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Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 7:53 am
by Hotfoot
Well, with all the fuss about DEFCON, while I was waiting for it to come out, I got in to UPLINK for the first time. I had tried it way back when it came out, but it always crashed on my system.

Now, I've lost two accounts, and finally with my third one I've managed to learn the pacing of the game and the keys to success. I hacked a bank for one million dollars, and after laying low for a bit to make sure they didn't follow me, I'm sitting pretty on some of the best equipment in the game. Of course, the game recognized just how badass that was and ramped up the difficulty, so now I'm going through my usual servers and cleaning out my tracelogs before I do much else.

It's a really fun game, and pretty darn involving for something so small in file size. I really think that any game that involves hacking should include some version of uplink as the base game.


Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 8:24 am
by Faqa
Uplink is a classic case of style over substance(minus the LAN hacks), and it's motherfucking awesome.

Me, I remember hacking the servers of the company I work for. Yes, you CAN, though it's more for the thrill than anything else. They have INSANE security.

There are mods. You will GET those mods. Among them, the Ultimate Uplink Mod. Whole new game. GET IT.


Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 9:44 am
Plus some of the mods add stuff in like gov agency computers such as DOD, NSA, FBI, CIA, etc. New profiles and voice keys. All sorts of fun shit.

Oh and Faqa, at some point if I recall you HAVE to hack Uplink security to get a vital clue for the game about another agent's hack.

But yes, the game is immensely fun.

If you want another game in the same vein though not the same style, try Street Hacker.


Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:38 am
by Josh
I'll have to try it again with the mods. I got pretty bored with just the vanilla game.


Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 11:10 am
by Hotfoot
I will definately try out the mods once I get good enough at the standard game. One thing I wanted to know, however, is what the storyline is supposed to be with Uplink. Right now I've just been doing random missions and hacks of opprotunity, but I haven't really come in contact with anything that would seem to be storyline missions.

Do the mods add storylines of their own as well?

Also, I have to sort of disagree with style over substance. Sure, there's a healthy dose of style, but the game is fairly substantive. I'll admit, actual hacking is just a touch different from how it's portrayed in the game, but it's also very similar. You want to gain (and keep) admin access in the places you hack (and route to and from), you want to delete the log files of your entry. Out of any hacking game or minigame, Uplink has, to date, the most substance out of any other game of its type that I've seen (short of, you know, ACTUALLY hacking something).


Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 11:22 am
by Ace Pace
There is a storyline, that takes up more and more of yourtime later on, but I'm rather suprised you havn't noticed it. You have to be at a high enough level then you get contacted by a company. Get a job..go on. :wink:


Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 6:50 pm
by Dark Silver
haven't played Uplink, was thinking about getting it.

So, it's worth it then?


Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 7:16 pm
by Hotfoot
Yeah. It may seem cake after your first bank hack, but the LAN missions are still pretty hard, and I'm stumped by that email I just got....

I'm a little worried about revelations.


Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 2:03 am
by Ace Pace
Be worried. It's a setup for a really fun series of missions.


Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 8:16 am
by Dark Silver
So I got Uplink last night, i bought it off the Interovision website cause I like support the company who gives me good games.

I've got two accounts disavowed so far...and the third can't get a mission cause i abandoned the test thing


I will get the hang of this game.


Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 9:18 am
by Hotfoot
If you buy it from STEAM, it still supports the company :razz:

Some tips for the early game:

Get Trace Tracker v2 to start, but upgrade to v4 relatively soon. It's easier to have a timer.

Get log deleter v4 ASAP. As soon as you have the cash, get it. Delete all the access logs you can. I think it may be best to leave the "access" log sometimes, since the "disconnected" log is always there when you leave and you can't do anything with it, but I'm not sure.

Head straight for bypassers if you can (you will need a proxy disabler early on so you can get the money for the bypassers). Bypasser priority should be Proxy, Monitor, then Firewall.

And when you have a spare 4000, get the IRC upgrade, just because :grin:


Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 9:20 am
by Ace Pace
Keep the acess log. It's apprently bad to have only disconnect logs, as they still have the IP and then clearly show manipulation.


Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 9:26 am
by Hotfoot
that's probably why I'm always getting my accounts revoked, I'm in such a rush to nuke the logs, I just wipe everything I can before the trace gets too far. In retrospect, I'd have more time if I took out the logs normally.


Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 9:31 am
by Ace Pace
Take your time. Unless you are working very badly, you should have enough time to destroy logs properly.

The only logs you need to wipe are InterNic ones.

Also, anyone else having a bug that whenever you have a shit tons of servers on the map the map goes haywire?


Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 9:39 am
by Hotfoot
No, but I ran in to the bug where if you don't have enough memory when you order survelliance gear, the software isn't loaded.