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#1 Obama rejects 'lipstick' charge

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 9:24 pm
by frigidmagi
The US Democratic presidential candidate has denied claims of sexism after likening his rival's promise of change to putting "lipstick on a pig".

Barack Obama said Republican John McCain's outrage was "phoney", a diversion from debating real issues.

The controversy began on Tuesday after Mr Obama said his rival was advocating change while pursuing the politics of the current Bush administration.

Mr McCain's campaign accused him of smearing running mate Sarah Palin.

Mrs Palin joked last week that lipstick was all that separated a "hockey mom" and a pitbull.

'Made-up' controversy

Mr Obama made the remark during a rally in Virginia where he accused the McCain campaign of trying suddenly to adopt the promise of change - a platform he himself has been running on for months.

Drawing a link between the Republican senator for Arizona and President George W Bush, he suggested change would be impossible for Mr McCain to achieve.

The famously thin-skinned porcine population of the US is up in trotters about the imputation of cross-dressing
Matt Frei
BBC World News America

Pigs and lipstick

"You can put lipstick on a pig. It's still a pig. You can wrap up an old fish in a piece of paper and call it change. It's still going to stink after eight years. We've had enough."

Mrs Palin, a self-described "hockey mom", made her joke about lipstick during a speech at the Republican National Convention last Wednesday.

Soon after Mr Obama's comments, McCain aides produced an election campaign ad referring to "sexism in American life", and accusing the Illinois senator of "smearing" Mrs Palin, governor of Alaska.

And there was speculation that Mr Obama might apologise, but he took a more aggressive line, says the BBC's Kevin Connolly in Washington.

He dismissed the "made-up controversy" on Wednesday - defending his remark as an "innocent expression".

Mr Obama said his comments had been taken out of context.


Republican advert attacks Obama

"The McCain campaign would much rather have the story about phoney and foolish diversions than about the future," the Illinois senator said.

Republicans may well try to keep the controversy going, although one difficulty for them is that John McCain has himself used the offending phrase, our Washington correspondent says.

Mr McCain had used the same analogy to criticise a health care plan presented by former Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton last year.

The row erupted as a new poll by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News suggested that Mr Obama and Mr McCain were in a statistical dead heat. Mr Obama held a lead of several points earlier this summer.

Another poll by CNN and the Opinion Research Foundation also put the rival candidates in a statistical tie, with Mr Obama polling 49% to Mr McCain's 48%.

The latest Gallup daily tracking poll of registered voters gave Mr McCain a lead of 49% to Mr Obama's 44%.


Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 1:37 am
by Derek Thunder
This has been the most ridiculous made-up scandal that I can remember. Republicans for the past three decades have been complaining about a nebulous, tyrannical "political correctness" that has prevented honest political discourse, but now they're screaming "SEXISM!" at every single criticism, either intended or unintended of the McCain-Palin ticket. It's fucking infuriating.

Chris Matthews tore into some McCain surrogates for it today though, so it made some entertaining viewing at least.


Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:09 pm
by FickityTwists
Thank you Derek Thunder!
I am tired of speaking out against Palin on verious subjects and being called " Sexist" and I am tired of them crying " wolf" every 10 seconds! Sexism is not in play here. Not by the Dems and not by me!

Plus, them claiming it every time I turn around makes me sick. It is grating on peoples nerves!


Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:16 pm
by SirNitram
Sexism is in play. It's one of the driving forces behind the pick. Because even if Palin can't get the Hillary voters, they'll make everyone swallow the idea that the 'Media is sexist' hook, line, and sinker.


Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 8:06 pm
by FickityTwists
SirNitram wrote:Sexism is in play. It's one of the driving forces behind the pick. Because even if Palin can't get the Hillary voters, they'll make everyone swallow the idea that the 'Media is sexist' hook, line, and sinker.
Ahh, they might get some people to swollow it, but I know numerous that are hacking up that hairball.

I am completely against Palin.


Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 8:28 pm
by SirNitram
FickityTwists wrote:
SirNitram wrote:Sexism is in play. It's one of the driving forces behind the pick. Because even if Palin can't get the Hillary voters, they'll make everyone swallow the idea that the 'Media is sexist' hook, line, and sinker.
Ahh, they might get some people to swollow it, but I know numerous that are hacking up that hairball.

I am completely against Palin.

That above this line? That's the point. It's another handful of shit to throw.