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by Jason_Firewalker
Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:53 pm
Forum: Great Hall
Topic: Just popping by to say hi and....
Replies: 5
Views: 3016

Re: Just popping by to say hi and....

That's very true Batman
by Jason_Firewalker
Wed Nov 19, 2014 1:43 pm
Forum: Great Hall
Topic: Just popping by to say hi and....
Replies: 5
Views: 3016

Re: Just popping by to say hi and....

My deepest condolences. Nitram was a good man. I really am none too good with knowing what to say in these types of circumstances but know that you are all in my thoughts as is Nitram and I will drink a snifter of brandy tonight in his memory
by Jason_Firewalker
Sun Nov 16, 2014 4:10 am
Forum: Great Hall
Topic: Just popping by to say hi and....
Replies: 5
Views: 3016

Just popping by to say hi and....

See how y'all are doing. I will probably be poking my head through occasionally now that my schedule is not ABSOLUTELY INSANE anymore. So to cover the last few years of my life since I probably have spoken to any of you except for maybe Havoc I will leave a general outline. I have been in intensive ...
by Jason_Firewalker
Wed Jun 20, 2012 7:01 pm
Forum: Gaming & Technology
Topic: Star Trek Online!
Replies: 86
Views: 30875

Re: Star Trek Online!

Does anyone still need help?
by Jason_Firewalker
Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:38 pm
Forum: Gaming & Technology
Topic: Star Trek Online for newbies
Replies: 54
Views: 10258

Re: Star Trek Online for newbies

Bats if you need any help I can also help, you can pop me an add on your ingame friends list, my handle is @TheFirewalker
by Jason_Firewalker
Sun Apr 15, 2012 4:47 pm
Forum: Gaming & Technology
Topic: Star Trek Online!
Replies: 86
Views: 30875

Re: Star Trek Online!

When I get back in the game please add me stfosk, I am @TheFirewalker, I can help you with gear and stuff. I think I have a ton of captain and low admiral gear
by Jason_Firewalker
Thu Mar 08, 2012 7:24 pm
Forum: Great Hall
Topic: Return (on and off)
Replies: 5
Views: 1930

Re: Return (on and off)

DS: Thank you... Wasn't sure.. debated both...

LadyTevar: Done and done

Frigid and Havoc: Thank you guys....

Havoc, please buzz me soon... wanna chat with you IRL about some stuff
by Jason_Firewalker
Thu Mar 08, 2012 7:18 pm
Forum: Gaming & Technology
Topic: Star Trek Online!
Replies: 86
Views: 30875

Re: Star Trek Online!

its nearly impossible to get Aux to SIF III anymore because its a player trained only skill that no player because of the new skill system can train anymore... Luckily I have a VR BOFF I can let you use to train up I think... I will check when STO is back up after this solar flare crash
by Jason_Firewalker
Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:18 am
Forum: Gaming & Technology
Topic: Star Trek Online!
Replies: 86
Views: 30875

Re: Star Trek Online!

Alright, here's my current lineup Lt Tac: High Yield Torp 1, Beam Fire At Will 1 Ensign Tac: Tac Team 1 Commander Engineer: Eng Team 1, RSP 1, Eng Team 3, Aceton Beam 3 (Plan to drop ET1 once I get a better idea what to put there and may or may not switch RSP 1 out for RSP 3 instead of AB3. Suggest...
by Jason_Firewalker
Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:02 pm
Forum: Gaming & Technology
Topic: Star Trek Online!
Replies: 86
Views: 30875

Re: Star Trek Online!

White Haven, I debate the point of Polarize. Its cooldown is too long. PLUS right now its not working right. All its doing is letting you move, its not removing the defense rating debuff right now. Next off Polarize's damage resist isnt worth it either and you get more milage out of a Subspace modul...
by Jason_Firewalker
Mon Mar 05, 2012 12:06 am
Forum: Gaming & Technology
Topic: Star Trek Online!
Replies: 86
Views: 30875

Re: Star Trek Online!

Also Polarize Hull blows... not actually worth using outside Polarize 3, which only sci ships can use and even then its kinda shit... Transfer Shield Strength 2 is a throwable shield heal that also increases damage resists
by Jason_Firewalker
Mon Mar 05, 2012 12:03 am
Forum: Gaming & Technology
Topic: Star Trek Online!
Replies: 86
Views: 30875

Re: Star Trek Online!

RSP isnt worth doubling..... the effect isnt great enough and with a blue and a green Maintenance Engineer DOFF equipped you can loose the Eng Team 1 because the cooldown for Eng Team 3 will be at 15 seconds, which is the communal cooldown for the Eng 1 after you use Eng 3..... You NEED a tactical t...
by Jason_Firewalker
Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:08 pm
Forum: Gaming & Technology
Topic: Star Trek Online!
Replies: 86
Views: 30875

Re: Star Trek Online!

