again, and again, and again. He actually rather likes it now.
- General Havoc
- Mr. Party-Killbot
- Posts: 5245
- Joined: Wed Aug 10, 2005 2:12 pm
- 19
- Location: The City that is not Frisco
- Contact:
#11 Re: Post updated Earthdawn characters here
I... think I'm doing this right?
Bear in mind, my equipment listings are completely out of date, as I had a hard drive crash and lost everything recent.
Name: Di'oq Flamequencher
Race: Troll
Disciplines: Warrior, 6th Circle
Beastmaster, 3rd Circle
Description: Tall and muscular as any troll, Di'oq has the look and scars of a twenty-year veteran of countless battles, for good reason. A troll of around forty years, with a keen, quiet stare and much less given to boisterous braggadocio than the standard troll. His teeth do not protrude and his tusks are perfectly intact, but he wears his hair and beard cut short. His skin is greener than most trolls and his brow more swept
Background: "I confess, without shame, that I am sick and tired of raiding. Its glory is all moonshine; even success the most brilliant is over dead and mangled bodies, with the anguish and lamentations of distant families, appealing for sons, husbands, and fathers. It is only those who have never held a sword, never heard the shriek and groans of the wounded and lacerated, that cry aloud for more blood, more vengeance, more desolation."
- Di'oq Flamequencher, final address to the moot.
Barsaive is a violent place. Low-scale endemic warfare stretches from Parlainth to Vivane, from the fastness of the Blood Wood to the shores of Death's Sea. The Theran Empire's campaign to re-establish control over its rebel province clashes with the efforts of Thoral and the other Free Cities to remain independent, all while Orcish marauders, Troll skyraiders and T'skrang river pirates ply the air and ground and waterways, and gangs of adventurers seek fortune and glory against monsters, armies, horrors, and one another. Most would-be adventurers throw themselves into the conflicts of Barsaive seeking a means of distinction and glory.
Most, not all.
Glory is a relative thing. Legends are ephemeral, things for theory and the telling of tales. What is not ephemeral is blood, and pain, and the slaughter of the defenseless. Pretensions of honor do not restore the dead rotting in their fields, nor do fine words spoken to multitudes of armed men alter the basic fact that the majority of such multitudes are employed for purposes that have nothing to do with fine words. For every battle wherein one army, company, or brotherhood stands down another and fights for some principle, there are a hundred others consisting of those without swords dying at the hands of those with them. This is a truism that cuts across all races, kingdoms, clans, and philosophies. The primary purpose of armaments is to subject those without them to the arbitrary will of those with. And any soldier both honest and long-lived enough will eventually come to realize this.
Di'oq is both.
In his time he was a raider, a mercenary, a lesser follower of greater captains. A swordsman hired or feared for the reach of his arm and the power of his trollish musculature. He fought for principles he thought good and some he thought less good. He fought for freedom or other high-minded ideals, for fortune and riches, for glory and for the honor of clan and race and other things no longer even held in account. Sometimes he fought men who also fought for such things. Sometimes he fought men who simply wanted to keep what was theirs. And sometimes he fought men he never knew the motivations of. In the end, it didn't matter. Whatever high-minded purpose was stretched as a veneer over the fighting that was done, the purpose of warfare, ultimately, is itself. Stories of entering into legend, becoming heroes of renown through the act of raiding farms and stealing provisions from those without the steel to keep them, were illusory. The quest for glory devours its own, and permits men to imagine themselves greater than they are. How many soldiers did he meet sitting atop their steeds, soaked head-to-toe in the blood of men they didn't know, heads or children spitted on their lances, talking excitedly of their "victories" and "honor", every one of them a paladin? How many times was he that man? In all the years of killing over principles held dearly, how many men were actually ennobled? How much blood was spent to purposes invented after the fact to justify some fresh act of death? Disgust might have turned to rage had he not been neck-deep in the same filth as the rest of those hypocrites he fought alongside. As it was, all he could muster after a point was apathy. Fine words turned to ash, glory to mockery. And all the riches piled high among the bones of the fallen were nothing but the sterile, charmless trinkets that were used to reward those who killed enough defenseless farmers to be accounted "great". His separation from moot and clan was ultimately inevitable. The coin they had to pay for his continued presence became so devalued in his eyes as to constitute an insult. When the end finally came, he did not even bother to curse them for not seeing the truth of a matter their entire structure was based around not seeing. He just left.
He left not seeking some new purpose, but to be damned to all purposes and their honeyed appeals to the glory and honor of senseless butchery. He left once his innate cynicism would no longer admit yet another 'cause' to champion, once all empires and kingdoms and tribes and pirate clans all began to look the same, he simply left. And sought the solitude of misanthropy and the wilderness. He killed some, and did not kill others, acting according to whim and personal feelings, and did not seek to lay codes and principles and questions of discussion atop his actions, for all such questions were dishonest in his mind. Some sought to hire him and some to curse him, and he could not have cared less for the pretensions of either. Heroism itself was a lie. And those who clung the tightest to it were those who embodied it the least. What he sought instead was simplicity. Of the wilderness and survival, of beasts and predators and prey, who did not couch their violence in high-minded principle, but killed or did not kill such that they might live, or from instinct so-long bred into them as to constitute the natural workings of the world. There was no nobility in the wilderness, no honor or glory or legend or purity of innocence, but at least there was honesty. And the rest of the world did not even have that.
Dex: 10+6 = 16 +3 = 19 (8)
Str: 14+5 = 19 +3 = 22 (9)
Tou: 12+4 = 16 (7)
Per: 9+1 = 10 (5)
Wil: 11+1 = 12 (6)
Cha: 10+3 = 13 (6)
Karma: 3/18
Initiative Step: 7
Physical Defense: 13 (15 w/ shield)
Magical Defense: 7 (11 w/ shield) (15 w/ Earthskin)
Social Defense: 7
Carrying Capacity: 305
Death Rating: 93
Unconscious Rating: 74
Wound Threshold: 11
Recovery Tests/Day: 3
Physical Armor: 8 (13 w/ Air Armor)
Mystic Armor: 6 (8 w/ shield)
Movement Rate: 14
Racial Abilities: Heat Vision
Discipline Talents:
Avoid Blow: 7 (15) With Boots, 8 (16)
Melee Weapons: 7 (15) +5 from Groupthread +2 from Jokulhaups
Tiger Spring: 7
Threadweaving (War): 6
Wood Skin: 7 (14)
Wound Balance: 6 (14)
Air Dance: 7 (15/22)
Waterfall Slam: 7 +2 from Jokulhaup
Earth Skin: 7 (14)
Temper Flesh: 2 (8)
Claw Shape: 3 (14)
Unarmed Combat: 4 (12)
Wilderness Survival: 3 (8)
Threadweaving (Beast): 3
Dominate Beast: 4 (10)
Other Talents:
Anticipate Blow: 7 (12)
Danger Sense: 4 (11)
Distract: 6 (12)
Fireblood: 3
Missile Weapons: 3 (11)
Shield Bash: 7 (16) +2 from Jokulhaup
Lion Heart: 4 (10)
Second Weapon: 6 (14)
Spot Armor Flaw: 5 (10)
Momentum Attack: 6 (14)
Maneuver: 7 (15)
Swift Kick: 3 (11)
Life Check: 1 (8)
Leadership: 2 (8)
Steely Stare: 2 (8)
Animal Bond: 4 (10)
Animal Training: 4 (10)
Creature Analysis: 3 (8)
Enhance Animal Companion: 4 (10)
Tracking: 2 (7)
Stealthy Stride: 2 (10)
Speak Language: 2 (Dwarven, Troll) (7)
Read/Write: 1 (Troll) (6)
Singing: 2 (8)
Knowledge Creature Lore: 4 (9)
Knowledge Wild Animals: 4 (9)
Animal Handling: 4 (10)
Diplomacy: 1 (7)
Navigation: 2
Resist Taunt: 2
Wilderness Survival: 1 (6)
Alchemy: 1 (6)
Adventurer's Kit
Artisan Tools
Traveller's Garb
4x Trail Rations, 1 week
1-handed, Double-bladed Arming Troll-Sword (8) - 2 Enhancements
1-handed Troll Sling (4) w/ Lead Bullets
1 Troll-scale Crystal Raider Shield "Jokulhaup" (+2/+2 deflection)
- +2 Shield Bash (Lvl 1)
- +2 Waterfall Slam (Lvl 2)
- +2 Mystic Defense (Lvl 3)
- +2 Melee Weapons (Lvl 4)
- +2 Mystic Armor (Lvl 5)
Troll-scale Crystal Ringlet Armor (8 Armor/4 Mystic Armor) - 4 Enhancements
Troll-scale Ring Mail Armor (6 armor)
Espagra-Scale Cloak
Esparga-Scale Boots "Rockhopper". +1 Avoid Blow
Bedroll of Comfort
Huntsman's Boots
14x Booster Potions (+8 next Recovery Test)
8x Cleanse Poison Potions (Repeat the test against Poison)
14x Healing Potion (+8 next recovery Test. Get a free one if out)
6x Last Chance Salve (Raise the recent dead)
5x Halt Illness Potion
3x Cure Disease Potion
Basic Healing Kit
5x Oil Flask
Hooded Lantern
1393 Silver Pieces
9261 Gold Pieces
"HP": 74/74
Energy Shield: +4 Avoid Blow/Steal Thought
Krampus the Elephant:
Paid for 3 weeks lodging in town.
