What happened...

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#1 What happened...

Post by B4UTRUST »

This is an announcement to fill in everyone who hasn't been brought up to speed as to the events of yesterday and the site suspension.

On March 19th, we all remember the multi-day outage that left us missing half of our tables in our database and losing a lot of data due to insufficent backups on the part of our former host, Axishost. A few days afterwards, one of the admins, DS, posted a negative review at a webhosting review site towards Axishost and their handling of the situation.

Yesterday they apparently found the review and instead of taking the criticism they chose to cancel our account completely and more or less take a hike.

After that incident and several messages back and forth to them I have issued a complaint with the BBB concerning the situation and we have, obviously, moved on to a new host and the site has been restored to usability.

I later posted a review of Axishost at the same site as DS has posted at previously with a negative remark towards the situation, at which point I was told that this was nothing more then the final straw after a series of events.

So for evidence and to shed public light on this, I am now going to provide, in full, the entirety of our LibriumArcana support tickets so that someone can explain to me possibly where these other straws were.

Let us begin.

Scottie Taylor

Posted On: 22 Jul 2007 05:17 PM

Hi, my site has just recieved a site suspended notification across all pages and I can\\\'t access my site through FTP, admin panel or http at all. It says to contact ADM hosting but ADM hosting says it\\\'s been bought out by you all.

Seeing as how I recieved no notification of this I\\\'d REALLY like to know what exactly is going on here. Any information would be much appreciated, especially concerning exactly what needs to be done to restore the site and transfer everything that needs to be transfered if you all indeed are now the owners of all of ADM\\\'s customers.

So please get back with me and let me know what\\\'s going on.

-Scottie Taylor
I got no response from this, though a few hours later the site was restored as they completed the move and we eventually found out WTF happened.
Scottie Taylor

Posted On: 04 Oct 2007 09:10 PM

My site has been up and down all day. When it is up it's slow to respond. Are there server outages or something going on that we're not aware of?

Support Department

Posted On: 04 Oct 2007 09:12 PM


Your domain name is not pointing to our servers. You need to change your nameservers, at the place you registered your domain name, to:

ns1.genwebserver.com and ns2.genwebserver.com


Scottie Taylor

Posted On: 04 Oct 2007 10:56 PM

Alright, the domain name was changed to the news ones, but the site is still unaccessable to everyone.

Support Department

Posted On: 04 Oct 2007 11:37 PM


A dig shows everything is correct now, it may just take some time for your registrar to fully update :

[root@caesar ~]# dig libriumarcana.com

; <<>> DiG 9.2.4 <<>> libriumarcana.com
;; global options: printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 10821
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 4, ADDITIONAL: 1

;libriumarcana.com. IN A

libriumarcana.com. 3600 IN A

libriumarcana.com. 3600 IN NS ns2.genwebserver.com.
libriumarcana.com. 3600 IN NS ns4.genwebserver.com.
libriumarcana.com. 3600 IN NS ns1.genwebserver.com.
libriumarcana.com. 3600 IN NS ns3.genwebserver.com.

Chris C
AxisHOST Support
Pretty straight forward, no explaination needed.
Scottie Taylor

Posted On: 16 Feb 2008 12:46 AM

Earlier today(last confirmed site working around 9am EST) the site was fully fucntional, all my data was there and everything was working right. Then somewhere between then and 11am it shut down and hasn't been back since. You can still see the site, but it says all the pages are missing, all the information is gone, none of our data is there, nor can we log in on cpanel or ftp. We're, at this point, completely locked out of our site and all of our data is missing.

Are you guys moving our server or changing us over somewhere? None of us can figure it out. Any help would be appreciated.

Joshua B

Posted On: 16 Feb 2008 12:47 AM


This was due to a DNS glitch and has been corrected - you will see the results in an hour or so.

We do apologize for inconvenience this may have caused.

Best regards
AxisHOST Technical Support
Again, pretty straight forward. That was in Feb of this year.
Scottie Taylor

Posted On: 21 Mar 2008 05:25 AM

Is this another DNS issue? This happened about a month ago where our site went totally away and now it's happened again. Why does this keep happening? One minute the site was up and acting normally the next every page gives a 404 including the main page.

Some help would be greatly appreciated.

Chris C

Posted On: 21 Mar 2008 02:01 PM

Hi Scottie,

This has been repaired, if you need anything else, please let us know


Chris C.
AxisHOST Support

Scottie Taylor

Posted On: 21 Mar 2008 03:05 PM

Well, yes sir, there is still something else. The site is no longer 404 but
every php based app is giving me errors now when trying to access them, like

phpBB : Critical Error

Error doing DB query userdata row fetch


SQL Error : 1146 Table 'libriuma_forums.libriumarcana_users' doesn't exist

SELECT u.* FROM libriumarcana_users u, libriumarcana_sessions_keys k WHERE
u.user_id = 14 AND u.user_active = 1 AND k.user_id = u.user_id AND
k.key_id= 'e072c914da2fb43e48610567ab2325c6'

Line : 96
File : sessions.php

These were all fine yesterday and everything worked and now nothing seems
to. Any thoughts? Thanks


