His Majesty's Dragons: World at War

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#251 Re: His Majesty's Dragons: World at War

Post by dragnl0rd »

It seems people wanted to see an insane tactic from the newbie. Far be it from me to disagree with people more experienced than myself.
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#252 Re: His Majesty's Dragons: World at War

Post by frigidmagi »

Enough already. Everyone can put this much energy into the actual game post instead of nattering at each other. Seriously, simmer down.
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#253 Re: His Majesty's Dragons: World at War

Post by General Havoc »

Charon wrote:Kunja once went into the sky against an entire German squadron with nothing but a harness, his captain, and a fully loaded paintball gun.

He got one capture from that encounter.

Go for it!
Shall we discuss the incident in which Frostfell took to the air with neither crew, harness, or captain, and was made to fight Prussian Bluejackets, a Jotunmeister named Ragnarok, half a dozen Stukas, and another Wendigo?

This is war, not a knitting circle. Manning up may be required.
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#254 Re: His Majesty's Dragons: World at War

Post by Charon »

That is why Frostfell is as bad ass (possibly more, but you will never hear Kunja say this) as Kunja is.

I was simply pointing out a time when Kunja did something that was, in hindsight, insane. But it was necessary at the time. That's really what makes the difference between good insanity and bad insanity, necessity.

EDIT: Jeb is also awesome, and also more sane than either of the other two examples.
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#255 Re: His Majesty's Dragons: World at War

Post by LadyTevar »

Jeb is a couple decades older than the two examples given, and as such knows his limits. However, it also means he's had more time to practice :twisted:

Havoc, you've seen this move before. I used it in practice against Frostfell when he was chasing me. Not quite a "Smuggler/Devil's Reverse" but as close as you can get in mid-air.

If the Razorback goes for the pass, Jebediah will hook 'em for a reverse and try to claw up it's stomach. As in the Post, Jeb's gonna try to protect his wing by tucking the 'wrist' back and letting the 'thumb-claw' stick out. I understand that might affect his manuverabilty, since it's shortening the wing on that side, but at close passing range Jeb is gonna risk it for a shot at the belly. If it doesn't happen... well Haakon's right behind me (I hope)

BTW: Cyncat, if Jeb doesn't get a kill does that mean Frostfell will give him hell for it? :rofl:

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#256 Re: His Majesty's Dragons: World at War

Post by rhoenix »

Mmm... smells like a gool ol' fashioned barbecue - nevermind that it was caused by electrical fire. ;)
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#257 Re: His Majesty's Dragons: World at War

Post by dragnl0rd »

can't imagine the paralytic cocktail in the nemesis would allow it to smell good cooked.
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#258 Re: His Majesty's Dragons: World at War

Post by Hawkwings »


Imagine it like this. Squeeze with ease! No muss, no fuss, but plenty of mess.
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#259 Re: His Majesty's Dragons: World at War

Post by General Havoc »

I belabored the point enough in the IC thread, but I wanted to add a note here in OOC.

The sound the Nemesis just emitted? Everyone present will skip a wingbeat at it. Everyone. Italian, British, Allied, everybody. You don't all have to go into full on panic mode over it (though you're welcome to if you want), but that sound is a sound that intrinsically stabs right into the heart of any dragon that can hear it. The sound of a dragon entering a frenzied rage at the death of its captain is one of the worst sounds one can hear in dragon combat. Obviously you can all still function normally, but I will hear no arguments about how badass and jaded your dragons are to remain unfazed at the sound of such anger and pain rolled into one. No known dragon on Earth (with the single possible exception of the Stukas), no matter how mighty or how intrinsically evil, is capable of listening to such a thing remaining unaffected. It's the sort of sound that stays with one for weeks, if not longer.

As I said, act as you would, but I'd recommend against trying to appear like the badass walking away from the explosion without looking at it. You will fool nobody.

Those of you engaged over land in Spain are lucky however, as you're too far away to make the cry out for what it is. To you it will sound like dragons roaring particularly loudly.
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#260 Re: His Majesty's Dragons: World at War

Post by Dark Silver »

maybe I should have continued with the boarding....

ah well.

-lights up a cigar and pours a glass of whiskey-
Well, I'm boned.