Attitude: Friendly
Commands Learned: Come, Stop, Lift
Enhancements: 1 (Physical Defense)
DEX: 5
STR: 10
TOU: 11
PER: 6
WIL: 6
CHA: 5
Movement: 16
Initiative: 5
Actions: 1; Trample: 10 (14), Tusks: 10 (16)
Recovery Tests: 4
Unconsciousness: 53/53
Death Rating: 64
Wound Threshold: 16
Physical Defense: 8 (9 w/ Enhance Animal Companion)
Mystic Defense: 12
Social Defense: 9
Physical Armor: 5
Mystic Armor: 4
Knockdown: 14
Charge (5)
Enhanced Sense [Hearing] (2)
Enhanced Sense [Smell] (2)
Resist Pain (2)
Special Maneuvers:
Overrun (Elephant, Trample)
Provoke (Opponent, Close Combat)
Jokulhaups - Various (Rank 5)
The Group - Melee Weapons (Rank 5)
Bear in mind, my equipment listings are completely out of date, as I had a hard drive crash and lost everything recent.
Name: Di'oq Flamequencher
Race: Troll
Disciplines: Warrior, 6th Circle
Beastmaster, 3rd Circle
Description: Tall and muscular as any troll, Di'oq has the look and scars of a twenty-year veteran of countless battles, for good reason. A troll of around forty years, with a keen, quiet stare and much less given to boisterous braggadocio than the standard troll. His teeth do not protrude and his tusks are perfectly intact, but he wears his hair and beard cut short. His skin is greener than most trolls and his brow more swept
Background: "I confess, without shame, that I am sick and tired of raiding. Its glory is all moonshine; even success the most brilliant is over dead and mangled bodies, with the anguish and lamentations of distant families, appealing for sons, husbands, and fathers. It is only those who have never held a sword, never heard the shriek and groans of the wounded and lacerated, that cry aloud for more blood, more vengeance, more desolation."
- Di'oq Flamequencher, final address to the moot.
Barsaive is a violent place. Low-scale endemic warfare stretches from Parlainth to Vivane, from the fastness of the Blood Wood to the shores of Death's Sea. The Theran Empire's campaign to re-establish control over its rebel province clashes with the efforts of Thoral and the other Free Cities to remain independent, all while Orcish marauders, Troll skyraiders and T'skrang river pirates ply the air and ground and waterways, and gangs of adventurers seek fortune and glory against monsters, armies, horrors, and one another. Most would-be adventurers throw themselves into the conflicts of Barsaive seeking a means of distinction and glory.
Most, not all.
Glory is a relative thing. Legends are ephemeral, things for theory and the telling of tales. What is not ephemeral is blood, and pain, and the slaughter of the defenseless. Pretensions of honor do not restore the dead rotting in their fields, nor do fine words spoken to multitudes of armed men alter the basic fact that the majority of such multitudes are employed for purposes that have nothing to do with fine words. For every battle wherein one army, company, or brotherhood stands down another and fights for some principle, there are a hundred others consisting of those without swords dying at the hands of those with them. This is a truism that cuts across all races, kingdoms, clans, and philosophies. The primary purpose of armaments is to subject those without them to the arbitrary will of those with. And any soldier both honest and long-lived enough will eventually come to realize this.
Di'oq is both.
In his time he was a raider, a mercenary, a lesser follower of greater captains. A swordsman hired or feared for the reach of his arm and the power of his trollish musculature. He fought for principles he thought good and some he thought less good. He fought for freedom or other high-minded ideals, for fortune and riches, for glory and for the honor of clan and race and other things no longer even held in account. Sometimes he fought men who also fought for such things. Sometimes he fought men who simply wanted to keep what was theirs. And sometimes he fought men he never knew the motivations of. In the end, it didn't matter. Whatever high-minded purpose was stretched as a veneer over the fighting that was done, the purpose of warfare, ultimately, is itself. Stories of entering into legend, becoming heroes of renown through the act of raiding farms and stealing provisions from those without the steel to keep them, were illusory. The quest for glory devours its own, and permits men to imagine themselves greater than they are. How many soldiers did he meet sitting atop their steeds, soaked head-to-toe in the blood of men they didn't know, heads or children spitted on their lances, talking excitedly of their "victories" and "honor", every one of them a paladin? How many times was he that man? In all the years of killing over principles held dearly, how many men were actually ennobled? How much blood was spent to purposes invented after the fact to justify some fresh act of death? Disgust might have turned to rage had he not been neck-deep in the same filth as the rest of those hypocrites he fought alongside. As it was, all he could muster after a point was apathy. Fine words turned to ash, glory to mockery. And all the riches piled high among the bones of the fallen were nothing but the sterile, charmless trinkets that were used to reward those who killed enough defenseless farmers to be accounted "great". His separation from moot and clan was ultimately inevitable. The coin they had to pay for his continued presence became so devalued in his eyes as to constitute an insult. When the end finally came, he did not even bother to curse them for not seeing the truth of a matter their entire structure was based around not seeing. He just left.
He left not seeking some new purpose, but to be damned to all purposes and their honeyed appeals to the glory and honor of senseless butchery. He left once his innate cynicism would no longer admit yet another 'cause' to champion, once all empires and kingdoms and tribes and pirate clans all began to look the same, he simply left. And sought the solitude of misanthropy and the wilderness. He killed some, and did not kill others, acting according to whim and personal feelings, and did not seek to lay codes and principles and questions of discussion atop his actions, for all such questions were dishonest in his mind. Some sought to hire him and some to curse him, and he could not have cared less for the pretensions of either. Heroism itself was a lie. And those who clung the tightest to it were those who embodied it the least. What he sought instead was simplicity. Of the wilderness and survival, of beasts and predators and prey, who did not couch their violence in high-minded principle, but killed or did not kill such that they might live, or from instinct so-long bred into them as to constitute the natural workings of the world. There was no nobility in the wilderness, no honor or glory or legend or purity of innocence, but at least there was honesty. And the rest of the world did not even have that.