On 3/21/08, Chris C wrote:
> Hi Scottie,
> This has been repaired, if you need anything else, please let us know
> Regards,
> Chris C.
> AxisHOST Support
> Ticket Details
> ===================
> Ticket ID: UCP-458381
> Department: Technical Support
> Priority: High
> Status: Closed

Chris C

Posted On: 21 Mar 2008 04:15 PM


We do apologise for the inconvenience, but a daily backup was unavailable, so we had to restore from the weekly backups. Unfortunately, this means some data was lost. We do apologise for this


Chris C.
AxisHOST Support

Scottie Taylor

Posted On: 21 Mar 2008 05:11 PM

Which doesn't explain why the databases are all suddenly completely failing,
as far as I can tell. If restored from a weekly backup the weekly backup
should have the data that was there a week or so ago when it was still
working. Yes, we'd be minus some posts and such on the bulletin board and
some blog files would be missing but it would still be functional. This is
not functional. The DBs are there, yet they're missing bits and pieces of
tables and such. Like my entire user list inside my bulletin board DB.

On 3/21/08, Chris C wrote:
> Hello,
> We do apologise for the inconvenience, but a daily backup was unavailable,
> so we had to restore from the weekly backups. Unfortunately, this means some
> data was lost. We do apologise for this
> Regards,
> Chris C.
> AxisHOST Support
> Ticket Details
> ===================
> Ticket ID: UCP-458381
> Department: Technical Support
> Priority: High
> Status: Closed

Scottie Taylor

Posted On: 21 Mar 2008 06:24 PM

How about this: Would it be possible for you guys to try to re-restore the
backup for libriumarcana.com and see if it works? We're missing probably
half our files here which indicates either the backup was failed or the
restore failed. If it's the later another restore might work. If it's the
former is there a slightly older backup(say...2 weeks? 3?) that may be used

And, if you don't mind me asking, what exactly happened to cause this in the
first place?

On 3/21/08, Scottie Taylor wrote:
> Which doesn't explain why the databases are all suddenly completely
> failing, as far as I can tell. If restored from a weekly backup the weekly
> backup should have the data that was there a week or so ago when it was
> still working. Yes, we'd be minus some posts and such on the bulletin board
> and some blog files would be missing but it would still be functional. This
> is not functional. The DBs are there, yet they're missing bits and pieces of
> tables and such. Like my entire user list inside my bulletin board DB.
> On 3/21/08, Chris C wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > We do apologise for the inconvenience, but a daily backup was
> > unavailable, so we had to restore from the weekly backups. Unfortunately,
> > this means some data was lost. We do apologise for this
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Chris C.
> > AxisHOST Support
> >
> > Ticket Details
> > ===================
> > Ticket ID: UCP-458381
> > Department: Technical Support
> > Priority: High
> > Status: Closed
> >
> >

Chris C

Posted On: 21 Mar 2008 06:59 PM


Ive run the restore again, the backup used is the only backup we have that wasnt corrupt


Chris C.
AxisHOST Support

Scottie Taylor

Posted On: 21 Mar 2008 07:09 PM

Well fortunately we had our own backup to restore some of the mess from so
that helped too. Having to soft-code hacks into your own site to restore
access is no fun in the slightest.

Now, after this incident is there any way we can get some form of SSH access
to our site so we can write a nice clean little script to automate our own

On 3/21/08, Chris C wrote:
> Hello,
> Ive run the restore again, the backup used is the only backup we have that
> wasnt corrupt
> Regards,
> Chris C.
> AxisHOST Support
> Ticket Details
> ===================
> Ticket ID: UCP-458381
> Department: Technical Support
> Priority: High
> Status: Closed

Chris C

Posted On: 21 Mar 2008 07:29 PM

SSH has been enabled on your account


Chris C.
AxisHOST Support
And thus we come to the situation that started it all. We all remember back in March when we lost about a week or so of data(or more in some cases) due to their faulty backups. This resulted in at least 3 members of the board running tri- - quad-weekly backups of our site databases to ensure it didn't happen again. On average I myself was running the backups twice a week to see to this. It was at this point that DS wrote the negative review.

Yesterday they apparently found it and chose to cancel our service over it. This was the conversation with them concerning this.
Scottie Taylor

Posted On: 14 Apr 2008 08:55 PM

Out of curiosity, what is the site suspended for now? It was working earlier today, and is not suddenly not working. What has changed in the last 12 hours to cause this? I'd just like to know because this will be the third instance of my site being put offline in as many months due to some technical problem or other and it's getting a bit tiresome.

Tina Peters

Posted On: 14 Apr 2008 08:57 PM

Due to your scathing review at webhostingstuff.com, it would appear that our
services are no longer suited to your needs. We're going to give you a
download link so that you can grab your files and move to a new host.


Tina Peters
Serving the web since 1997

Joshua B

Posted On: 14 Apr 2008 10:16 PM


Your full cPanel backup is located at (website removed) please let us know when you've downloaded as it will be removed if we do not hear from you.

AxisHOST Technical Support
And thus we have it. This is where we ended up yesterday. We got our backup, Destructinator uploaded it to the new site as soon as DS had purchased us a new host and I updated all our DNS information as soon as I got it.

So, let this stand as record to the situation and as a warning to all. Never use Axishost.

Saint Annihilus - Patron Saint of Dealing with Stupid Customers