Smoke 'em if you got 'em gents and ladies.
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#261 Re: His Majesty's Dragons: World at War

Post by JimmyTheCannon »

Looks like I'm no longer Most Likely to Need a New Character. Nice knowing ya, Thundercracker.
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#262 Re: His Majesty's Dragons: World at War

Post by Dark Silver »

If Thundercracker doesn't make it out...I may just well bring back Hermeticus..
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#263 Re: His Majesty's Dragons: World at War

Post by dragnl0rd »

Hey Havoc, I get the winchester not being heavy enough to pull a razorback into a spiral, but whatever happened to the 180 degree roll that was supposed to break/sprain its tail that happened BEFORE the pull-down? The concept I was going for was something along these lines. Imagine you're a 150 lb person doing a pullup. Now imagine a 60 lb child jumps onto your leg and twists using his entire body weight for momentum. Even with the weight difference, that's gotta possibly result in a sprain at best, and a compound fracture at worst, no? figure something's gotta give.

The pull down after that was a seperate component to the maneuver... and probably doomed to failure from the get-go... so... ow.
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#264 Re: His Majesty's Dragons: World at War

Post by Charon »

The main reason that would result in a sprain or a fracture however is because the 150 lbs person is holding onto something that would stop them from just spinning with you as you spun them.

Also, you aren't necessarily dead yet DS. You just need to stay out of his clutches long enough to get some heavy support to come your way.
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#265 Re: His Majesty's Dragons: World at War

Post by Cynical Cat »

Dark Silver wrote:maybe I should have continued with the boarding....
No, that would have been far, far worse. That would have meant getting into range of it's poison spit. It's berserk. but it's been in the air for a while, been electricuted twice, and shot a bunch of times with a gun mean enough to inflict significant injuries. Play keep away.
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#266 Re: His Majesty's Dragons: World at War

Post by JimmyTheCannon »

Now, am I reading into it too much, or did the Nemesis actually move to intentionally let the lightning hit his captain? Because... wow.
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#267 Re: His Majesty's Dragons: World at War

Post by frigidmagi »

Is Kalter Sturm still diving?
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#268 Re: His Majesty's Dragons: World at War

Post by Cynical Cat »

JimmyTheCannon wrote:Now, am I reading into it too much, or did the Nemesis actually move to intentionally let the lightning hit his captain? Because... wow.
No, that's the way I read it as well and the word from the dragon's mouth is that impression is no accident. They get called the Antichrist for a reason. Even most Wendigos love their captains. For pure evil, only a Stuka is really in competition with the Nemesis. Even Jannissaries aren't that repulsive.

Oh yeah, one other thing. It's on.
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#269 Re: His Majesty's Dragons: World at War

Post by dragnl0rd »

I read that and All I could think of was a freeze frame of the nemesis and the xolotl with blue text menus at the bottom of the screen... an arrow moving between words and bringing up additional menus for the nemesis until the words "Limit Break" were shown... and subsequently selected.

Yeah, I've been replaying FF7. Sue me.
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#270 Re: His Majesty's Dragons: World at War

Post by Comrade Tortoise »

dragnl0rd wrote:Hey Havoc, I get the winchester not being heavy enough to pull a razorback into a spiral, but whatever happened to the 180 degree roll that was supposed to break/sprain its tail that happened BEFORE the pull-down? The concept I was going for was something along these lines. Imagine you're a 150 lb person doing a pullup. Now imagine a 60 lb child jumps onto your leg and twists using his entire body weight for momentum. Even with the weight difference, that's gotta possibly result in a sprain at best, and a compound fracture at worst, no? figure something's gotta give.

The pull down after that was a seperate component to the maneuver... and probably doomed to failure from the get-go... so... ow.
I am afraid not. Tails are built differently than legs. The joints are far more... resilient. Imagine trying to do that to a 500 lb crocodile and you have a pretty good idea.
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#271 Re: His Majesty's Dragons: World at War

Post by Charon »

Yeah, I read it as intentional as well. That gets... pretty close to the infamy of the Stuka. Though not quite so jarring.
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#272 Re: His Majesty's Dragons: World at War

Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Charon wrote:Yeah, I read it as intentional as well. That gets... pretty close to the infamy of the Stuka. Though not quite so jarring.
Yeah,I read it that way too... which is just...wrong.
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#273 Re: His Majesty's Dragons: World at War

Post by JimmyTheCannon »

Question - how close together are the three rows of spines on the Razorback's back?
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#274 Re: His Majesty's Dragons: World at War

Post by Comrade Tortoise »

JimmyTheCannon wrote:Question - how close together are the three rows of spines on the Razorback's back?
A few feet I imagine. Enough room for a person to sit comfortably between them.
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#275 Re: His Majesty's Dragons: World at War

Post by Dark Silver »

Well, Now I'm hoping that my more agile and less weary dragon lets me stay away from the tired, hurt but berserk Nemesis for awhile....long enough to hopefully try to fry him once or twice more while the rest of you finish up
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