Dex: 10+6 = 16 +3 = 19 (8)
Str: 14+5 = 19 +3 = 22 (9)
Tou: 12+4 = 16 (7)
Per: 9+1 = 10 (5)
Wil: 11+1 = 12 (6)
Cha: 10+3 = 13 (6)
Karma: 3/18
Initiative Step: 7
Physical Defense: 13 (15 w/ shield)
Magical Defense: 7 (11 w/ shield) (15 w/ Earthskin)
Social Defense: 7
Carrying Capacity: 305
Death Rating: 93
Unconscious Rating: 74
Wound Threshold: 11
Recovery Tests/Day: 3
Physical Armor: 8 (13 w/ Air Armor)
Mystic Armor: 6 (8 w/ shield)
Movement Rate: 14
Racial Abilities: Heat Vision
Discipline Talents:
Avoid Blow: 7 (15) With Boots, 8 (16)
Melee Weapons: 7 (15) +5 from Groupthread +2 from Jokulhaups
Tiger Spring: 7
Threadweaving (War): 6
Wood Skin: 7 (14)
Wound Balance: 6 (14)
Air Dance: 7 (15/22)
Waterfall Slam: 7 +2 from Jokulhaup
Earth Skin: 7 (14)
Temper Flesh: 2 (8)
Claw Shape: 3 (14)
Unarmed Combat: 4 (12)
Wilderness Survival: 3 (8)
Threadweaving (Beast): 3
Dominate Beast: 4 (10)
Other Talents:
Anticipate Blow: 7 (12)
Danger Sense: 4 (11)
Distract: 6 (12)
Fireblood: 3
Missile Weapons: 3 (11)
Shield Bash: 7 (16) +2 from Jokulhaup
Lion Heart: 4 (10)
Second Weapon: 6 (14)
Spot Armor Flaw: 5 (10)
Momentum Attack: 6 (14)
Maneuver: 7 (15)
Swift Kick: 3 (11)
Life Check: 1 (8)
Leadership: 2 (8)
Steely Stare: 2 (8)
Animal Bond: 4 (10)
Animal Training: 4 (10)
Creature Analysis: 3 (8)
Enhance Animal Companion: 4 (10)
Tracking: 2 (7)
Stealthy Stride: 2 (10)
Speak Language: 2 (Dwarven, Troll) (7)
Read/Write: 1 (Troll) (6)
Singing: 2 (8)
Knowledge Creature Lore: 4 (9)
Knowledge Wild Animals: 4 (9)
Animal Handling: 4 (10)
Diplomacy: 1 (7)
Navigation: 2
Resist Taunt: 2
Wilderness Survival: 1 (6)
Alchemy: 1 (6)
Adventurer's Kit
Artisan Tools
Traveller's Garb
4x Trail Rations, 1 week
1-handed, Double-bladed Arming Troll-Sword (8) - 2 Enhancements
1-handed Troll Sling (4) w/ Lead Bullets
1 Troll-scale Crystal Raider Shield "Jokulhaup" (+2/+2 deflection)
- +2 Shield Bash (Lvl 1)
- +2 Waterfall Slam (Lvl 2)
- +2 Mystic Defense (Lvl 3)
- +2 Melee Weapons (Lvl 4)
- +2 Mystic Armor (Lvl 5)
Troll-scale Crystal Ringlet Armor (8 Armor/4 Mystic Armor) - 4 Enhancements
Troll-scale Ring Mail Armor (6 armor)
Espagra-Scale Cloak
Esparga-Scale Boots "Rockhopper". +1 Avoid Blow
Bedroll of Comfort
Huntsman's Boots
14x Booster Potions (+8 next Recovery Test)
8x Cleanse Poison Potions (Repeat the test against Poison)
14x Healing Potion (+8 next recovery Test. Get a free one if out)
6x Last Chance Salve (Raise the recent dead)
5x Halt Illness Potion
3x Cure Disease Potion
Basic Healing Kit
5x Oil Flask
Hooded Lantern
1393 Silver Pieces
9261 Gold Pieces
"HP": 74/74
Energy Shield: +4 Avoid Blow/Steal Thought
Krampus the Elephant:
Paid for 3 weeks lodging in town.
Attitude: Friendly
Commands Learned: Come, Stop, Lift
Enhancements: 1 (Physical Defense)
DEX: 5
STR: 10
TOU: 11
PER: 6
WIL: 6
CHA: 5
Movement: 16
Initiative: 5
Actions: 1; Trample: 10 (14), Tusks: 10 (16)
Recovery Tests: 4
Unconsciousness: 53/53
Death Rating: 64
Wound Threshold: 16
Physical Defense: 8 (9 w/ Enhance Animal Companion)
Mystic Defense: 12
Social Defense: 9
Physical Armor: 5
Mystic Armor: 4
Knockdown: 14
Charge (5)
Enhanced Sense [Hearing] (2)
Enhanced Sense [Smell] (2)
Resist Pain (2)
Special Maneuvers:
Overrun (Elephant, Trample)
Provoke (Opponent, Close Combat)
Jokulhaups - Various (Rank 5)
The Group - Melee Weapons (Rank 5)
Last edited by General Havoc on Sun Apr 08, 2018 7:25 pm, edited 28 times in total.
Gaze upon my works, ye mighty, and despair...
Havoc: "So basically if you side against him, he summons Cthulu."
Hotfoot: "Yes, which is reasonable."
Havoc: "So basically if you side against him, he summons Cthulu."
Hotfoot: "Yes, which is reasonable."
#12 Re: Post updated Earthdawn characters here
V4 Stats below!
Biographical Information
Alias: Elessar Arcamenel
True Name:
Race: Elf (Low Light Vision)
Class: Troubadour
Circle: Fifth
Affiliation: The Unbroken
Total Legend Points: 20,450
Used Legend Points: 20,450
Available Legend Points: 0
Half-Magic: Performance, Knowledge: Legends, Myths, and Folklore (Barsaive)
Karma-Use: May use Karma on Charisma only tests.
