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#1 Hillary Clinton for president 2012 ad hits airwaves

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 1:15 pm
by The Minx
(CNN) - We've still got two months left until the 2010 midterm elections, but we now have our first television commercial of the 2012 presidential campaign. And the ad advocates for a person who says she has no intention of running for the White House.

"She has more experience working in and with the White House than most living presidents. She is one of the most admired women in our nation's history. Let's make sure the president we should have elected in 2008 will be on the ballot in 2012. Hillary 2012: Hillary Clinton for President. Start now. Where there's a Hill there's a way," says an ad that began running on television in New Orleans Wednesday.

The commercial was paid for by a Chicago dentist named William DeJean.

When asked why he put the ad up, DeJean told CNN Thursday that "I'm a dentist and I don't think this country is headed in the right direction."

Regarding Clinton, DeJean says "I think she is the most qualified."

DeJean adds that he thinks people are having buyer's remorse about President Barack Obama and says the current administration is ruining the Democratic Party. He says he spent $5,000 to create the commercial and tells CNN that besides New Orleans, the ad will run in Washington, New York and Los Angeles, and possible Houston. DeJean says he chose to first run the ad in New Orleans because he's a native of the city and because the city's in the news due to the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.

"I didn't expect to see any ads about 2012 before the midterms in 2010, although this will likely not be a big TV buy, Mr. DeJean clearly is motivated to see change," says Evan Tracey, Campaign Media Analysis Group and CNN's consultant on political TV ad spending.

According to data from CMAG, DeJean paid to run ads supporting Clinton during the 2008 presidential campaign. Clinton, senator from New York at the time, battled then Sen. Obama of Illinois in a marathon and historic Democratic primary season, nearly becoming the woman to win a major party presidential nomination, before ending her bid and endorsing Obama in June 2008.

Since becoming secretary of state in the Obama administration, Clinton has squashed any talk of her either challenging Obama in 2012 or making another bid for the White House down the road.

In an interview with NBC last October, Clinton said "no" three times to the question "will you ever run for president again?"

At town hall in Saudi Arabia in February, Clinton said "I am very proud to support Barack Obama and I will continue to support Barack Obama."

Follow Paul Steinhauser on Twitter: @psteinhausercnn

Well, it's not even the midterms yet, and here we are again.

Some of the comments:
If Hillary Clinton is not the Democratic Nominee in 2012 I am voting for a Republican even if the Republican Nominee is Satan.
We have already seen the results of democrats in office and they should never be allowed into power again.
People really have a short term memory in politics, don't they? :???: It's like they think that the current economic crisis is all Obama's fault, even though it started under Bush, and they want the Republicans back if Obama is the candidate in 2012. Of course, not everyone is like this, but elections often get decided by small numbers of swing voters.


Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 1:18 pm
by frigidmagi
Most of the guys screaming this are no where close to what you would call a swing voter.

Frankly though I don't think Hillary could win a general election, she's got way to much baggage. Well... If she was running against Sarah Palin then yeah, or even Huckabee.


Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 1:41 pm
by Hadrianvs
I'm still hung over from the last election. I swear this time I'm just going to ignore the dammed thing until it is actually 2012. These impossibly long campaign cycles are ridiculous, and I will have no more of it.


Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 2:34 pm
by SirNitram
Oh gods, the PUMAs? Again? Didn't we only just get rid of them?

Give it up!