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by Typhonis
Thu Dec 29, 2005 5:51 am
Forum: The Kitchen Table
Topic: 41K RPG : Into the Eye
Replies: 640
Views: 124559

Nathan gave hera short bow as her eyes locked with his before moving to the others. He waited to see what she would do next knowing this was a very akward moment for the two of them.
by Typhonis
Tue Dec 27, 2005 7:21 pm
Forum: The Kitchen Table
Topic: 41K RPG : Into the Eye
Replies: 640
Views: 124559

Nathan was quiet as the party made it's way through the ship. He looked around cautiously and nodded. He followed quietly drawing no attention to himself like a proper flunky would . However his appearance was out of the ordinary. A simple uniform sans headgear as compared to what everyone else was ...
by Typhonis
Wed Dec 21, 2005 5:03 am
Forum: The Kitchen Table
Topic: 41K RPG : Into the Eye
Replies: 640
Views: 124559

"Right keep up an neutral appearance but.....have the crew ready to go to battlestations."
by Typhonis
Wed Dec 21, 2005 4:43 am
Forum: The Kitchen Table
Topic: 41K RPG : Into the Eye
Replies: 640
Views: 124559

He started speaking under his breath , she recognised some of what he was saying in High Gothic was swearing??

He frowned. "Have you confirmed the IFF codes or are they on silentrunning?"
by Typhonis
Wed Dec 21, 2005 4:23 am
Forum: The Kitchen Table
Topic: 41K RPG : Into the Eye
Replies: 640
Views: 124559

"Very Well" Nathan said. He clicked the saftey on and set the rifle down. He faced her fully.

"Nathan Talstrem"
by Typhonis
Wed Dec 21, 2005 4:07 am
Forum: The Kitchen Table
Topic: 41K RPG : Into the Eye
Replies: 640
Views: 124559

Nathan looked at the young psyker and nodded to her. Though she was unarmed he could sense her psychic abilities and even though no weapons were visible she could still be considered a threat.

by Typhonis
Wed Dec 21, 2005 3:47 am
Forum: The Kitchen Table
Topic: 41K RPG : Into the Eye
Replies: 640
Views: 124559

Nathan brought the target up ,looked at it, and frowned. So far his markmanship was adaquate but not up to his old levels. He growled and selected a new target and began again. He heard the door open and pretended to ignore whoever it was that was entering the firing range. He carefully upped the po...
by Typhonis
Sun Dec 18, 2005 7:45 am
Forum: The Kitchen Table
Topic: 41K RPG : Into the Eye
Replies: 640
Views: 124559

Nathan knew something was up as he exited his room. The way the crew acted, the general feel of things. He left huis room and headed for where he thought Pater would be. He feltt a drain on his senses and ignored it, a pariah amongst an inquisitors retinue was nothing new. He swore under his breath ...
by Typhonis
Sat Dec 17, 2005 3:28 am
Forum: The Kitchen Table
Topic: 41K RPG : Into the Eye
Replies: 640
Views: 124559

Nathan went over the data reports one more time.His eyes scanning over the text as he acclimated himself to this era , like he had done some 50 years earlier. He was slowly building up his physical reserves and working out the kinks in his body. between exercising, weapons and melee traing, relearni...
by Typhonis
Thu Dec 08, 2005 3:04 pm
Forum: The Kitchen Table
Topic: 41K RPG : Into the Eye
Replies: 640
Views: 124559

Nathan walked up to the mat and set his towel down. He started with a few basic exercises, designed to help endurance and strength. He internally winced at how slow he was moving and noted how far he had yet to go to reach his old level of skill. He hated to think what his melee and gun skills were ...
by Typhonis
Wed Dec 07, 2005 4:58 pm
Forum: The Kitchen Table
Topic: 41K RPG : Into the Eye
Replies: 640
Views: 124559

Hurry up and wait ,hurry up and wait. The more things change the more they stay the same. Nathan sat there, nothing showing his irritation as he waited for Joritu Aeseli to finish her work. He watched as she went over the results again and then came forward to give her report. "You appear to be in g...
by Typhonis
Wed Dec 07, 2005 4:12 am
Forum: The Kitchen Table
Topic: 41K RPG : Into the Eye
Replies: 640
Views: 124559

Nathan's eyes swept over the text ,reading and learning.Inside he was angry with himself, he had panicked in the situastion,not good. He was supposd to be cool ,calm, collected, but he had made a mistake and it had cost the Imperium a warship. He replayed what had happened and saw what he had done w...
by Typhonis
Tue Dec 06, 2005 5:36 pm
Forum: The Kitchen Table
Topic: 41K RPG : Into the Eye
Replies: 640
Views: 124559