Initial Funds: 1,000 gold, 2034 silver, 8 copper
Current Funds: 500 gold, 800 silver, 8 copper
Attributes (Elf)
Dexterity: 16 (7)
Strength: 14 (6)
Toughness: 10 (5)
Perception: 16 (7)
Willpower: 14 (6)
Charisma: 16 (7)
Movement Rate: 7
Karma Modifier: 4
Current Karma: 10 (16)
Initiative 7
Physical Defense 9+1 (10)
Social Defense 9+1 (10)
Magic Defense 8
Wound Threshold 8
Unconscious Rating 42 (37)
Death Rating 55 (50)
Physical Armor 10 (Thunder Armor 10/4) (Buckler 1, +1 deflection)(Esparaga-Scale Cloak 3/1)
Mystic Armor 6
Discipline Talents
Entertainer V (12)
Emotion Song V (12)
First Impression V (12)
Heartening Laugh V (12)
Item History V (12)
Thread Weaving V (12)
Etiquette V (12)
Empathic Sense V (12)
Research V (12)
Inspire Others II (9)
Talent Options
Avoid Blow IV (11)
Conversation II (9)
Haggle II (9)
Impressive Display II (9)
Melee Weapons IV (11)
Read and Write II (9)
Speak Language II (9)
Taunt II (9)
Throwing Weapons II (9)
Winning Smile III (10)
Air Speaking II (9)
Blade Juggle I (8)
Diplomacy I (8)
Disguise Self I (8)
Mimic Voice I (8)
Knowledge Skills
Barsaive History I (8)
Ancient Weapons I (8)
Horror Lore I (8)
Artisan Skills
Musician II (9)
Acting II (9)
Storytelling II (9)
Language Skills
Speak Language III (10)
Read/Write III (10)
General Skills
Etiquette I (8)
Conversation I (8)
Haggle I (8)
Flirting I (8)
Equipment: Adventurers Kit (backpack, bedroll, flint and steel, torch, waterskin, large sack), Artisan Tools (pending), Dagger, Traveler’s Garb (soft boots, shirt, belt, breeches, traveler’s cloak), Trial Rations (1 week), 100 Silver Pieces
Equipment Purchased: Hardened Leather (40 silver), Broadsword (25 silver), Buckler (5 silver)
“Banishment” Broadsword: Damage Step 5 (9), Str Min 12, Size 3, Weight 6, (Thread Item: 1 Thread Committed: Warden Circle Cost)
“Stone Cleaver” Broadsword: Damage Step 5 (7*), Str Min 12, Size 3, Cost 25 (525*), Weight 6, Avg (*Reforged twice)
Hardened Leather: Physical Armor 5, Mystic Armor 0, Initiative Pen 1
Buckler: Physical Armor 1, Mystic Armor 0, Initiative Pen 0, Deflection Bonus 1/0, Shatter 17
Esparaga-Scale Cloak: Physical Armor 3, Mystic Armor 1, Initiative Pen 0/1
Secured Equipment
Bedroll of Comfort x 1 (340 pg. 261)
Huntsman’s Boots x 1 (700 pg. 262)
Heat Stone x 1 (100 pg. 263)
Hot Pot x 1 (100 pg. 263)
Light Quartz (Small) x 1 (75 pg. 263)
Traveller’s Mug x 1 (350 pg. 265)
Espagra-Scale Cloak x 1 (200 pg. 256)
Healing Potions x 2 (300 pg. 265)
Last Chance Salve x1 (600 pg . 265)
Cleanse Poison Potion x 2 (300)
Kelix’s Poultice x 4 (200)
Trail Rations x 2 (20 pg. 269)
Horse Feed x 30 (150 pg. 272)
Cloaksense Brooch (350 pg 264)
Quiet Pouch x2 (65 pg 264)
Firefly Chalk x2 (12 pg 264)
Wind Instrument [Flute] (250 pg 264)
Blood Charm – Desperate Blow (275 pg 260)
Riding Horse (125 pg 272)
Theft Proof Pouch (150)
Light Bag (500)
Everclean Clothes (275)
Dry Bag (250)
Funding Gains
2 Shares of Loot (10g, 3s)
Negotiated Settlement (Gems = 350silver/share)
End of Adventure 1 (1,000 gold)
Destroying the Orc Assassins (2,034.9 silver for gems)
Discipline First Impression I → II : 200
Discipline Impression I → II : 200
Discipline Item History I → II: 200
Discipline Mimic Voice I → II: 200
Discpline First Impression II → III: 300
Discipline Disguise Self I → 100
Talent Option Melee Weapons I → 100
Talent Option Melee Weapons II → 200
Talent Option Melee Weapons III → 300
Discipline Disguise Self II → 200
Discipline Emotion Song III → 300
Durability (6/5) I: 100
Durability (6/5) I → II: 200
Karma Point Bonus I: (Handling of the Chiefs as they entered the Negotiations)
Strength (1st Upgrade) 13→14: 800
Karma Point Bonus II: (Not giving up when down to 1 hp)
Durability (6/5) II → III: 300
Impress II → III: 300
Disguise Self II → III: 300
Speak Language (Skill) II → III: 500
Karma Point Bonus I: (Raising the head of the slain Orc elder, singing a song seeking to inspire fear)
Karma Ritual II → III: 300
Item History II → III: 300
Mimic Voice II → III: 300
Empathic Sense 0 → III: 600
Avoid Blow 0 → III: 600
Discipline Talents III → IV: 4000 (8×500)
Thread Weaving 0 → IV: 1100
Lasting Impression 0 → III: 600
Skills from I → II: 1500 (5×300)
Skills from II → III: 2000 (4×500)
Melee Weapons III → IV: 500
Avoid Blow III → IV: 500
Perception (1st Upgrade) 15→16: 800
Attaching 1 Thread to Banishment: 300
Emotion Song III → IV: 500
Lastim Impression III → IV: 500
Acting I → II (300 xp)
Mimic Voice 0 → 1 (200 xp)
Air Speaking I → II (300 xp)
Winning Smile II → III (300 xp)
Flirting 0 → I (200 xp)
Reforged/Thread Items
“Banishment” Broadsword: Damage Step 5 (9+2), Str Min 12, Size 3, Weight 6, (Thread Item: 1 Thread Committed: Warden Circle Cost) (Reforge 2)
“Dagondren AKA Stone Cleaver” Broadsword: Damage Step 5 (9), Str Min 12, Size 3, Weight 6, Avg (Reforge 2+1) Cost 25 (25 + 500)
Thundra Skin Armor: Armor 7 (10), Mystic Armor 1 (4), Initiative Pen 2 (Reforge 6) Cost (850 + 900)
Esparaga-Scale Cloak: Physical Armor 3 , Mystic Armor 1, Initiative Pen 0/1
Buckler: Physical Armor 1, Mystic Armor 0, Initiative Pen 0, Deflection Bonus 1/0, Shatter 17
Blood Magic
Desperate Blow Charm -3
Group Ritual -2
Biographical Information
Alias: Elessar Arcamenel
True Name:
Race: Elf (Low Light Vision)
Class: Troubadour
Circle: Fifth
Affiliation: The Unbroken
Total Legend Points: 20,450
Used Legend Points: 20,450
Available Legend Points: 0
Half-Magic: Performance, Knowledge: Legends, Myths, and Folklore (Barsaive)
Karma-Use: May use Karma on Charisma only tests.
