Pakistan votes to amend rape laws

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#1 Pakistan votes to amend rape laws

Post by frigidmagi »

Pakistan's national assembly has voted to amend the country's strict Sharia laws on rape and adultery.
Until now rape cases were dealt with in Sharia courts. Victims had to have four male witnesses to the crime - if not they faced prosecution for adultery.
Now civil courts will be able to try rape cases, assuming the upper house and the president ratify the move.

The reform has been seen as a test of President Musharraf's stated commitment to a moderate form of Islam.

"It is a historic bill because it will give rights to women and help end excesses against them," Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz told parliament after the vote.

Religious parties boycotted the vote, saying the bill encouraged "free sex".


A woman is raped every two hours and gang-raped every eight hours in Pakistan, according to the country's independent Human Rights Commission.

Correspondents say these figures are probably an under-estimation as many rapes are not reported. Campaigners say Pakistan's laws have made it virtually impossible to prosecute rape.

Attempts to pass a new bill failed in September in the face of angry opposition.

The version of the Women's Protection Bill put before legislators then caused such an outcry that parliament was prorogued.

It would have allowed alleged rapists to be tried under civil as well as Islamic law.

Gen Musharraf has said women need to be better protected

Human rights activists said this would have created confusion, allowing powerful religious lobbies to manipulate what is seen as a weak judicial system.

Pakistan's religious parties called the legislation "a harbinger of lewdness and indecency in the country", and against the strictures of the Koran and Sharia law.

They have threatened nationwide protests over the revised bill.

Addressing parliament on Wednesday, the leader of the six-party MMA Islamic alliance, Maulana Fazlur Rahman, said the bill would "turn Pakistan into a free-sex zone".

"Existing laws are correct and should be maintained... The changes are not in line with Islamic teaching."

The government insisted that some of the MMA's proposals had been included in the bill.


Rape and adultery in Pakistan are dealt with under the Hudood Ordinance, a controversial set of Islamic laws introduced from 1979 by Gen Zia-ul-Haq.

They include sections prescribing lashing and stoning as punishments for adultery.

The bill tabled in the summer and withdrawn was then reviewed by a panel of ulema, or Islamic scholars, who suggested three revisions.
You know even before the era of the color coded terror alert there was something that annoyed me about modern Islam, I couldn't figure out what and thought maybe I was being unreasonable... Until reading this and the uncovered meat comment led to a light bulb clicking on. This line of Islamic thought allows men to escape responibility for their actions.

When someone is mugged we don't talk about them asking for it.

When someone is shot down in the street by a stranger we don't talk about them asking for it.

Can you see what I'm getting at?

As for the free sex zone. I have it on good authority that there is no fucking in the streets going on even in the most liberal bastions of the world. Canada has not dissolved into a 24 hour rut fest. Since this law (which is a hell of an improvement don't get me wrong) doesn't even get them up there with Italy (which in recent years found a rapist not guilty because his victum wore jeans, which are clearly to hard to remove without the women's help) I don't think they have much to worry about.

Speaking of religious fantics who are afraid of giving women equal rights, Al Shar must die.
Last edited by frigidmagi on Wed Nov 15, 2006 12:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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#2 Re: Pakistan votes to amend rape laws

Post by Mayabird »

frigidmagi wrote: You know even before the era of the color coded terror alert there was something that annoyed me about modern Islam, I couldn't figure out what and thought maybe I was being unreasonable... Until reading this and the uncovered meat comment led to a light bulb clicking on. This line of Islamic thought allows men to escape responibility for their actions.


Speaking of religious fantics who are afraid of giving women equal rights, Al Shar must die.
It's not just that men are escaping responsibility, but they're saying that they have no responsibility at all. Women supposedly emit magical lust rays from their hair that makes men into slobbering uncontrollable rape machines. There's not even any sense of having or escaping responsibility.

Also, Frigidmagi is channeling the ghost of Cato the Elder.
I :luv: DPDarkPrimus!

Storytime update 8/31: Frigidmagi might be amused by this one.
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Post by Comrade Tortoise »

Ah yes, because making it possible to prosecute rape is somehow going to increase sexual activity.

I mean, Allah forbid they get rapists who force women into "adultery" off the streets. I know! When she was being raped, that woman committed two crimes! She had the audacity to say no to a man, while inwardly screaming yes YES YES!!
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Post by ImpishAngel »

Even when *not* in another country a rape case is still extremely hard to prove.
You have to have everything lined up, and it basically comes down to he said she said bullshit. And any way you boil it down, the main argument is always going to be ''she wanted it'' , ''she was a willing participant'', ''she dressed provocitively'' ect ect.

And as far as that shit goes, sometimes you must take the law into your own hands...

Edit - Spelling
Edit 2 - Sorry about the rant... touchy subject.
Last edited by ImpishAngel on Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
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