System requirements for all these programs:
A Pentium 1 120 MHz or better CPU (P1-120 exactly reccomended. I did all devlopment on this computer and set the timing to match its lag)
1 megabyte of RAM
MS-DOS (Windows 95 reccommended)
64 kb video ram on VGA compatible card (320x200 resolution with 256 colours)
At least 100kb free hard drive space
PC Speaker for beep sounds
FPONG : Final pong Download

Actual ingame footage!
This game is a beautiful thing. Capable of saving replays, setting up custom paddle sizes for each player, 2 balls at once, and walls behind the paddles (shown). The AI is unbeatable: it anticipates the balls movements and then waits for the last second to move for it and always hits. The purpose of the game: hold out as long as you can in a nonstop PONG battle! Multiplayer not supported since I can't seem to find that source file...
Controls: up / down arrows move your paddle on the right. Escape exits the game.
BS: Battleship download coming soon
Screenshot coming soon
In this game, ARSD shows off their ability to utalize modern input devices, such as a MOUSE, a strange tool that moves a pointer on a screen! The user interface is a pretty thing, consisting of buttons. It supports 2 playter on one computer and an AI, which just shoots randomly and always loses necause it sucks.
I am having a hard time getting this running in my emulator, so it is coming soon!
m: The M2 RPG suite download coming soon

The M2 demo title screen- in game pics coming soon!
The granddaddy of all ARSD technologies, the M2 suite is what ARSD exists for. Its codebase consists of a graphics engine, which is used in nearly all other ARSD DOS age programs, a compiler for adding your own little programs to the game, a sound engine which was never quite finished, and the capability to include just about any other ARSD technology of the time.
The main game is m.exe, which loads all the files created by the other editing programs, and it includes the entitrety of ARSD stars 2 and ARSD rotate 10 and ARSD color3 built in. It allows the player to play in a nice RPG envirioment, complete with day/night shifts, animated maps, multiple enemy occurance types, random battles of 5 players vs 8 monsters using ATB (like Final Fantasy), running game-author written events, and much more.
The satellite programs are the tileedit, which is used for the creation of animated tiles, mapedit, used for the creation of dungeon and town maps and enemy domains, evencmp, used for the compiliation of event scripts, itemedit, used for creating in game items, includien weapons and armour, and monsedit, used for creating enemy monsters.
Most the engine still remains, but a hard drive failure at ARSD headquarters claimed the spectacular demo created by ARSD president Adam Ruppe and as such the download is not avaliable yet. Also, most the controls are random (I just fit them into whatever key I happened to press) and there is no documentation.
The ARSD M2 restoration project is working to bring this great game back to the people and will hopefully have it ready sometime.
cb: The Canadian Bacon Littering Game Download
IMPORTANT DOWNLOAD NOTE: Do NOT run! It is not anything useful and may crash! Run cb.exe instead.

The exciting first level in the snow of Canada
This is an ARSD game meant to bring back the thoughts of Atari games. A simple game, with beautiful graphics. You play Sheriff Bud Boomer, on his adventure into Canada to dump trash. Flee arrest from the Mounties while letting them pick up the trash while you knock it back down! If arrested, you move on to the exciting level 2, where you drive away in your car - smashing into trash cans as you go! Complete with beeping sounds, this game is an instant classic.