But how about secular point of view? Is there any secular, atheistic, and non-religious reasons why suicide is wrong? Do you think suicide is wrong, or it is nothing more than basic human rights? Doesn't our live belong to ourselves?
Moderator: Charon
To what end? We already recognise that personal liberty must be curtailed if your choices threaten the lives of others with harm. We also curtail liberty when your choice can harm yourself.The Morrigan wrote:I don't think that suicide is wrong in itself. It's your life, you can do what you damn well please with it.
I wouldn't call it selfish. Anyone who thinks that they would be doing the world a favour by ending their lives is crying for help but feels they're unheard.As for it being selfish, while it does look that way from the outside, from the point of view of the person who commits suicide, it can be the case that their self-esteem is so rock-bottom that they think they are doing the world a favour.
I'm not saying that suicide is beneficial to society or should be encouraged. I meant that the choice to end one's own life is not of itself immoral (for example in the "Your life belongs to God" sense or anything like that). A person's life ultimately belongs to that person, not to God or to anybody else. If this were the case, it would make voluntary euthenasia (Which I consider to be a form of suicide in any case. It is not the act that changes, but the reason) equally immoral. It is the implications of that choice that create problems.Stofsk wrote:To what end? We already recognise that personal liberty must be curtailed if your choices threaten the lives of others with harm. We also curtail liberty when your choice can harm yourself.The Morrigan wrote:I don't think that suicide is wrong in itself. It's your life, you can do what you damn well please with it.
Sure, liberty for all sounds great, but not every choice is beneficial. And with something like suicide, where the person has ended their life but all those that care for them - their lives are affected and saddened by the loss.
I have to disagree there CT. The willingness to commit suicide is not grounds for determining a person mentally incompetent. Their justitification for suicide would be a better means of determining that.Comrade Tortoise wrote:If they feel it is their only choice, there IS something wrong with them. unless they are dying of a terminal illness.
What they feel is, honestly, irrelevant, ebcause in a metal state conducive to suicide, they are not competant to make the choice.
Bad analogy, as ten year olds are not adults and relative to most adults very inexperienced and immature.Much like a 10 year old is not competant to give sexual consent.
However, asserting only mentally incompetent or irrational people would consider suicide is incorrect. I've admitted that in alot of cases, suicidal inclinations are most likely due to irrational thinking or misguided notions, but that's not grounds for asserting a person incompetent simply because they pursue suicide.They cannot think rationally and clearly enough to make the decision intelligently. There is a damn good reason why it is possible to have mentally ill people declared incompetant to manage their own affairs.
ThanksPcm979 wrote:Could I just pop in and say that you've got me officially worried, KAN. First the thread about loving someone who wrecks your life and now this... Well, I might be barking up the wrong tree, but it does paint a disturbing picture.
There I go with the metaphor-mixing again...
See, from atheistic point of view, death is basically the end. So is there anything inherently wrong with that? Also, is there anything inherently wrong to decide our own end?Ace Pace wrote:To be honest, I don't see, for a self, what exactly do you lose by ceasing to exist? If there is no afterlife...So you cease to exist, Finito, no one says an Atheist belives in improving himself. For me, Suicide means The End. The Last peice. To a person, there is nothing wrong for that.
And for someone who's determined their life too troublesome or not worth the time and effort to try and improve, I don't see a problem with suicide. We can do our best to try and convince a person otherwise, try and provide them with alternate options, but if they are adament, there should be very little we can do about it. Everyone's life is their own, and nor is it anyone's right to dictate the value of another person's life.frigidmagi wrote: Atheist: You cease to exist. You no longer feel pain this is true, but you have removed all chance of ever improving your situatuion or even having a situation.
HELLO! If they're telling someone about it, then they have some sort of hesitations.*shakes head* where there's a hesitation, there's a way.Robert Walper wrote:And for someone who's determined their life too troublesome or not worth the time and effort to try and improve, I don't see a problem with suicide. We can do our best to try and convince a person otherwise, try and provide them with alternate options, but if they are adament, there should be very little we can do about it. Everyone's life is their own, and nor is it anyone's right to dictate the value of another person's life.frigidmagi wrote: Atheist: You cease to exist. You no longer feel pain this is true, but you have removed all chance of ever improving your situatuion or even having a situation.
Telling someone about it doesn't mean they have hesistations about it...could be something as simple as letting others know what you're planning to do. I routinely tell people I'm heading out or going to do something, but that doesn't mean I have hesistations or want to be talked out of it.Lindar wrote:HELLO! If they're telling someone about it, then they have some sort of hesitations.*shakes head* where there's a hesitation, there's a way.Robert Walper wrote:And for someone who's determined their life too troublesome or not worth the time and effort to try and improve, I don't see a problem with suicide. We can do our best to try and convince a person otherwise, try and provide them with alternate options, but if they are adament, there should be very little we can do about it. Everyone's life is their own, and nor is it anyone's right to dictate the value of another person's life.frigidmagi wrote: Atheist: You cease to exist. You no longer feel pain this is true, but you have removed all chance of ever improving your situatuion or even having a situation.