Xbox/360 question

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#1 Xbox/360 question

Post by Akalie »

Does anyone know if the memory card for the Xbox is compatable with with the Xbox 360?
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Something Awesome
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Post by Something Awesome »

I'm not entirely sure since I don't have an actual 360 controller around, but from what I can see from pictures, it doesn't appear to have a slot for the old memory unit, and it wouldn't fit in the slots in the front of the 360. So I'd say it's most likely not compatible.

The old ones are also only 8MB, while the 360 units are 64. The only thing I could ever use my old memory unit for was transporting gamertags so I could play on other folks' Xboxes. So many games are either too large to fit (KotOR), had some copy protection thing (lots of Tecmo games like DOA), or couldn't really load off of them so you'd have to copy over to the hard drive anyway (Halo profiles).

If anyone else can answer definitively, go with that, but I'm highly doubtful.
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