Interesting, and I mostly agree with the article.Communism and human nature (Bolshie Mod sez, Arise ye kittens of the earth!)
Bolshie Mod Manifesto ^
Posted on 04/05/2005 10:50:57 AM PDT by Sammy sam
Many argue that communism will never be possible because of "human nature". The essence of this false argument is the belief that a communist society would consist of an all-powerful central government that would tell everybody what to do--and would therefore undermine the creative initiative of individuals and the search for happiness.
• This argument is based on two false assumptions:
(1) It assumes that a communist society will look like the former Soviet Union, or the current China, North Korea, etc (ie: corrupt police states with a feudal-style ruling class) (2) It assumes that people will only work in order to own bigger and bigger piles of commodities.
• The truth is that: (1) There will be no government in communist society--people will do what they want without being pushed around by anyone. The development of a corrupt police state or a new ruling class will be prevented by the struggles of the masses who will be armed with the weapon of transparency. (2) In a world of abundance for all no one will have to struggle (or even work) for the necessities of life (which will be a birthright--just like the air we all breathe). People will work on projects of their own choosing because (a) they find the work fun and interesting; (b) they enjoy the work relationships with talented and dedicated co-workers; (c) they want to make the world a better place; or (d) they want social status and recognition. A world of abundance for all where work is fun (and voluntary) will be made possible by a much higher productivity of human labor.
• An example of communist work relationships is provided by the Linux computer operating system--the core of which was created by many thousands of people--all working for free. A 2nd example is the "work" involved when people post to this forum. No one gets paid to post here--but people do so--because it is an expression of their principles and convictions.
• Who is in control? Under capitalism (and previous economic systems such as feudalism and slavery) only a small fraction of the population has control over their conditions of work--and the life of society as a whole. Only under genuine communism will the masses control their conditions of work--and the culture, economy and politics of society.
Whenever people say "communist", the first thing they think is mostly Soviet Union, North Korea, Cuba, etc. However, I believe the article strikes me home when it mentioned that those countries are actually police states with feudal-style ruling class instead of genuine communistic society (besides, I think I'm a libertarian socialist and individual anarchist myself

I think the biggest mistake of Karl Marx is the assumption that it needs a totalitarian government to establish a communist society. But you don't have to look too far: isn't this forum communistic? (or every other forums out there for that matter?) Are you getting paid for every post you contribute to this forum? Isn't Linux development communistic? Isn't open source development? Didn't things like primitive communism and religious communism exist? Besides, isn't open science communistic?
To be frank, I have to admit that the article above is not even close to answer the question whether a genuine communist society can exist solely and self-sustainedly, especially since economy is always based on scarcity. Nonetheless, I think communist society can, and does, co-exist with our moden society today.The model of open science is "communistic" in the sense of community ownership--or rather community stewardship. But innumerable highly successful organizations and institutions in America are founded upon the ideal of community stewardship--including our democracy itself.
*wears flameproof armor +5*