Initial Funds: 1,000 gold, 2034 silver, 8 copper
Current Funds: 500 gold, 800 silver, 8 copper
Attributes (Elf)
Dexterity: 16 (7)
Strength: 14 (6)
Toughness: 10 (5)
Perception: 16 (7)
Willpower: 14 (6)
Charisma: 16 (7)
Movement Rate: 7
Karma Modifier: 4
Current Karma: 10 (16)
Initiative 7
Physical Defense 9+1 (10)
Social Defense 9+1 (10)
Magic Defense 8
Wound Threshold 8
Unconscious Rating 42 (37)
Death Rating 55 (50)
Physical Armor 10 (Thunder Armor 10/4) (Buckler 1, +1 deflection)(Esparaga-Scale Cloak 3/1)
Mystic Armor 6
Discipline Talents
Entertainer V (12)
Emotion Song V (12)
First Impression V (12)
Heartening Laugh V (12)
Item History V (12)
Thread Weaving V (12)
Etiquette V (12)
Empathic Sense V (12)
Research V (12)
Inspire Others II (9)
Talent Options
Avoid Blow IV (11)
Conversation II (9)
Haggle II (9)
Impressive Display II (9)
Melee Weapons IV (11)
Read and Write II (9)
Speak Language II (9)
Taunt II (9)
Throwing Weapons II (9)
Winning Smile III (10)
Air Speaking II (9)
Blade Juggle I (8)
Diplomacy I (8)
Disguise Self I (8)
Mimic Voice I (8)
Knowledge Skills
Barsaive History I (8)
Ancient Weapons I (8)
Horror Lore I (8)
Artisan Skills
Musician II (9)
Acting II (9)
Storytelling II (9)
Language Skills
Speak Language III (10)
Read/Write III (10)
General Skills
Etiquette I (8)
Conversation I (8)
Haggle I (8)
Flirting I (8)
Equipment: Adventurers Kit (backpack, bedroll, flint and steel, torch, waterskin, large sack), Artisan Tools (pending), Dagger, Traveler’s Garb (soft boots, shirt, belt, breeches, traveler’s cloak), Trial Rations (1 week), 100 Silver Pieces
Equipment Purchased: Hardened Leather (40 silver), Broadsword (25 silver), Buckler (5 silver)
“Banishment” Broadsword: Damage Step 5 (9), Str Min 12, Size 3, Weight 6, (Thread Item: 1 Thread Committed: Warden Circle Cost)
“Stone Cleaver” Broadsword: Damage Step 5 (7*), Str Min 12, Size 3, Cost 25 (525*), Weight 6, Avg (*Reforged twice)
Hardened Leather: Physical Armor 5, Mystic Armor 0, Initiative Pen 1
Buckler: Physical Armor 1, Mystic Armor 0, Initiative Pen 0, Deflection Bonus 1/0, Shatter 17
Esparaga-Scale Cloak: Physical Armor 3, Mystic Armor 1, Initiative Pen 0/1
Secured Equipment
Bedroll of Comfort x 1 (340 pg. 261)
Huntsman’s Boots x 1 (700 pg. 262)
Heat Stone x 1 (100 pg. 263)
Hot Pot x 1 (100 pg. 263)
Light Quartz (Small) x 1 (75 pg. 263)
Traveller’s Mug x 1 (350 pg. 265)
Espagra-Scale Cloak x 1 (200 pg. 256)
Healing Potions x 2 (300 pg. 265)
Last Chance Salve x1 (600 pg . 265)
Cleanse Poison Potion x 2 (300)
Kelix’s Poultice x 4 (200)
Trail Rations x 2 (20 pg. 269)
Horse Feed x 30 (150 pg. 272)
Cloaksense Brooch (350 pg 264)
Quiet Pouch x2 (65 pg 264)
Firefly Chalk x2 (12 pg 264)
Wind Instrument [Flute] (250 pg 264)
Blood Charm – Desperate Blow (275 pg 260)
Riding Horse (125 pg 272)
Theft Proof Pouch (150)
Light Bag (500)
Everclean Clothes (275)
Dry Bag (250)
Funding Gains
2 Shares of Loot (10g, 3s)
Negotiated Settlement (Gems = 350silver/share)
End of Adventure 1 (1,000 gold)
Destroying the Orc Assassins (2,034.9 silver for gems)
Discipline First Impression I → II : 200
Discipline Impression I → II : 200
Discipline Item History I → II: 200
Discipline Mimic Voice I → II: 200
Discpline First Impression II → III: 300
Discipline Disguise Self I → 100
Talent Option Melee Weapons I → 100
Talent Option Melee Weapons II → 200
Talent Option Melee Weapons III → 300
Discipline Disguise Self II → 200
Discipline Emotion Song III → 300
Durability (6/5) I: 100
Durability (6/5) I → II: 200
Karma Point Bonus I: (Handling of the Chiefs as they entered the Negotiations)
Strength (1st Upgrade) 13→14: 800
Karma Point Bonus II: (Not giving up when down to 1 hp)
Durability (6/5) II → III: 300
Impress II → III: 300
Disguise Self II → III: 300
Speak Language (Skill) II → III: 500
Karma Point Bonus I: (Raising the head of the slain Orc elder, singing a song seeking to inspire fear)
Karma Ritual II → III: 300
Item History II → III: 300
Mimic Voice II → III: 300
Empathic Sense 0 → III: 600
Avoid Blow 0 → III: 600
Discipline Talents III → IV: 4000 (8×500)
Thread Weaving 0 → IV: 1100
Lasting Impression 0 → III: 600
Skills from I → II: 1500 (5×300)
Skills from II → III: 2000 (4×500)
Melee Weapons III → IV: 500
Avoid Blow III → IV: 500
Perception (1st Upgrade) 15→16: 800
Attaching 1 Thread to Banishment: 300
Emotion Song III → IV: 500
Lastim Impression III → IV: 500
Acting I → II (300 xp)
Mimic Voice 0 → 1 (200 xp)
Air Speaking I → II (300 xp)
Winning Smile II → III (300 xp)
Flirting 0 → I (200 xp)
Reforged/Thread Items
“Banishment” Broadsword: Damage Step 5 (9+2), Str Min 12, Size 3, Weight 6, (Thread Item: 1 Thread Committed: Warden Circle Cost) (Reforge 2)
“Dagondren AKA Stone Cleaver” Broadsword: Damage Step 5 (9), Str Min 12, Size 3, Weight 6, Avg (Reforge 2+1) Cost 25 (25 + 500)
Thundra Skin Armor: Armor 7 (10), Mystic Armor 1 (4), Initiative Pen 2 (Reforge 6) Cost (850 + 900)
Esparaga-Scale Cloak: Physical Armor 3 , Mystic Armor 1, Initiative Pen 0/1
Buckler: Physical Armor 1, Mystic Armor 0, Initiative Pen 0, Deflection Bonus 1/0, Shatter 17
Blood Magic
Desperate Blow Charm -3
Group Ritual -2
The Peddler of Half Truths.
"Not OP, therefore weakest." - Cynical Cat (May 2016)
"A dog doesn’t need to show his teeth as long as his growl’s deep enough, his food bowl is full and he knows where all the bones are buried." - Frank Underwood
"Not OP, therefore weakest." - Cynical Cat (May 2016)
"A dog doesn’t need to show his teeth as long as his growl’s deep enough, his food bowl is full and he knows where all the bones are buried." - Frank Underwood
- frigidmagi
- Dragon Death-Marine General
- Posts: 14757
- Joined: Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:03 am
- 19
- Location: Alone and unafraid
#13 Re: Post updated Earthdawn characters here
Havoc asks that we carry over an optional rule, I will discuss this before the session but wanted to post it here.
Enduring Armor by Strength Players Handbook (3rd edition) page: 254
Optional Rule: Some gamemasters may want to simulate how strong characters are more capable at wearing heavy armor than weaker characters.The gamemaster may use a character’s Strength Value to determine the extent to which a strong character can ignore Initiative Penalties. Compare the character’s Strength to the Mystic Armor column of the haracteristics Table (p.27), the Rating a character would normally get as his natural Mystic Armor is the number by which the character’s combined Initiative Penalty is alleviated (but it cannot result in a bonus).
Enduring Armor by Strength Players Handbook (3rd edition) page: 254
Optional Rule: Some gamemasters may want to simulate how strong characters are more capable at wearing heavy armor than weaker characters.The gamemaster may use a character’s Strength Value to determine the extent to which a strong character can ignore Initiative Penalties. Compare the character’s Strength to the Mystic Armor column of the haracteristics Table (p.27), the Rating a character would normally get as his natural Mystic Armor is the number by which the character’s combined Initiative Penalty is alleviated (but it cannot result in a bonus).