"Thanks Pater...will need armor and weapons of course as well as ID. Basically hid in plain sight as a Guard junior officer recovering from injuries......the librarium will be helpful...need to find out WHAT we will be doing." Nathan noted Paters reactions and such.A plan formed in his mind. He stud...
by Typhonis
Tue Dec 06, 2005 5:01 pm
Forum: The Kitchen Table
Topic: 41K RPG : Into the Eye
Replies: 640
Views: 124559

"Let me guess you all went your seperate ways after the incident hmm? Given the nature of an inquisitor......damn......Well how have the others been doing? Was trying to find out about Lena but she seesm to be a topic that people tend to avoid." Nathan looked at the ceiling then at Pater. "Well dama...
by Typhonis
Tue Dec 06, 2005 4:36 pm
Forum: The Kitchen Table
Topic: 41K RPG : Into the Eye
Replies: 640
Views: 124559

"Shows what I know about alarm klaxons."Nathan sighed as hes sat across from Pater." Thought it was the reactor breach one not the radiation alarm one... Shows what I know about starships."

by Typhonis
Tue Dec 06, 2005 4:17 pm
Forum: The Kitchen Table
Topic: 41K RPG : Into the Eye
Replies: 640
Views: 124559

Nathan notted the changes and expected them.He motioned for a set against one wall. "good....don`t feel that well but I need some heavy duty training before I`m that fit again. ...I royally screwed up didn't I?"
by Typhonis
Tue Dec 06, 2005 4:04 pm
Forum: The Kitchen Table
Topic: 41K RPG : Into the Eye
Replies: 640
Views: 124559

Nathan got up from his chair and walked to the door. His plasma pistol was out and in his right hand as he called out. "Who is it?" "Pater Novum , Inquisitor Talstrem I wish to talk." Nathan slid the pistol into the back of his belt as he opened the door. "Hey Pater long time no see. Come on in."
by Typhonis
Mon Dec 05, 2005 5:27 pm
Forum: Out of Character
Topic: The 40K RP Strikes Back. (Continuation of 40KLoD on SDN)
Replies: 555
Views: 120318

I apppologise as well.Heck I thought that was what was going to happen to the ship.
by Typhonis
Mon Dec 05, 2005 3:55 am
Forum: Out of Character
Topic: The 40K RP Strikes Back. (Continuation of 40KLoD on SDN)
Replies: 555
Views: 120318

Sorry about the ship Jolan but. Given the hits we took with our shields down.....
by Typhonis
Mon Dec 05, 2005 3:37 am
Forum: The Kitchen Table
Topic: 41K RPG : Into the Eye
Replies: 640
Views: 124559

Nathan sighed heavily. "So far so good....could be worse. Could have stll been on the ship and it on a collision course for one of the local forts...."
by Typhonis
Sun Dec 04, 2005 7:30 pm
Forum: The Kitchen Table
Topic: 41K RPG : Into the Eye
Replies: 640
Views: 124559

Nathan nodded then spoke. "I am doing welll just a few jolts to the system. Any word what is transpiring where Inquisitor Gix is at?"

He looked at the abhuman with an expressionless face all the while wondering how to best get out of this mess if things went bad.
by Typhonis
Sun Dec 04, 2005 7:13 pm
Forum: The Kitchen Table
Topic: 41K RPG : Into the Eye
Replies: 640
Views: 124559

"Right Inquisitor Novum see youi later then."

Nathan looked at the assembled people. "Prepare for teleportaion ."
by Typhonis
Sun Dec 04, 2005 7:02 pm
Forum: The Kitchen Table
Topic: 41K RPG : Into the Eye
Replies: 640
Views: 124559

"Inquisitor Novum, good to hear your voice again. My location is in the forward landing bay...ehhh Alpha 3 ....yeah Alpha 3. Their are 30 of us ...and some need a good medicae but nothing fatal . But that won`t be worth much if this ships reactor goes boom."
by Typhonis
Sun Dec 04, 2005 6:48 pm
Forum: Out of Character
Topic: The 40K RP Strikes Back. (Continuation of 40KLoD on SDN)
Replies: 555
Views: 120318

Well things are going to get messy real soon.
by Typhonis
Sun Dec 04, 2005 6:41 pm
Forum: The Kitchen Table
Topic: 41K RPG : Into the Eye
Replies: 640
Views: 124559

Nathan swore in high gothic as the ship shuddered yet again.A keening wail began as emergency klaxoons went off and he feared the worse. "Great...just wonderful. " He spoted Malkamar with the last group of survivors and ran over. "Well if that is any indication ....this tub is about to go critical.....