Path of Exile

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The Artist formerly known as Rhoenix
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#1 Path of Exile

Post by rhoenix »

This is a F2P game, with gameplay similar to Diablo 2 & Torchlight, available on Steam. So far, it looks interesting, and the cash shop is pretty much all just cosmetics, which removes the suspicion of "pay to win" in my mind.

Here's a review of the game thus far by a Youtube reviewer who normally reviews Warframe stuff. It goes in-depth of the game itself, giving you a pretty good idea of what you might be getting into.

Personally, I never got Diablo 3, nor do I have plans to. However, I might give this a try. Plus, it has a huge-ass skill tree that all character classes share - basically, each character class starts at a different place on the massive skill tree. If you've played Final Fantasy X, it's similar to the Sphere Grid from that game, only bigger, if you can believe it.

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Josh wrote:What? There's nothing weird about having a pet housefly. He smuggles cigarettes for me.
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