Also if anyone here plays feel free to add me in-game as a friend. My at handle is @TheFirewalker

Also apologies for the double post
by Jason_Firewalker
Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:49 pm
Forum: Gaming & Technology
Topic: Star Trek Online!
Replies: 86
Views: 30875

Re: Star Trek Online!

Your current build wants to be DPS but truth be told the only way to do DPS in a cruiser is to do a dragon flagship. I would look at the build I posted and try to get that done because that right there will boost your tankability 3 fold and your healing ability 5 fold while only SLIGHTLY reducing yo...
by Jason_Firewalker
Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:14 pm
Forum: Gaming & Technology
Topic: Star Trek Online!
Replies: 86
Views: 30875

Re: Star Trek Online! ... cookenew_0

B4 this is for you... remember to look in the section marked "My Notes"
by Jason_Firewalker
Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:58 pm
Forum: Gaming & Technology
Topic: Star Trek Online!
Replies: 86
Views: 30875

Re: Star Trek Online!

Alright the firewalker returns... to offer build assistance, crafting needs and anything else you may be interested in having to do with this fine game.... Time for feel my PLUR
by Jason_Firewalker
Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:57 pm
Forum: Great Hall
Topic: Return (on and off)
Replies: 5
Views: 1930

Return (on and off)

I return... mostly for the STO thread and to offer build assistance for anyone who would like it... Also may post some of my fiction if you'd be interested
by Jason_Firewalker
Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:04 am
Forum: Out of Character
Topic: Star Trek: Death of the Federation
Replies: 604
Views: 103514

NOTE: Edited the weakness and replaced the stealth system with a cloaking device. Captain's Name: Alpha Jervak Captain's Species: Hirogen Captain's Background: Raised in the Delta Quadrant, Jervak was a talented Hunter, an amazing warrior and son of the greatest Hunt Master his clan had ever known i...
by Jason_Firewalker
Sun Oct 17, 2010 11:36 pm
Forum: Out of Character
Topic: Star Trek: Death of the Federation
Replies: 604
Views: 103514

Captain's Name: Alpha Jervak Captain's Species: Hirogen Captain's Background: Raised in the Delta Quadrant, Jervak was a talented Hunter, an amazing warrior and son of the greatest Hunt Master his clan had ever known in recent history, Lord Grath. He made his first hunt at the tender age of twelve. ...
by Jason_Firewalker
Sun Oct 17, 2010 5:52 pm
Forum: Out of Character
Topic: Star Trek: Death of the Federation
Replies: 604
Views: 103514

Will work up new specials concept and also new weaknesses, probably keep the old ones in addition. Quote: Varying Encounters: The Razor's Edge has become a hunter again, hunting down single or very small groups of Borg vessels. It has a running tally on its side of kills. Red slices indicate Cubes (...
by Jason_Firewalker
Sun Oct 17, 2010 12:59 am
Forum: Out of Character
Topic: Star Trek: Death of the Federation
Replies: 604
Views: 103514

Rheonix, Star Trek First Contact laid out the ability that even a holographic bullet can kill when the saftey protocols are turned off, as show by Capt. Picard in the scene where he and Lily are on the holodeck in a Dixon Hill novel program and he plasters a pair of drones with a holographic Tommy ...
by Jason_Firewalker
Sun Oct 17, 2010 12:39 am
Forum: Out of Character
Topic: Star Trek: Death of the Federation
Replies: 604
Views: 103514

Rheonix, Star Trek First Contact laid out the ability that even a holographic bullet can kill when the saftey protocols are turned off, as show by Capt. Picard in the scene where he and Lily are on the holodeck in a Dixon Hill novel program and he plasters a pair of drones with a holographic Tommy G...
by Jason_Firewalker
Sat Oct 16, 2010 9:55 pm
Forum: Out of Character
Topic: Star Trek: Death of the Federation
Replies: 604
Views: 103514

Firewalker, I would rather you not speak for me like that. I said that some of those special systems were at least theoretically workable, not that you were allowed to have six different special systems, half of whom I've never heard of before. I will go into this in detail later. If you look at my...
by Jason_Firewalker
Sat Oct 16, 2010 8:22 pm
Forum: Out of Character
Topic: Star Trek: Death of the Federation
Replies: 604
Views: 103514

Alright questions!!! Alright, some questions. 1. Your "Holo-Hunt" fixture - what are its limits, apart from only being on for an hour? Its limits are much like those of a standard holodeck on any starfleet vessel. With one exception, the saftey protocol can be turned off with the push of a button an...
by Jason_Firewalker
Sat Oct 16, 2010 6:14 pm
Forum: Out of Character
Topic: Star Trek: Death of the Federation
Replies: 604
Views: 103514

Cyn, you really live up to your name, you are one cynical son of a gun. I actually spoke of this with Havoc over AIM for 3, almost 4 days before submitting this, walked through exactly what armaments he would allow, as for the special powers, I took the idea from the Photonic Fleet from Star Trek On...