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
- frigidmagi
- Dragon Death-Marine General
- Posts: 14757
- Joined: Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:03 am
- 19
- Location: Alone and unafraid
#14 Re: Post updated Earthdawn characters here
Dwarf Warrior Circle 4
Total LP: 18,150
Dex: 16 (7)
Str: 16 (7) (increased once)
Tou: 14 (6)
Per: 13 (6)
Wil: 13 (6)
Cha: 10 (5)
Physical Defense: 10 (12 with shield)
Spell Defense: 9
Social Defense: 6
Death Rating: 61
Unconscious: 49
Wound: 9
Recovery: 3
Physical Armor: 6
Mystical Armor: 2
Move rate: 4
Durability: 7
Init: 7 (5 in armor)
Discipline Talents:
(Dex) Avoid Blow: 5 Strain 1
(Dex) Melee Weapon: 5 Strain 0
(Per) Thread Weave: 5 Strain 0
(Dex) Tiger Spring: 5 Strain 1
(Tou) Wood Skin: 5 Strain 0
(Str) Wound Balance: 5 Strain 0
(Dex) Air Dance: 5 Strain 2
(---) Waterfall Slam: 4 Strain 1
Optional Talents
(Dex) Danger Sense: 2 Strain 1
(Cha) Distract: 3 Strain 1
(Per) Anticipate Blow: 2 Strain 1
(Tou) Fireblood: 2 Strain 0
(Dex) Maneuver: 3 Strain 1
(Str) Shield Bash: 2 Strain 1
(Per) Tactics: 3 Strain 0
(Dex) Unarmed Combat: 3 Strain 0
K History 1
K Legendary Weapons 1
A Sculpting 1
Animal Handling 1
Awareness 2
Climbing 1
Diplomacy 1
Navigation 1
Streetwise 2
Wilderness Survival 2
Etiquette: 1
Warhammer dam 7 size 5 weight 8
Ring mail PA 6 MA 0 Init Pen 2 Weight 30
Footmen's shield (PA 2 MA 0)
Backpack, bedroll, waterskin, 2 traveller garb 1 wk ration
Artisan gear
Dwarf Warrior Circle 4
Total LP: 18,150
Dex: 16 (7)
Str: 16 (7) (increased once)
Tou: 14 (6)
Per: 13 (6)
Wil: 13 (6)
Cha: 10 (5)
Physical Defense: 10 (12 with shield)
Spell Defense: 9
Social Defense: 6
Death Rating: 61
Unconscious: 49
Wound: 9
Recovery: 3
Physical Armor: 6
Mystical Armor: 2
Move rate: 4
Durability: 7
Init: 7 (5 in armor)
Discipline Talents:
(Dex) Avoid Blow: 5 Strain 1
(Dex) Melee Weapon: 5 Strain 0
(Per) Thread Weave: 5 Strain 0
(Dex) Tiger Spring: 5 Strain 1
(Tou) Wood Skin: 5 Strain 0
(Str) Wound Balance: 5 Strain 0
(Dex) Air Dance: 5 Strain 2
(---) Waterfall Slam: 4 Strain 1
Optional Talents
(Dex) Danger Sense: 2 Strain 1
(Cha) Distract: 3 Strain 1
(Per) Anticipate Blow: 2 Strain 1
(Tou) Fireblood: 2 Strain 0
(Dex) Maneuver: 3 Strain 1
(Str) Shield Bash: 2 Strain 1
(Per) Tactics: 3 Strain 0
(Dex) Unarmed Combat: 3 Strain 0
K History 1
K Legendary Weapons 1
A Sculpting 1
Animal Handling 1
Awareness 2
Climbing 1
Diplomacy 1
Navigation 1
Streetwise 2
Wilderness Survival 2
Etiquette: 1
Warhammer dam 7 size 5 weight 8
Ring mail PA 6 MA 0 Init Pen 2 Weight 30
Footmen's shield (PA 2 MA 0)
Backpack, bedroll, waterskin, 2 traveller garb 1 wk ration
Artisan gear
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
- Comrade Tortoise
- Exemplar
- Posts: 4832
- Joined: Thu Jun 09, 2005 1:33 am
- 19
- Location: Land of steers and queers indeed
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#15 Re: Post updated Earthdawn characters here
Name: Varan Nilotes (Build Info)
Discipline: Wizard (Mind, albeit [ancient]Epicurian rather than [ancient]Platonist)
Description: Green scales (countershaded with the ventral scales being a much paler shade, yellow eyes. Dorsal fringe is red. Wears a brown robe with an open front, embroidered in green leafy patterns with yellow trim.
Passion: Worships both Jaspree and Lochost in equal measure
Dex 13 6
Str 10 5
Tou 13 6
Per 17 7
Wil 16 7
Cha 11 5
Initiative 6-1
Physical Defense 9
Mystic Defense 12
Social Defense 8
Carrying Capacity 80
Uncon rating 29
Death Rating 36
Blood Damage: 4
Wound TH 9
Recovery Tests Per Day 3
Max Karma:20
Current Karma: 18
Legend Points: 20450
New LP: 7500
Remaining 50
Movement 12
Mystic Armor 4
Physical Armor 5(8 from mage armor)
Steel Thought 5 12
Tenacious Weave 5 12
Astral Sight 5 12
Dispel Magic 5 12
Patterncraft 5 12
Spellcasting 5 12 (+2 for blood oath)
Threadweaving 5 12
Research 5 12
Awareness 3 10
Creature Analysis 2 9
Book Memory 2 9
Standard Matrix 2
Standard Matrix(free) 5
Enhanced Matrix (free) 5
Enhanced Matrix 2
Abilities from Discline/Circle:
Durability 3 (accounted)
Add 1 to mystic defense (accounted)
May spend karma for information recall
Add 1 to social defense (accounted)
For 1 strain, gain +5 to thread weaving test to reattune on the fly if reading grimoirce
May spend 1 karma to change a Self spell to a Touch spell
Knowlwdge(physician) 3 10
Alchemy and Potions 2 8
Manuscript Illumination 1 6
Speak Language 2 (Tskrang Throlic, orcish)
Read/Write Language 2 (Tskrang Throlic, orcish)
Creatures of Barsaive 3 10
History of Barsaive 2 9
Avoid Blow 3 9
Climbing 1 6
Initial Spells
Rank 1: Astral Sense, Divine Aura, Mage Armor, Mind Dagger, Wall Walker, Flame Flash,
Rank 2: Astral Shield
Obtained Spells:
Bedazzeling Display of Logical Analysis
Rank 2: Crushing Will
Rank 3: Identify Magic, Aura Strike. Levitate
Rank 4: Binding Threads, Juggler's Touch
In Matrix
2S-Mind Dagger
5E-Binding Threads
5S-Jugglers Touch
2E Crushing Will
Adventurer’s Kit (backpack, bedroll, flint & steel, torch,
waterskin, large sack)
Artisan Tools
Dagger (7)
Traveler’s Garb (soft boots, shirt, belt, robe,
traveler’s cloak)
Trail Rations (3 week)
Climbing Kit 36
4 yards of rope 12
Physicians Kit: 6 refills (18 uses)
Writing kit
Hide Armor
Crystal buckler
short sword (step 4, total 10)
Booster Potion 1
Cleanse Poison Potion 2
Cure Disease Potion 2
Kelix poultice
1 anti-sporific
Last Chance Salve x 2
Blood Charm: Desperate Spell
diamond surgical kit
Withering Potion
Dry Boots
Belt Pouch
Paper and parchment
Map and Scroll Case
Healing Potion 3
878 gold 10 gold bet on havoc, 10 on Lys
1111.5 silver
book, green leather, golden binding
Enter house (go straight there), retrieve book, no damage.
