Administrative Action

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Dark Silver
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#1 Administrative Action

Post by Dark Silver »

This thread is a listing of all administrative action taken against a user. Each listing will be made by a Administrator and will follow the format below:

Code: Select all

[b]User Name[/b]:
[b]Rule Violation[/b]:
[b]Date of Entry[/b]:
[b]Location of Infraction (URL)[/b]:

[b]Detailed Explination[/b]:

[b]Length of Sentence[/b]: (Length)  (dates)
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
"Then again, often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
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Dark Silver
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Post by Dark Silver »

User Name: Dakarne
Rule Violation: Commandment Ia
Date of Entry: 9/26/05
Location of Infraction (URL): Morality of neoBSG

Detailed Explination:
User initiated flame against user Stofsk in thread without support of said flames. This was in violation of Commandment Ia, which prohibits personal attacks and/or flames without supporting evidence.

Sentence: User will lose his Sig and Avatar privleges for the length of three (3) months (90 days), and placed on probation for the same length of time. Any violation of board rules during this time will result in further actions against the user, up to and including IP banning.

Length of Sentence: Three(3) Months; Ninety(90) days (9/26/05 - 12-26-05) [/url]
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
"Then again, often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
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Dark Silver
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Post by Dark Silver »

User Name: Ra
Rule Violation: Commandment Ia
Date of Entry: 9/26/05
Location of Infraction (URL): Morality of neoBSG

Detailed Explination:
User initiated flame against user Stofsk in thread without support of said flames. This was in violation of Commandment Ia, which prohibits personal attacks and/or flames without supporting evidence.

Sentence: User will lose his Sig and Avatar privleges for the length of one(1) week (7 days), and placed on probation for the length of 1 month (30 days). Any violation of board rules during this time will result in further actions against the user, up to and including IP banning.

Length of Sentence:
Avatar/Sig priveleges: one week (7 days) - (9/26/05 - 10/03/05)
Probation: one month (30 days) (9/26/05 - 10/26/05)
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
"Then again, often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
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Dark Silver
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Post by Dark Silver »

User Name: Kadeaux
Rule Violation:
LibArc Commandment II. Thou shalt Not Advertise
Prepetration of lies/bragging of criminal activities.

Date of Entry: 4/9/2006
Location of Infraction (URL): The Nightmare Trilogy RPG

Detailed Explination:
User posted a thread advertising his own forum, in direct violation of Commandment II. User also perpitrated a continuance of a lie, or possibly even continued bragging of illegal activites which resulted in a ban at another board.

Sentence: User name has been banned.
Length of Sentence: Permanantly
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
"Then again, often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
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Dark Silver
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#5 Re: Administrative Action

Post by Dark Silver »

User Name: Destructionator XV
Rule Violation: General Commandment #7
Date of Entry: January 8, 2012
Location of Infraction (URL): US Navy Rescues Iranian Soldiers, split to Blatant Trolling from N&P

Detailed Explination: User was ordered by moderator to cease behavior, then warned by Administrator. User continued actions, topic split, Administrative Action declared.

Sentence: Demotion to Moderator, Temporary Ban of Five (5) Days
Length of Sentence:
Demotion to Moderator - Permanently
Temporary Ban - Five (5) Days - 1/8/2012 - 1-12/2012
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
"Then again, often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
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Dark Silver
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Posts: 5477
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#6 Re: Administrative Action

Post by Dark Silver »

User Name: Destructionator XV
Rule Violation: News and Politics Protocol #4
Date of Entry: May 29, 2012
Location of Infraction (URL): Iran fails at photoshop, split to Destructionator's Gone Stupid

Detailed Explination: User initiated troll attacks on thread, performed actions unbecoming of a Moderator.

Sentence: Demoted from Moderator to User, Banned from N&P posting permanantly, Banned from Board for 72 Hours. 72hr Ban suspended - increased to Permanant Ban from board post Administrative Tribunal.

Length of Sentence:
Demotion to User - Permanently
Temporary Ban - Three (3) Days - 5/30/2012 - 6/3/2012 (suspended)
Permanant Ban - 5/31/2012
Allen Thibodaux | Archmagus | Supervillain | Transfan | Trekker | Warsie |
"Then again, often have you dreamed of hearing your father's voice once more? Of feeling your mother's touch?" - Ra's Al Ghul
"According to the Bible, IHVH created the Universe in six days....he obviously didn't know what he was doing." - Darek Steele bani Order of Hermes.
DS's Golden Rule: I am not a bigot, I hate everyone equally. | corollary: Some are more equal than others.
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