Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:Ace Pace wrote:Do you want the short version or the long version of why people hate Sony?
Short version: Over the past 2 years, Sony has done more to alienate customers then any other company on earth.
Long version?
Okay, the medium version, as telling the long story would involve you going "I REFUSE TO BELIVE ANY COMPANY IS THIS STUPID!"
Lets start with the side crap.
The rootkit debacle, "Users don't care they have a rootkit on their machine."
The PSP UDM(or whatever it's called) format, again pissing off customers.
Now lets start on the PS3.
From prerendered footage(Killzone2) while claiming it's real.
To the fake release dates that went from Spring 2006 to november 2006 in three differant forms.
From the price. And the casterated version that is ONLY 500USD.
To the massive list of issues.
To the price, where you're paying double an Xbox for the same features.
To the complete lack of killer titles during launch.
To the hordes of developers jumping ship to MS.
To the price, where you're paying SIX HUNDRED USD FOR AN XBOX360 WITH BLURAY.
To the....5 launch titles.
To the price...I think I've repeated myself enough.
The utterly idiotic controller, yay,lets throw away our RUMBLE feature because we refuse to license the patent.
And replace it with an obvious ripoff of the Wiimote, WHILE CLAIMING IT IS ORIGINAL.
To the price, for nothing.
For a completly idiotic 'Media center experiance' with a horrible UI.
Can I mention 600 USD some more?
The lack of HDTV cable included, meaning the "HDTV CONSOLE" can't output HDTV right off the bat.
Did I mention the lack of killer games?
The utter arrogence of Sony who went from 4 million consoles at launch, world wide, to 2 million in NA and Japan. To 1 million. To 500,000 thousand, at launch. While they actully shipped something closer to 300,00 thousand units.
Uh....Europe, we
have forgotten you...
Does this come anywhere close to summing this up?