Personal History
Varan comes from a large Niall along the serpent river. His mother (Tegina) is the Lahala, 60 years old and still breeding. Thus, he is the 12th of 12 children (can I please make up the names as they become relevant? Please?). Of course, as a male (and the 12th kid) he has no chance whatsoever of inheriting anything ever. This is probably a good thing, because Varan is, for a T’Skrang, the quiet contemplative type. Some of his brothers became Sword-Masters or Sky Raiders. He however had more academic interests such as the natural world and medicine. Magic, being part of the natural world, was of a particular interest, and he would follow around and incessantly pester any spellcaster he could find with questions. This was less disturbing to pretty much everyone than that time when he was 12, when his mother found him dissecting a cat. At that point, realizing the familiar story with her male children was also true of her youngest son. So she packed him off to Lacertes, a distaff uncle of hers, and semi-retired wizard. It was either that or he becomes a surgeon, but she always wanted the best for her children, and what could be better than the dichotomy of dying screaming in a ditch or becoming a wizard of legend? Besides, there was no reason the two things would need to be exclusive. And they were not.
Lacertes and Varan were similar enough to get along, even though Lacertes was more tempestuous in his personality. This was never made plainer than when a long-standing academic dispute among wizards came up. Namely, whether the world was best known through observation or pure reason, Lacertes asserted observation. This was a position Varan shared. It did not help that many of the rationalist wizards were racists. So he was encouraged to know the world, and in addition to magic studied alchemy, philosophy, natural history, and medicine, absorbing knowledge like a sponge. Until the day came when it was time to go off on his own and seek his own way within that world.
Shortly thereafter, he was captured by slavers.
Mother: They don’t get along. Not because of any animosity, but they are just very different people and do not have a lot of common ground.
Siblings: Varies. Some he barely knew due to age differences and an adventuring career. Others, like his older sisters…ugh. You know how older siblings can be.
Old Master: Pretty damn close.
There's a note that a payment was given by a number of caravan masters for animals, so you think he was selling beasts to people leaving town.
Judges Knal, Jorki, Balun, Renu Guard officers Kor, Neb, Nash, Jaltel and Yalti are listed as taking bribes.
Discipline: Wizard (Mind, albeit [ancient]Epicurian rather than [ancient]Platonist)
Description: Green scales (countershaded with the ventral scales being a much paler shade, yellow eyes. Dorsal fringe is red. Wears a brown robe with an open front, embroidered in green leafy patterns with yellow trim.
Passion: Worships both Jaspree and Lochost in equal measure
Dex 13 6
Str 10 5
Tou 13 6
Per 17 7
Wil 16 7
Cha 11 5
Initiative 6-1
Physical Defense 9
Mystic Defense 12
Social Defense 8
Carrying Capacity 80
Uncon rating 29
Death Rating 36
Blood Damage: 4
Wound TH 9
Recovery Tests Per Day 3
Max Karma:20
Current Karma: 18
Legend Points: 20450
New LP: 7500
Remaining 50
Movement 12
Mystic Armor 4
Physical Armor 5(8 from mage armor)
Steel Thought 5 12
Tenacious Weave 5 12
Astral Sight 5 12
Dispel Magic 5 12
Patterncraft 5 12
Spellcasting 5 12 (+2 for blood oath)
Threadweaving 5 12
Research 5 12
Awareness 3 10
Creature Analysis 2 9
Book Memory 2 9
Standard Matrix 2
Standard Matrix(free) 5
Enhanced Matrix (free) 5
Enhanced Matrix 2
Abilities from Discline/Circle:
Durability 3 (accounted)
Add 1 to mystic defense (accounted)
May spend karma for information recall
Add 1 to social defense (accounted)
For 1 strain, gain +5 to thread weaving test to reattune on the fly if reading grimoirce
May spend 1 karma to change a Self spell to a Touch spell
Knowlwdge(physician) 3 10
Alchemy and Potions 2 8
Manuscript Illumination 1 6
Speak Language 2 (Tskrang Throlic, orcish)
Read/Write Language 2 (Tskrang Throlic, orcish)
Creatures of Barsaive 3 10
History of Barsaive 2 9
Avoid Blow 3 9
Climbing 1 6
Initial Spells
Rank 1: Astral Sense, Divine Aura, Mage Armor, Mind Dagger, Wall Walker, Flame Flash,
Rank 2: Astral Shield
Obtained Spells:
Bedazzeling Display of Logical Analysis
Rank 2: Crushing Will
Rank 3: Identify Magic, Aura Strike. Levitate
Rank 4: Binding Threads, Juggler's Touch
In Matrix
2S-Mind Dagger
5E-Binding Threads
5S-Jugglers Touch
2E Crushing Will
Adventurer’s Kit (backpack, bedroll, flint & steel, torch,
waterskin, large sack)
Artisan Tools
Dagger (7)
Traveler’s Garb (soft boots, shirt, belt, robe,
traveler’s cloak)
Trail Rations (3 week)
Climbing Kit 36
4 yards of rope 12
Physicians Kit: 6 refills (18 uses)
Writing kit
Hide Armor
Crystal buckler
short sword (step 4, total 10)
Booster Potion 1
Cleanse Poison Potion 2
Cure Disease Potion 2
Kelix poultice
1 anti-sporific
Last Chance Salve x 2
Blood Charm: Desperate Spell
diamond surgical kit
Withering Potion
Dry Boots
Belt Pouch
Paper and parchment
Map and Scroll Case
Healing Potion 3
878 gold 10 gold bet on havoc, 10 on Lys
1111.5 silver
book, green leather, golden binding
Enter house (go straight there), retrieve book, no damage.
Personal History
Varan comes from a large Niall along the serpent river. His mother (Tegina) is the Lahala, 60 years old and still breeding. Thus, he is the 12th of 12 children (can I please make up the names as they become relevant? Please?). Of course, as a male (and the 12th kid) he has no chance whatsoever of inheriting anything ever. This is probably a good thing, because Varan is, for a T’Skrang, the quiet contemplative type. Some of his brothers became Sword-Masters or Sky Raiders. He however had more academic interests such as the natural world and medicine. Magic, being part of the natural world, was of a particular interest, and he would follow around and incessantly pester any spellcaster he could find with questions. This was less disturbing to pretty much everyone than that time when he was 12, when his mother found him dissecting a cat. At that point, realizing the familiar story with her male children was also true of her youngest son. So she packed him off to Lacertes, a distaff uncle of hers, and semi-retired wizard. It was either that or he becomes a surgeon, but she always wanted the best for her children, and what could be better than the dichotomy of dying screaming in a ditch or becoming a wizard of legend? Besides, there was no reason the two things would need to be exclusive. And they were not.
Lacertes and Varan were similar enough to get along, even though Lacertes was more tempestuous in his personality. This was never made plainer than when a long-standing academic dispute among wizards came up. Namely, whether the world was best known through observation or pure reason, Lacertes asserted observation. This was a position Varan shared. It did not help that many of the rationalist wizards were racists. So he was encouraged to know the world, and in addition to magic studied alchemy, philosophy, natural history, and medicine, absorbing knowledge like a sponge. Until the day came when it was time to go off on his own and seek his own way within that world.
Shortly thereafter, he was captured by slavers.
Mother: They don’t get along. Not because of any animosity, but they are just very different people and do not have a lot of common ground.
Siblings: Varies. Some he barely knew due to age differences and an adventuring career. Others, like his older sisters…ugh. You know how older siblings can be.
Old Master: Pretty damn close.
There's a note that a payment was given by a number of caravan masters for animals, so you think he was selling beasts to people leaving town.
Judges Knal, Jorki, Balun, Renu Guard officers Kor, Neb, Nash, Jaltel and Yalti are listed as taking bribes.
