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#1 Obama's evolving stance on NASA.

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 11:57 pm
by SirNitram
I take this moment to praise the greatest political sin.

The 'Flip Flop' is a simple, quick attack, but when it seems the candidate is genuinely getting more information and altering his stance to fit the facts, he should be rewarded. I propose a Pavlovian system where they get a cookie each time they improve their stance based on facts.

WASHINGTON — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's position on space exploration continued to evolve Sunday as the Illinois Democrat endorsed a congressional plan to add $2 billion to NASA's budget and agreed to back at least one more space shuttle mission.

In a policy paper released Sunday by his campaign, the presumptive Democratic nominee said his goal was to "minimize the gap" between the end of the shuttle program and the beginning of future manned missions. He also said he was hoping "to ensure retention of" thousands of NASA workers in Texas and Florida whose jobs are threatened by a possible five-year gap before the beginning of the Constellation initiative to send astronauts to the moon and Mars.

The additional NASA funding and shuttle mission are being pushed strongly by Democrats and Republicans from the two states. Obama's Republican opponent, Arizona Sen. John McCain, has already endorsed closing the five-year gap. President Bush opposes the $2 billion in funding, saying it would be fiscally irresponsible.

Obama has not always been a strong supporter of additional money for NASA. Indeed, in December 2007, his campaign Web site declared that he would finance an early childhood education initiative by reducing funding for the Constellation program. And Obama told the Houston Chronicle's editorial board in February that he was not convinced that human exploration was worth the cost.

Acting on complaints
After Democrats from Florida and Texas complained, Obama pivoted and found other ways to fund his education initiative.

"To his credit, he changed that position," Florida Sen. Bill Nelson said Sunday.

Republicans on Sunday ridiculed Obama's latest statement and said he is pandering to voters to remain competitive in the swing state of Florida, home to the Kennedy Space Center.

"Obama's shifting stance on space exploration is indicative of his inexperience on issues important to voters," said Republican National Committee spokesman Alex Conant. "Let's be honest: Obama is only embracing NASA now because of his political problems in Florida."

McCain told the Houston Chronicle earlier this year that he viewed manned spaceflight as "something that is elemental and a vital part of our space program."

He said he wants to close the gap in manned spaceflight, but added, "I think we've got to sort out our priorities better. In other words, we can't do everything."

Obama echoed those thoughts in a statement released by his campaign Sunday. McCain's Democratic opponent declared that he hoped "to maintain a robust program of human space exploration and ... continue our nation's pre-eminence in space."

Would add shuttle mission
While Obama endorsed a "balanced program of space exploration and scientific discovery," his policy statement did not include any specific mention of the Constellation program. It did, however, discuss in great detail his support for expanding NASA's robotic and aeronautic programs.

He also proposed to restore a national aeronautics and space council, a group including NASA, the Department of Defense, the Department of Transportation and other air and space stakeholders.

The most important change in Obama's past positions is that he now favors at least one additional space shuttle mission before the shuttles are retired. Florida Sen. Nelson said Obama's staff assured him the presidential candidate favors the congressional plan to add $2 billion to NASA's budget.

Obama's newly released details impressed former astronaut and Sen. John Glenn, D-Ohio. But Glenn, a former space policy adviser to Obama primary rival Hillary Clinton, said he wants more from his candidate.

"I hope it goes even further," Glenn said. "At least ... one (more) additional shuttle flight."

Republicans remained skeptical.

"Considering Obama's shifting positions, he cannot be trusted to fully support NASA's mission to Mars," said the RNC's Conant. "The only thing Barack Obama knows about sending a man to the moon is that it's a good applause line."
And the RNC takes up the standard 'he changed his opinion, he cannot be trusted on anything' approach.


Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 10:40 am
by General Havoc
Honestly, Obama's position on NASA and space exploration was one of the few big worries I had about him as president. I'm glad to see that he's softening his stance on it. NASA and the space program are, in my mind, among the most important things the Federal Government will ever do, and I want a president who will at least somewhat support them.

So I'm glad to see this "flip-flop" of his, and I hope he goes further.

#3 Re: Obama's evolving stance on NASA.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:12 pm
by Lord Iames Osari
SirNitram wrote:And the RNC takes up the standard 'he changed his opinion, he cannot be trusted on anything' approach.
Without for a moment considering what that position says about their own presidential candidate.