"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
- Theodosius Dobzhansky
There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid
The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
- Theodosius Dobzhansky
There is no word harsh enough for this. No verbal edge sharp and cold enough to set forth the flaying needed. English is to young and the elder languages of the earth beyond me. ~Frigid
The Holocaust was an Amazing Logistical Achievement~Havoc
- frigidmagi
- Dragon Death-Marine General
- Posts: 14757
- Joined: Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:03 am
- 19
- Location: Alone and unafraid
#16 Re: Post updated Earthdawn characters here
Human Weaponsmith circle 4
Dex 16 (7) (increased once)
Str 12 (5)
Tou 12 (5)
Per 14 (6)
Wil 15 (6)
Cha 13 (6) (increased once)
Physical Defense: 10
Spell Defense : 9
Social Defense: 8
Death Rating: 59
Unconscious: 44
Wound: 8
Recovery 2
Mystic Armor: 3
Physical Armor:
Movement: 5
Discipline Talents
(Per) Craftsmen: 4 Strain: 0
(Per) Forge Weapon: 4 Strain 0
(Per) item HistoryL 4 Strain 0
(Dex) Melee Weapon: 4 Strain 0
(Wil) Steel Thoughts: 4 Strain 1
(Per) Thread Weaving: 4 Strain 0
(Cha) Conversation: 4 Strain 0
(Wil) Suppress Curse: 4 Strain 1
(Str) Wound Balance: 4 Strain 0
Optional Talents
(Per) Awareness: 3 Strain 0
(Dex) Avoid Blow: 4 Strain 1
(Dex) Danger Sense: 3 Strain 1
(Cha) Diplomacy: 3 Strain 0 (versatility talent)
(Tou) Fireblood: 3 Strain: 0
(Cha) First Impression: 3 Strain 0
(Cha) Haggle 3 Strain 0
(Cha) Leadership 3 Strain 0 (versatility talent)
(Per) Read/Write Language 3 Strain 0 (Tskrang, Orc, Troll)
(---) Versatility: 2 Strain 0
K Politics 1
K Economics in Barsavie 1
A Rune Carving 1
Etiquette 2
Animal Handling 1
Sailing 2
Swimming 1
Wilderness Survival 1
Broadsword damage 5 Size 3 Weight 4
Chainmail PA 7 IP -3 Weight 40
Backpack, bedroll, waterskin, 3 travelers garb, 1 week ration, Artisan kit runes, forge tools
Human Weaponsmith circle 4
Dex 16 (7) (increased once)
Str 12 (5)
Tou 12 (5)
Per 14 (6)
Wil 15 (6)
Cha 13 (6) (increased once)
Physical Defense: 10
Spell Defense : 9
Social Defense: 8
Death Rating: 59
Unconscious: 44
Wound: 8
Recovery 2
Mystic Armor: 3
Physical Armor:
Movement: 5
Discipline Talents
(Per) Craftsmen: 4 Strain: 0
(Per) Forge Weapon: 4 Strain 0
(Per) item HistoryL 4 Strain 0
(Dex) Melee Weapon: 4 Strain 0
(Wil) Steel Thoughts: 4 Strain 1
(Per) Thread Weaving: 4 Strain 0
(Cha) Conversation: 4 Strain 0
(Wil) Suppress Curse: 4 Strain 1
(Str) Wound Balance: 4 Strain 0
Optional Talents
(Per) Awareness: 3 Strain 0
(Dex) Avoid Blow: 4 Strain 1
(Dex) Danger Sense: 3 Strain 1
(Cha) Diplomacy: 3 Strain 0 (versatility talent)
(Tou) Fireblood: 3 Strain: 0
(Cha) First Impression: 3 Strain 0
(Cha) Haggle 3 Strain 0
(Cha) Leadership 3 Strain 0 (versatility talent)
(Per) Read/Write Language 3 Strain 0 (Tskrang, Orc, Troll)
(---) Versatility: 2 Strain 0
K Politics 1
K Economics in Barsavie 1
A Rune Carving 1
Etiquette 2
Animal Handling 1
Sailing 2
Swimming 1
Wilderness Survival 1
Broadsword damage 5 Size 3 Weight 4
Chainmail PA 7 IP -3 Weight 40
Backpack, bedroll, waterskin, 3 travelers garb, 1 week ration, Artisan kit runes, forge tools
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
- frigidmagi
- Dragon Death-Marine General
- Posts: 14757
- Joined: Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:03 am
- 19
- Location: Alone and unafraid
#17 Re: Post updated Earthdawn characters here
Due to an American Holy Day, there will be no Earthdawn this Sunday. We will continue the week after this Sunday, please thank Cameron for being generous.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
- General Havoc
- Mr. Party-Killbot
- Posts: 5245
- Joined: Wed Aug 10, 2005 2:12 pm
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#18 Re: Post updated Earthdawn characters here
Praise be unto the gods of football. Amen.
Gaze upon my works, ye mighty, and despair...
Havoc: "So basically if you side against him, he summons Cthulu."
Hotfoot: "Yes, which is reasonable."
Havoc: "So basically if you side against him, he summons Cthulu."
Hotfoot: "Yes, which is reasonable."
- Cynical Cat
- Arch-Magician
- Posts: 11930
- Joined: Thu Jun 09, 2005 8:53 pm
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#19 Re: Post updated Earthdawn characters here
I'm likely to not make this Sunday. Have fun without me.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
- Cynical Cat
- Arch-Magician
- Posts: 11930
- Joined: Thu Jun 09, 2005 8:53 pm
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- Location: Ice Sarcophagus outside a ruined Jedi Temple
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#20 Re: Post updated Earthdawn characters here
Won't make it this Sunday for Earthdawn.
It's not that I'm unforgiving, it's that most of the people who wrong me are unrepentant assholes.
- frigidmagi
- Dragon Death-Marine General
- Posts: 14757
- Joined: Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:03 am
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- Location: Alone and unafraid
#21 Re: Post updated Earthdawn characters here
Okay, I'm handing this Sunday to Cameron, we had talked about it earlier. 03/04/17 is Star Wars
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken
#22 Re: Post updated Earthdawn characters here
Okay i have good news, and i have bad news. The good news is that i can now add "model" to my resume. The bad news is that i have to get up at 4am Sunday and Monday mornings, which means i'm not going to be able to play in the game, since i'm pretty sure i don't get paid if i doze off in the middle of the show.
Fortunately Stormbreaker is currently away from the rest of the group, and we don't have to gather our party before venturing forth. She also doesn't know that you're all planning on hitting a place, and so would not be in a hurry to get back to the rest of you, though she wouldn't blow it off either (she already had her morning fun). So there's a few options for things that might distract her while you all go charging into Sergeant Whathisface's place. Such as being waylaid by enemies, and/or finding leads or clues to our current investigation.
Fortunately Stormbreaker is currently away from the rest of the group, and we don't have to gather our party before venturing forth. She also doesn't know that you're all planning on hitting a place, and so would not be in a hurry to get back to the rest of you, though she wouldn't blow it off either (she already had her morning fun). So there's a few options for things that might distract her while you all go charging into Sergeant Whathisface's place. Such as being waylaid by enemies, and/or finding leads or clues to our current investigation.
Lys is lily, or lilium.
The pretty flowers remind me of a song of elves.
The pretty flowers remind me of a song of elves.
- frigidmagi
- Dragon Death-Marine General
- Posts: 14757
- Joined: Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:03 am
- 19
- Location: Alone and unafraid
#23 Re: Post updated Earthdawn characters here
Good Luck Lys, have fun!
We will be running the game without her but if anyone else is unable to make it sunday please let me know.
We will be running the game without her but if anyone else is unable to make it sunday please let me know.
"it takes two sides to end a war but only one to start one. And those who do not have swords may still die upon them." Tolken